Programa para hallar el Area y Perímetro de un Semicírculo

Dado el radio del semicírculo como r, la tarea es encontrar el Área y el Perímetro de ese semicírculo.

Input: r = 10
Output: Area = 157.00, Perimeter = 31.4

Input: r = 25
Output: Area =981.250000, Perimeter = 78.500000

en matemáticas, un semicírculo es un lugar geométrico unidimensional de puntos que forman la mitad de un círculo. El área de un semicírculo es la mitad del área del círculo del que está hecho. Cualquier diámetro de un círculo lo corta en dos semicírculos iguales.

Área del semicírculo = 12 * π *r 2 
Perímetro del semicírculo = π *r 
donde “r” es el radio del semicírculo. 

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior:


// C++ program to find the
// Area and Perimeter of a Semicircle
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Function for calculating the area
float area(float r)
    // Formula for finding the area
    return (0.5)*(3.14)*(r * r);
// Function for calculating the perimeter
float perimeter(float r)
    // Formula for finding the perimeter
    return (3.14)*(r);
// driver code
int main()
    // Get the radius
    int r = 10;
    // Find the area
    cout << "The Area of Semicircle: "
         << area(r) << endl;
    // Find the perimeter
    cout << "The Perimeter of Semicircle: "
         << perimeter(r) << endl;
    return 0;


// C program to find the
// Area and Perimeter of a Semicircle
#include <stdio.h>
// Function for calculating the area
float area(float r)
    // Formula for finding the area
    return (0.5)*(3.14)*(r * r);
// Function for calculating the perimeter
float perimeter(float r)
    // Formula for finding the perimeter
    return (3.14)*(r);
// driver code
int main()
    // Get the radius
    float r = 10;
    // Find the area
    printf("The Area of Semicircle: %f\n",
    // Find the perimeter
    printf("The Perimeter of Semicircle: %f\n",
    return 0;


// Java program to find the
// Area and Perimeter of a Semicircle
class GFG {
// Function for calculating the area
static float area(float r)
    // Formula for finding the area
    return (float)((0.5)*(3.14)*(r * r));
// Function for calculating the perimeter
static float perimeter(float r)
    // Formula for finding the perimeter
    return (float)((3.14)*(r));
// driver code
    public static void main (String[] args) {
    // Get the radius
    float r = 10;
    // Find the area
    System.out.println("The Area of Semicircle: "+
    // Find the perimeter
    System.out.println("The Perimeter of Semicircle:"+
 // This code is contributed
// by anuj_67..


# Python3 program to find the
# Area and Perimeter of a Semicircle
# Function for calculating the area
def area(r):
    # Formula for finding the area
    return (0.5)*(3.14)*(r * r)
#Function for calculating the perimeter
def perimeter(r):
    #Formula for finding the perimeter
    return (3.14)*(r)
# driver code
if __name__=='__main__':
    # Get the radius
    r = 10
    # Find the area
    print ("The Area of Semicircle: "
    # Find the perimeter
    print ("The Perimeter of Semicircle: "
# This code is contributed by


// C# program to find the
// Area and Perimeter of a Semicircle
using System;
class GFG {
// Function for calculating the area
static float area(float r)
    // Formula for finding the area
    return (float)((0.5)*(3.14)*(r * r));
// Function for calculating the perimeter
static float perimeter(float r)
    // Formula for finding the perimeter
    return (float)((3.14)*(r));
// Driver Code
public static void Main()
    // Get the radius
    float r = 10;
    // Find the area
    Console.WriteLine("The Area of Semicircle: " +
    // Find the perimeter
    Console.WriteLine("The Perimeter of Semicircle:" +
// This code is contributed
// by Akanksha Rai(Abby_akku)


// PHP program to find the
// Area and Perimeter of a Semicircle
// Function for calculating the area
function area($r)
    // Formula for finding the area
    return (0.5) * (3.14) * ($r * $r);
// Function for calculating
// the perimeter
function perimeter($r)
    // Formula for finding
    // the perimeter
    return (3.14) * ($r);
// Driver code
// Get the radius
$r = 10;
// Find the area
echo "The Area of Semicircle: ",
    area($r),"\n" ;
// Find the perimeter
echo "The Perimeter of Semicircle: ",
    perimeter($r),"\n" ;
// This code is contributed


// javascript program to find the
// Area and Perimeter of a Semicircle
// Function for calculating the area
    function area(r) {
        // Formula for finding the area
        return  ((0.5) * (3.14) * (r * r));
    // Function for calculating the perimeter
    function perimeter(r) {
        // Formula for finding the perimeter
        return  ((3.14) * (r));
    // driver code
        // Get the radius
        var r = 10;
        // Find the area
        document.write("The Area of Semicircle: " + area(r).toFixed(6)+"<br/>");
        // Find the perimeter
        document.write("The Perimeter of Semicircle: " +
// This code contributed by gauravrajput1

The Area of Semicircle: 157.000000
The Perimeter of Semicircle: 31.400000


Complejidad de tiempo : O(1)

Espacio Auxiliar: O(1)

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por Kanishk_Verma y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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