Programa Python para imprimir un número de diamantes de cualquier tamaño N en estilo Rangoli

Dado un número entero N, la tarea es imprimir un número de diamante de tamaño N en estilo rangoli, donde N significa hasta el número N desde el número ‘1’.


Input : 
Output :

Input : 
Output :

Input :
Output :

en primer lugar, imprima desde la primera fila hasta la fila intermedia, y luego imprima desde la fila tras la fila intermedia hasta la última fila. El número total de posiciones en cada fila será 4(N-1) + 1. El número de filas será 2(N-1) + 1. La complejidad del tiempo es O(N^2).

A continuación se muestra la implementación.

def print_diamond(size):
    # print the first triangle
    # (the upper half)
    for i in range (size):
        # print from first row till
        # middle row
        rownum = i + 1
        num_alphabet = 2 * rownum - 1
        space_in_between_alphabets = num_alphabet - 1
        total_spots = (2 * size - 1) * 2 - 1
        total_space = total_spots - num_alphabet
        space_leading_trailing = total_space - space_in_between_alphabets
        lead_space = int(space_leading_trailing / 2)
        trail_space = int(space_leading_trailing / 2)
        # print the leading spaces
        for j in range(lead_space):
            print('-', end ='')
        # determine the middle character
        mid_char = (1 + size - 1) - int(num_alphabet / 2)
        # start with the last character 
        k = 1 + size - 1
        is_alphabet_printed = False
        mid_char_reached = False
        # print the numbers alternated by '-'
        for j in range(num_alphabet + space_in_between_alphabets):
            if not is_alphabet_printed:
                print(str(k), end ='')
                is_alphabet_printed = True
                if k == mid_char:
                    mid_char_reached = True
                if mid_char_reached == True:
                    k += 1
                    k -= 1
                print('-', end ='')
                is_alphabet_printed = False
        # print the trailing spaces
        for j in range(trail_space):
            print('-', end ='')
        # go to the next line
    # print the rows after middle row 
    # till last row (the second triangle 
    # which is inverted, i.e., the lower half)
    for i in range(size + 1, 2 * size):
        rownum = i
        num_alphabet = 2 * (2 * size - rownum) - 1
        space_in_between_alphabets = num_alphabet - 1
        total_spots = (2 * size - 1) * 2 - 1
        total_space = total_spots - num_alphabet
        space_leading_trailing = total_space - space_in_between_alphabets
        lead_space = int(space_leading_trailing / 2)
        trail_space = int(space_leading_trailing / 2)
        # print the leading spaces
        for j in range(lead_space):
            print('-', end ='')
        mid_char = (1 + size - 1) - int(num_alphabet / 2)
        # start with the last char
        k = 1 + size - 1
        is_alphabet_printed = False
        mid_char_reached = False
        # print the numbers alternated by '-'
        for j in range(num_alphabet + space_in_between_alphabets):
            if not is_alphabet_printed:
                print(str(k), end ='')
                is_alphabet_printed = True
                if k == mid_char:
                    mid_char_reached = True
                if mid_char_reached == True:
                    k += 1
                    k -= 1
                print('-', end ='')
                is_alphabet_printed = False
        # print the trailing spaces
        for j in range(trail_space):
            print('-', end ='')
        # go to the next line
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    n = 5



Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por ambarray y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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