Programa para hallar el area de un Segmento Circular

En un círculo, si se dibuja una cuerda, esa cuerda divide todo el círculo en dos partes. Estas dos partes del círculo se llaman segmentos del círculo. El área más pequeña se conoce como segmento menor y el área más grande se denomina segmento mayor .
En la siguiente figura, la cuerda AB divide el círculo en segmentos menores y mayores. 

Nos dan el radio del círculo y el ángulo que forma el segmento menor. Necesitamos encontrar áreas de dos segmentos.

Input : 
radius = 21.0
angle = 120.0
Output :
Area of minor segment 270.855
Area of major segment 1114.59

Input :
radius = 10.0
angle = 90.0
Output : 
Area of minor segment 28.5397
Area of major segment 285.619

Área del segmento:

Para eso, unimos los puntos extremos de la cuerda con el centro del círculo dando como resultado un sector que subtiende algún ‘ángulo’ en el centro. Y se traza una perpendicular desde el centro de la circunferencia sobre la cuerda AB. Por congruencia de triángulos, obtenemos que el ∠ AOP = ∠ BOP = 1/2(ángulo). 

Fórmula para el área del segmento: 

Area of Segment = Area of sector - Area of Triangle OAB 
                = pi * r2 * (angle/360) -
                  Area of Triangle OAB

Para obtener información detallada sobre la fórmula del área del sector, consulte

In the figure above, assume angle made by sector = X,
so ∠ AOP = ∠ BOP = X/2

Area of Triangle AOB = 1/2 * base * height
                     = 1/2 * AB * OP

Now in Triangle AOP, By trigonometry
Cos(X/2) = OP/AO  i.e. OP = AO * Cos(X/2) 
                       OP = r * Cos(X/2)
Sin(X/2) = AP/AO  i.e. AP = AO * Sin(X/2) 
                       AP = r * Sin(X/2)

Base = AB = AP + PB
          = 2 * AP
          = 2 * r * Sin(X/2)
Height = OP = r * Cos(X/2)

Area of triangle = 1/2 * (2 * r * Sin(X/2)) * (r * Cos(X/2))
                    = 1/2 * r2 * Sin(X) 
                      [Using identity 2 * Sin(A) * Cos(A)]
                    = Sin(2 * A))

Hence Area of Segment =  pi * r2 * (angle/360) - 1/2 * r2 * Sin(angle)


// C++ Program to
// find area of
// segment of a
// circle
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
float pi = 3.14159;
// Function to find
// area of segment
float area_of_segment(float radius,
                      float angle)
    // Calculating area of sector
    float area_of_sector = pi *
                           (radius * radius)
                           *(angle / 360);
    // Calculating area of triangle
    float area_of_triangle = (float)1 / 2 *
                             (radius * radius) *
                             sin((angle * pi) / 180);
    return area_of_sector - area_of_triangle;
// Driver Code
int main()
    float radius = 10.0, angle = 90.0;
    cout << "Area of minor segment = "
        << area_of_segment(radius, angle) << endl;
    cout << "Area of major segment = "
        << area_of_segment(radius, (360 - angle));


// Java Program to find area of
// segment of a circle
class GFG {
static float pi = 3.14159f;
static float area_of_segment(float radius,
                              float angle)
    // Calculating area of sector
    float area_of_sector = pi *
   (radius * radius) * (angle / 360);
    // Calculating area of triangle
    float area_of_triangle =
        (float)1 / 2 * (radius * radius) *
        (float)Math.sin((angle * pi) / 180);
    return area_of_sector - area_of_triangle;
// Driver Function
public static void main(String[] args)
    float radius = 10.0f, angle = 90.0f;
    System.out.println("Area of minor segment = " +
                    area_of_segment(radius, angle));
    System.out.println("Area of major segment = " +
                    area_of_segment(radius, (360 - angle)));
// This code is contributed by Anant Agarwal.


# Python3 Program
# to find area of
# segment of a
# circle
import math
pi = 3.14159
# Function to find
# area of segment
def area_of_segment(radius, angle):
    # Calculating area of sector
    area_of_sector = pi *
                     (radius * radius)
                     * (angle / 360)
    # Calculating area of triangle
    area_of_triangle = 1 / 2 *
                       (radius * radius) *
                       math.sin((angle * pi) / 180)
    return area_of_sector - area_of_triangle;
# Driver Code
radius = 10.0
angle = 90.0
print("Area of minor segment =",
       area_of_segment(radius, angle))
print("Area of major segment =",
      area_of_segment(radius, (360 - angle)))
# This code is contributed by Smitha Dinesh Semwal


// C# Program to find area
// of segment of a circle
using System;
class GFG {
      static float pi = 3.14159f;
      static float area_of_segment(float radius,
                                   float angle)
    // Calculating area of sector
    float area_of_sector = pi * (radius * radius)
                             * (angle / 360);
    // Calculating area of triangle
    float area_of_triangle =(float)1 / 2 * (radius * radius)
                            *(float)Math.Sin((angle * pi) / 180);
    return area_of_sector - area_of_triangle;
    // Driver Function
    public static void Main()
    float radius = 10.0f, angle = 90.0f;
    Console.WriteLine("Area of minor segment = " +
                        area_of_segment(radius, angle));
    Console.WriteLine("Area of major segment = " +
                       area_of_segment(radius, (360 - angle)));
// This code is contributed by vt_m.


// PHP Program to
// find area of
// segment of a
// circle
// Function to find
// area of segment
function area_of_segment($radius,
    $pi = 3.14159;
    // Calculating area of sector
    $area_of_sector = $pi * ($radius * $radius) *
                                   ($angle / 360);
    // Calculating area of triangle
    $area_of_triangle = 1 / 2 *    ($radius * $radius)
                              * sin(($angle * $pi) / 180);
    return $area_of_sector - $area_of_triangle;
    // Driver Code
    $radius = 10.0;
    $angle = 90.0;
    echo ("Area of minor segment = ");
    echo( area_of_segment($radius, $angle));
    echo("Area of major segment = ");
    echo(area_of_segment($radius, (360 - $angle)));
// This code is contributed by vt_m.


// javascript program to find area of
// segment of a circle
let pi = 3.14159;
function area_of_segment(radius,
    // Calculating area of sector
    let area_of_sector = pi *
   (radius * radius) * (angle / 360);
    // Calculating area of triangle
    let area_of_triangle =
        1 / 2 * (radius * radius) *
        Math.sin((angle * pi) / 180);
    return area_of_sector - area_of_triangle;
// Driver Function
         let radius = 10.0, angle = 90.0;
    document.write("Area of minor segment = " +
                    area_of_segment(radius, angle) + "<br/>");
    document.write("Area of major segment = " +
                    area_of_segment(radius, (360 - angle)));
    // This code is contributed by jana_sayantan.

Producción : 

Area of minor segment = 28.5397
Area of major segment = 285.619

Tiempo Complejidad: O(1) 
Espacio Auxiliar: O(1)

Sugiera si alguien tiene una mejor solución que sea más eficiente en términos de espacio y tiempo.
Este artículo es una contribución de Aarti_Rathi . Escriba comentarios si encuentra algo incorrecto o si desea compartir más información sobre el tema tratado anteriormente.

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por Arushi Dhamija y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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