Python | Programa para aceptar las strings que contienen todas las vocales

Dada una string, la tarea es verificar si todas las vocales están presentes o no. Consideramos que una vocal está presente si está en mayúsculas o minúsculas. es decir, ‘a’, ‘e’, ​​’i’, ‘o’, ‘u’ o ‘A’, ‘E’, ‘I’, ‘O’, ‘U’. 

Input : geeksforgeeks
Output : Not Accepted
All vowels except 'a','i','u' are not present

Input : ABeeIghiObhkUul
Output : Accepted
All vowels are present

Enfoque: en primer lugar, cree un conjunto de vocales usando la función set(). Verifique que cada carácter de la string sea vocal o no, si es vocal, agréguelo al conjunto s. Después de salir del ciclo, verifique la longitud del conjunto s, si la longitud del conjunto s es igual a la longitud del conjunto de vocales, entonces se acepta la string; de lo contrario, no. 
A continuación se muestra la implementación: 


# Python program to accept the strings
# which contains all the vowels
# Function for check if string
# is accepted or not
def check(string) :
    string = string.lower()
    # set() function convert "aeiou"
    # string into set of characters
    # i.e.vowels = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'}
    vowels = set("aeiou")
    # set() function convert empty 
    # dictionary into empty set
    s = set({})
    # looping through each
    # character of the string
    for char in string :
        # Check for the character is present inside
        # the vowels set or not. If present, then
        # add into the set s by using add method
        if char in vowels :
    # check the length of set s equal to length 
    # of vowels set or not. If equal, string is  
    # accepted otherwise not
    if len(s) == len(vowels) :
    else :
        print("Not Accepted")
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__" :
    string = "SEEquoiaL"
    # calling function


Implementación alternativa:


def check(string):
    string = string.replace(' ', '')
    string = string.lower()
    vowel = [string.count('a'), string.count('e'), string.count(
        'i'), string.count('o'), string.count('u')]
    # If 0 is present int vowel count array
    if vowel.count(0) > 0:
        return('not accepted')
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    string = "SEEquoiaL"


Implementación alternativa 2.0: 


# Python program for the above approach
def check(string):
    if len(set(string.lower()).intersection("aeiou")) >= 5:
        return ('accepted')
        return ("not accepted")
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    string = "geeksforgeeks"

not accepted

Implementación alternativa 3.0 (usando expresiones regulares):

Compile una expresión regular usando compile() para «el carácter no es a, e, i, o y u».
Use re.findall() para obtener las strings que satisfacen la expresión regular anterior.
Imprimir salida basada en el resultado.


#import library
import re
sampleInput = "aeioAEiuioea"
# regular expression to find the strings
# which have characters other than a,e,i,o and u
c = re.compile('[^aeiouAEIOU]')
# use findall() to get the list of strings
# that have characters other than a,e,i,o and u.
    print("Not Accepted")  # if length of list > 0 then it is not accepted
    print("Accepted")  # if length of list = 0 then it is accepted


Implementación alternativa 4.0 (usando estructuras de datos):


# Python | Program to accept the strings which contains all vowels
def all_vowels(str_value):
    new_list = [char for char in str_value.lower() if char in 'aeiou']
    if new_list:
        dic, lst = {}, []
        for char in new_list:
            dic['a'] = new_list.count('a')
            dic['e'] = new_list.count('e')
            dic['i'] = new_list.count('i')
            dic['o'] = new_list.count('o')
            dic['u'] = new_list.count('u')
        for i, j in dic.items():
            if j == 0:
        if lst:
            return f"All vowels except {','.join(lst)} are not present"
            return 'All vowels are present'
        return "No vowels present"
# function-call
str_value = "geeksforgeeks"
str_value = "ABeeIghiObhkUul"
# contribute by saikot

All vowels except a,i,u are not present
All vowels are present

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por ankthon y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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