Python | método time.asctime()

El método de tiempo de Python time.asctime() se usa para convertir una tupla o un objeto time.struct_time que representa un tiempo devuelto por el método time.gmtime() o time.localtime() en una string de la siguiente forma:

Day Mon Date Hour:Min:Sec Year
For example:
Thu 08 22 10:46:56 2019



t (opcional): una tupla u objeto time.struct_time que representa una hora devuelta por el método time.gmtime() o time.localtime() . Si no se proporciona el parámetro ‘t’ o Ninguno, entonces se usa la hora actual devuelta por el método time.localtime().

Tipo de devolución:

Este método devuelve una string con el formato Día Lun Fecha Hora:Min:Seg Año 

Ejemplo de tiempo de Python asctime()

Ejemplo 1: Uso del método time.asctime() 


# Python program to explain time.asctime() method
# importing time module
import time
# Convert the current time
# as returned by time.time() method
# to a time.struct_time object in UTC
# using time.gmtime() method
obj = time.gmtime()
# Print time.struct_time object
print("time.struct_time object as returned by time.gmtime() method:")
# Convert the time.struct_time
# object to a string of the
# form 'Day Mon Date Hour:Min:Sec Year'
# using time.asctime() method
time_str = time.asctime(obj)
# Print the time.struct_time object
# to the string of the
# form 'Day Mon Date Hour:Min:Sec Year'
print("\ntime.struct_time obj in string of the form \
'Day Mon Date Hour:Min:Sec Year':")
# Convert the current time
# as returned by time.time() method
# to a time.struct_time object in local time
# using time.localtime() method
obj = time.localtime()
# Print time.struct_time object
print("\ntime.struct_time object as returned by \
time.localtime() method:")
# Convert the time.struct_time
# object to a string of the
# form 'Day Mon Date Hour:Min:Sec Year'
# using time.asctime() method
time_str = time.asctime(obj)
# Print the time.struct_time object
# to the string of the
# form 'Day Mon Date Hour:Min:Sec Year'
print("\ntime.struct_time obj in string of the form \
'Day Mon Date Hour:Min:Sec Year':")


objeto time.struct_time devuelto por el método time.gmtime():

time.struct_time(tm_year=2021, tm_mon=10, tm_mday=7, tm_hour=15, tm_min=30, tm_sec=51, tm_wday=3, tm_yday=280, tm_isdst=0)

time.struct_time obj en una string de la forma ‘Día Lun Fecha Hora:Min:Seg Año’:

jue oct 7 15:30:51 2021

objeto time.struct_time devuelto por el método time.localtime():

time.struct_time(tm_year=2021, tm_mon=10, tm_mday=7, tm_hour=21, tm_min=0, tm_sec=51, tm_wday=3, tm_yday=280, tm_isdst=0)

time.struct_time obj en una string de la forma ‘Día Lun Fecha Hora:Min:Seg Año’:

jue oct 7 21:00:51 2021

Ejemplo 2: si no se proporciona el parámetro ‘t’ 


# Python program to explain time.asctime() method
# importing time module
import time
# If the parameter 't'
# in time.asctime() method
# is not provided then
# the current time as
# returned by time.localtime()
# method is used
# Convert the current time
# as returned by time.localtime() method
# to a string of the
# form 'Day Mon Date Hour:Min:Sec Year'
# using time.asctime() method
time_str = time.asctime()
# Print the string


Thu Oct  7 21:01:45 2021

Ejemplo 3: Si el parámetro ‘t’ es una tupla 


# Python program to explain time.asctime() method
# importing time module
import time
# A tuple with 9 attributes
# representing a time
t = (2019, 8, 22, 11, 21, 48, 3, 234, 0)
# Convert the tuple
# to a string of the
# form 'Day Mon Date Hour:Min:Sec Year'
# using time.asctime() method
time_str = time.asctime(t)
# Print the string


Thu Aug 22 11:21:48 2019

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por ihritik y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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