Python | método time.mktime()

time.mktime()El método del módulo Time se utiliza para convertir un objeto time.struct_time o una tupla que contiene 9 elementos correspondientes al objeto time.struct_time en tiempo en segundos transcurridos desde la época en la hora local.

Este método es la función inversa del time.localtime()cual convierte el tiempo expresado en segundos desde la época en un objeto time.struct_time en hora local.

Los siguientes son los valores presentes en el objeto time.struct_time:

Índice Atributo Valores
0 tm_año (por ejemplo, 1993)
1 tm_mon rango [1, 12]
2 tm_mday rango [1, 31]
3 tm_hora rango [0, 23]
4 tm_min rango [0, 59]
5 tm_sec rango [0, 61]
6 tm_wday rango [0, 6], el lunes es 0
7 tm_yday rango [1, 366]
8 tm_isdst 0, 1 o -1
N / A tm_zone abreviatura del nombre de la zona horaria
N / A tm_gmtoff desplazamiento al este de UTC en segundos

Nota: La época es el punto donde comienza el tiempo y depende de la plataforma. En Windows y la mayoría de los sistemas Unix, la época es el 1 de enero de 1970 a las 00:00:00 (UTC) y los segundos bisiestos no cuentan para el tiempo en segundos desde la época. Para verificar cuál es la época en una plataforma determinada, podemos usar time.gmtime (0).

Sintaxis: tiempo.mktiempo(t)

t : Un objeto time.struct_time o una tupla que contiene 9 elementos correspondientes al objeto time.struct_time

Tipo de devolución: este método devuelve un valor flotante que representa el tiempo expresado en segundos desde la época.

Código #1: Uso del time.mktime()método

# Python program to explain time.mktime() method 
# importing time module 
import time 
# time.gmtime() method will returns
# a time.struct_time object in UTC
# for the time expressed in seconds
# since the epoch
seconds = 1000000
obj1 = time.gmtime(seconds)
# Print time.struct_time object (in UTC)
# Convert the time.struct_time
# object to local time expressed in
# seconds since the epoch
# using time.mktime() method
time_sec = time.mktime(obj1)
# Print the local time in seconds
print("\nLocal time (in seconds):", time_sec)
# time.strptime() method parse 
# a string representing a time
# according to the given format
# and returns a time.struct_time object
# Time string 
t = "14 Sep 2019 10:50:00"
# Parse the time string using
# time.strptime() method
obj2 = time.strptime(t, "% d % b % Y % H:% M:% S")
# Convert the time.struct_time
# object to local time expressed in
# seconds since the epoch
# using time.mktime() method
time_sec = time.mktime(obj2)
# Print the local time in seconds
print("\nLocal time (in seconds):", time_sec)

time.struct_time(tm_year=1970, tm_mon=1, tm_mday=12, tm_hour=13, tm_min=46,
tm_sec=40, tm_wday=0, tm_yday=12, tm_isdst=0)

Local time (in seconds): 980200.0

Local time (in seconds): 1568438400.0

Código #2: Si el parámetro es una tupla

# Python program to explain time.mktime() method 
# importing time module 
import time 
# A tuple containing 9 elements
# corresponding to time.struct_time object
# for example: consider the below object
# time.struct_time(tm_year = 2019, tm_mon = 9, tm_mday = 13, 
# tm_hour = 1, tm_min = 30, tm_sec = 26, tm_wday = 4,
# tm_yday = 256, tm_isdst = 0)
# Tuple corresponding to above 
# time.struct_time object will be
tup = (2019, 9, 13, 1, 30, 26, 4, 256, 0)
# Convert the above specified tuple
# to local time expressed in seconds
# since the epoch 
# using time.mktime() method
time_sec = time.mktime(tup)
# Print the time
print("Local Time (in seconds since the epoch):", time_sec)

Local Time (in seconds since the epoch): 1568318426.0

Código #3: Para mostrar el time.mktime()método es función inversa del time.localtime()método

# Python program to explain time.mktime() method 
# importing time module 
import time 
# Get the current time
# expressed in seconds 
# since the epoch using
# time.time() method
curr_time = time.time() 
# Print the value
# returned by time.time() method
print("Current time (in seconds since the epoch):", curr_time)
# Convert the time expressed in seconds
# since the epoch to
# a time.struct_time object
# in local time using
# time.localtime() method 
obj = time.localtime(curr_time)
# Print the time.struct_time object
print("\ntime.struct_time object:")
print(obj, "\n")
# Convert the time.struct_time object
# back to the time expressed
# in seconds since the epoch
# in local time using
# time.mktime() method
time_sec = time.mktime(obj)
# Print the time
print("Time (in seconds since the epoch):", time_sec) 

Current time (in seconds since the epoch): 1568318426.2286296

time.struct_time object:
time.struct_time(tm_year=2019, tm_mon=9, tm_mday=13, tm_hour=1, tm_min=30,
tm_sec=26, tm_wday=4, tm_yday=256, tm_isdst=0) 

Time (in seconds since the epoch): 1568318426.0


Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por ihritik y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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