Recuento de números de Primonacci distintos en un rango determinado [L, R]

Dados dos enteros [L, R] , la tarea es contar el número de Números de Primonacci en el rango [L, R]

Serie Primonacci: 
F(1) = F(2) = 1 
F(3) = 3 – F(3 – 2) = F(1) = 1 
F(4) = F(4 – 2) + F(4 – 3) = F(2) + F(1) = 1 + 1 = 2 
F(5) = F(5 – 2) + F(5 – 3) = F(3) + F(2) = 1 + 1 = 2 
N -ésimo número de Primonacci, F(N) = F(N – 2) + F(N – 3) + F(N – 5) + …. + F(N – K), donde K denota el número primo más cercano menor que N 


Entrada: L = 1, R = 10 
F(1) = 1 
F(2) = 1 
F(3) = 1 
F(4) = 2 
F(5) = 2 
F(6) = F (6 – 2) + F(6 – 3) + F(6 – 5) = F(4) + F(3) + F(1) = 2 + 1 + 1 = 4 
F(7) = F(7 – 2) + F(7 – 3) + F(7 – 5) = F(5) + F(4) + F(2) = 2 + 2 + 1 = 5 
F(8) = F(8 – 2 ) + F(8 – 3) + F(8 – 5) + F(8 – 7) = F(6) + F(5) + F(3) + F(1) = 4 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 8 
Por lo tanto, los números de primonacci distintos son {1, 2, 4, 5, 8}.

Entrada: L = 6, R = 50 

El problema se puede resolver usando Programación Dinámica y Criba de Eratóstenes . Siga los pasos a continuación para resolver el problema:  

  • Genere todos los números primos utilizando el tamiz de Eratóstenes .
  • Inicialice un HashSet para almacenar los distintos números de Primonacci.
  • Inicialice una array dp[ ] , de modo que dp[i] almacene el i ésimo Número de Primonacci .
  • Establecer dp[1] = dp[2] = 1 .
  • Para cada i , itere sobre todos los primos p , que es menor que i y siga actualizando dp[i] agregando dp[i – p] .
  • Si dp[i] está dentro del rango [L, R] , insértelo en el HashSet .
  • Finalmente, si dp[i] excede a R , imprima el tamaño del HashSet .

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior:


// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
// Stores list of all primes
static vector<int> primes;
int M = 100005;
// Function to find all primes
void sieve()
    // To mark the prime ones
    bool mark[M];
    for(int i = 0; i < M; i++)
       mark[i] = false;
    // Initially all indices as prime
    for(int i = 2; i < M; i++)
        mark[i] = true;
    for(int i = 2; i * i < M; i++)
        // If i is prime
        if (mark[i])
            // Set all multiples
            // of i as non-prime
            for(int j = i * i;
                    j < M; j += i)
                mark[j] = false;
    // Adding all primes to a list
    for(int i = 2; i < M; i++)
        if (mark[i])
// Function to return the count of
// Primonacci Numbers in the range [l, r]
void countPrimonacci(int l, int r)
    // dp[i] contains ith Primonacci Number
    vector<int> dp;
    int i = 2;
    // Stores the Primonacci Numbers
    set<int> s;
    while (true)
        int x = 0;
        // Iterate over all smaller primes
        for(int j = 0; j < primes.size(); j++)
            int p = primes[j];
            if (p >= i)
            x += dp[i - p];
        // If Primonacci number lies
        // within the range [L, R]
        if (x >= l && x <= r)
        if (x > r)
    // Count of Primonacci Numbers
    cout << s.size();
// Driver Code
int main()
    int L = 1, R = 10;
    countPrimonacci(L, R);
// This code is contributed by bgangwar59


// Java Program to implement
// the above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
    // Stores list of all primes
    static ArrayList<Integer> primes;
    static int M = 100005;
    // Function to find all primes
    static void sieve()
        primes = new ArrayList<>();
        // To mark the prime ones
        boolean mark[] = new boolean[M];
        // Initially all indices as prime
        for (int i = 2; i < M; i++)
            mark[i] = true;
        for (int i = 2; i * i < M; i++) {
            // If i is prime
            if (mark[i]) {
                // Set all multiples
                // of i as non-prime
                for (int j = i * i;
                     j < M; j += i)
                    mark[j] = false;
        // Adding all primes to a list
        for (int i = 2; i < M; i++)
            if (mark[i])
    // Function to return the count of
    // Primonacci Numbers in the range [l, r]
    static void countPrimonacci(int l, int r)
        // dp[i] contains ith Primonacci Number
        ArrayList<Integer> dp = new ArrayList<>();
        int i = 2;
        // Stores the Primonacci Numbers
        HashSet<Integer> s = new HashSet<>();
        while (true) {
            int x = 0;
            // Iterate over all smaller primes
            for (int j = 0; j < primes.size();
                 j++) {
                int p = primes.get(j);
                if (p >= i)
                x += dp.get(i - p);
            // If Primonacci number lies
            // within the range [L, R]
            if (x >= l && x <= r)
            if (x > r)
        // Count of Primonacci Numbers
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int L = 1, R = 10;
        countPrimonacci(L, R);


# Python3 implementation of
# the above approach
M = 100005
# Stores list of all primes
primes = []
# Function to find all primes
def sieve():
    # To mark the prime ones
    mark = [False] * M
    # Initially all indices as prime
    for i in range(2, M):
        mark[i] = True
    i = 2
    while i * i < M:
        # If i is prime
            # Set all multiples
            # of i as non-prime
            j = i * i
            while j < M:
                mark[j] = False
                j += i
        i += 1
    # Adding all primes to a list
    for i in range(2, M):
# Function to return the count of
# Primonacci Numbers in the range [l, r]
def countPrimonacci(l, r):
    # dp[i] contains ith Primonacci Number
    dp = []
    i = 2
    # Stores the Primonacci Numbers
    s = set()
        x = 0
        # Iterate over all smaller primes
        for j in range(len(primes)):
            p = primes[j]
            if(p >= i):
            x += dp[i - p]
        # If Primonacci number lies
        # within the range [L, R]
        if(x >= l and x <= r):
        if(x > r):
        i += 1
    # Count of Primonacci Numbers
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    L, R = 1, 10
    countPrimonacci(L, R)
# This code is contributed by Shivam Singh


// C# Program to implement
// the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG{
    // Stores list of all primes
    static List<int> primes;
    static int M = 100005;
    // Function to find all primes
    static void sieve()
        primes = new List<int>();
        // To mark the prime ones
        bool[] mark = new bool[M];
        // Initially all indices as prime
        for (int i = 2; i < M; i++)
            mark[i] = true;
        for (int i = 2; i * i < M; i++)
            // If i is prime
            if (mark[i])
                // Set all multiples
                // of i as non-prime
                for (int j = i * i; j < M; j += i)
                    mark[j] = false;
        // Adding all primes to a list
        for (int i = 2; i < M; i++)
            if (mark[i])
    // Function to return the count of
    // Primonacci Numbers in the range [l, r]
    static void countPrimonacci(int l, int r)
        // dp[i] contains ith Primonacci Number
        List<int> dp = new List<int>();
        int i = 2;
        // Stores the Primonacci Numbers
        HashSet<int> s = new HashSet<int>();
        while (true)
            int x = 0;
            // Iterate over all smaller primes
            for (int j = 0; j < primes.Count; j++)
                int p = primes[j];
                if (p >= i)
                x += dp[i - p];
            // If Primonacci number lies
            // within the range [L, R]
            if (x >= l && x <= r)
            if (x > r)
        // Count of Primonacci Numbers
    // Driver Code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        int L = 1, R = 10;
        countPrimonacci(L, R);
// This code is contributed by shikhasingrajput


// Javascript program to implement
// the above approach
// Stores list of all primes
let primes = new Array();
let M = 100005;
// Function to find all primes
function sieve()
    // To mark the prime ones
    let mark = new Array(M);
    for(let i = 0; i < M; i++)
    mark[i] = false;
    // Initially all indices as prime
    for(let i = 2; i < M; i++)
        mark[i] = true;
    for(let i = 2; i * i < M; i++)
        // If i is prime
        if (mark[i])
            // Set all multiples
            // of i as non-prime
            for(let j = i * i;
                    j < M; j += i)
                mark[j] = false;
    // Adding all primes to a list
    for(let i = 2; i < M; i++)
        if (mark[i])
// Function to return the count of
// Primonacci Numbers in the range [l, r]
function countPrimonacci(l, r)
    // dp[i] contains ith Primonacci Number
    let dp = new Array();
    let i = 2;
    // Stores the Primonacci Numbers
    let s = new Set();
    while (true)
        let x = 0;
        // Iterate over all smaller primes
        for(let j = 0; j < primes.length; j++)
            let p = primes[j];
            if (p >= i)
            x += dp[i - p];
        // If Primonacci number lies
        // within the range [L, R]
        if (x >= l && x <= r)
        if (x > r)
    // Count of Primonacci Numbers
// Driver Code
    let L = 1, R = 10;
    countPrimonacci(L, R);
// This code is contributed by _saurabh_jaiswal


Complejidad temporal: O(N * P), donde P es el número de números primos hasta R 
Espacio auxiliar: O(N)

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por jrishabh99 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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