Resolviendo acertijos criptoritméticos | conjunto 2

Dada una array de strings , arr[] de tamaño N y una string S , la tarea es encontrar si es posible asignar valores enteros en el rango [0, 9] a cada alfabeto que aparece en las strings, de modo que el La suma obtenida después de sumar los números formados al codificar todas las strings en la array es igual al número formado por la string S.


Entrada: arr[][] = {“ENVIAR”, “MÁS”}, S = “DINERO”
Una de las formas posibles es:

  1. Asigne los caracteres de la siguiente manera, S’→ 9, ‘E’→5, ‘N’→6, ‘D’→7, ‘M’→1, ‘O’→0, ‘R’→8, ‘ Y’→2.
  2. Ahora, después de codificar las strings «ENVIAR», «MÁS» y «DINERO», se modifica a 9567, 1085 y 10652 respectivamente.
  3. Así, la suma de los valores de “ENVIAR” y “MÁS” es igual a (9567+1085 = 10652), que es igual al valor de la string “DINERO”.

Por lo tanto, imprima «Sí».

Entrada: arr[][] = {“SEIS”, “SIETE”, “SIETE”}, S = “VEINTE”
Una de las formas posibles es:

  1. Asigne los caracteres de la siguiente manera, ‘S’→ 6, ‘I’→5, ‘X’→0, ‘E’→8, ‘V’→7, ‘N’→2, ‘T’→1, ‘ W’→’3’, ‘Y’→4.
  2. Ahora, después de codificar las strings «SIX», «SEVEN» y «TWENTY», se modifica a 650, 68782 y 138214 respectivamente.
  3. Por lo tanto, la suma de los valores de «SEIS», «SIETE» y «SIETE» es igual a (650+ 68782+ 68782 = 138214), que es igual al valor de la string «VEINTE».

Por lo tanto, imprima «Sí».

El conjunto 1 de este artículo se ha discutido aquí en el que la array de strings es de tamaño 2 .

Enfoque: El problema dado se puede resolver usando Backtracking . Siga los pasos a continuación para resolver el problema:

  • Inicialice tres, las arrays dicen mp[26], Hash[26] y CharAtfront[26] para almacenar el valor asignado del alfabeto, la suma de los valores de posición de un alfabeto en cada string y si un carácter está al principio. índice de cualquier string.
  • Inicialice una array used[10] para almacenar si un número está asignado a cualquier alfabeto o no.
  • Inicialice un StringBuffer digamos único para almacenar la string con cada alfabeto ocurrido una vez.
  • Asigne -1 a cada elemento de array de mp .
  • Itere sobre el arreglo arr[] usando la variable i y realice las siguientes operaciones:
    • Almacene la longitud de la string, arr[i] en una variable M .
    • Itere sobre la string , arr[i] usando la variable j y realice las siguientes operaciones:
      • Si mp[arr[i][j] – ‘A’] es -1 , agregue arr[i][j] en uniq y asigne 0 a mp[arr[i][j]-‘A] .
      • Ahora incremente el valor de Hash[arr[i][j] -‘A’] en 10 (Mj-1) .
      • Si arr[i].length() > 1 y j es 0 , marque verdadero en arr[i][j] – ‘A’ en CharAtfront[] .
  • Iterar sobre la string, S , y realizar las mismas tareas que se realizan con cada array Strings.
  • Rellene -1 a cada elemento de array de mp.
  • Defina una función recursiva, digamos solve(String word, int i, int S, int[] mp, int[] used) para retroceder:
    • Si i es igual a word.length() , devuelve verdadero si S es 0 . De lo contrario, devuelve falso .
    • Si mp[palabra[i]-‘A’] no es igual a -1 , llame recursivamente a la función solve(palabra, i+1, S+mp[palabra[i]-‘A’]*Hash[palabra[i]- ‘A], mp, used) y luego devolver el valor devuelto por él.
    • De lo contrario, inicialice una variable X como falsa e itere sobre el rango [0, 9] usando una variable j y realice las siguientes operaciones:
      • Continúe con la siguiente iteración del bucle si se cumple alguna de las condiciones:
        • Si used[j] es verdadero .
        • Si CharAtfront[palabra[i]-‘A’] es 1 y j es 0 .
      • Ahora marque used[j] como verdadero y asigne j a mp[word[i]-‘A’].
      • Después de los pasos anteriores, llame a la función solve(word, i+1, S + j * Hash[word[i]-‘A’], mp, used) y luego realice OR bit a bit de X con el valor devuelto por ella.
      • Ahora marque used[j] como falso y asigne -1 a mp[word[i] – ‘A’] para retroceder.
    • Devuelve el valor de X.
  • Finalmente, después de completar los pasos anteriores, si el valor devuelto por solve(uniq, 0, 0, mp, used) es verdadero, imprima » «. De lo contrario, escriba “ No ”.

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior:


// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Auxiliary Recursive function
// to perform backtracking
bool solve(string words, int i,
    int S, int mp[], int used[],
    int Hash[],
    int CharAtfront[])
    // If i is word.length
    if (i == words.length())
        // Return true if S is 0
        return (S == 0);
    // Stores the character at
    // index i
    char ch = words[i];
    // Stores the mapped value
    // of ch
    int val = mp[words[i] - 'A'];
    // If val is -1
    if (val != -1) {
        // Recursion
        return solve(words, i + 1,
                     S + val * Hash[ch - 'A'],
                     mp, used,
                     Hash, CharAtfront);
    // Stores if there is any
    // possible solution
    bool x = false;
    // Iterate over the range
    for (int l = 0; l < 10; l++) {
        // If CharAtfront[ch-'A']
        // is true and l is 0
        if (CharAtfront[ch - 'A'] == 1
            && l == 0)
        // If used[l] is true
        if (used[l] == 1)
        // Assign l to ch
        mp[ch - 'A'] = l;
        // Marked l as used
        used[l] = 1;
        // Recursive function call
        x |= solve(words, i + 1,
                   S + l * Hash[ch - 'A'],
                   mp, used, Hash, CharAtfront);
        // Backtrack
        mp[ch - 'A'] = -1;
        // Unset used[l]
        used[l] = 0;
    // Return the value of x;
    return x;
// Function to check if the
// assignment of digits to
// characters is possible
bool isSolvable(string words[], string result, int N)
    // Stores the value
    // assigned to alphabets
    int mp[26];
    // Stores if a number
    // is assigned to any
    // character or not
    int used[10];
    // Stores the sum of position
    // value of a character
    // in every string
    int Hash[26];
    // Stores if a character
    // is at index 0 of any
    // string
    int CharAtfront[26];
    memset(mp, -1, sizeof(mp));
    memset(used, -1, sizeof(used));
    memset(Hash, -1, sizeof(Hash));
    memset(CharAtfront, -1, sizeof(CharAtfront));
    // Stores the string formed
    // by concatenating every
    // occurred character only
    // once
    string uniq = "";
    // Iterator over the array,
    // words
    for(int word = 0; word < N; word++) {
        // Iterate over the string,
        // word
        for (int i = 0; i < words[word].length(); i++) {
            // Stores the character
            // at ith position
            char ch = words[word][i];
            // Update Hash[ch-'A]
            Hash[ch - 'A'] += (int)pow(10, words[word].length() - i - 1);
            // If mp[ch-'A'] is -1
            if (mp[ch - 'A'] == -1) {
                mp[ch - 'A'] = 0;
                uniq += (char)ch;
            // If i is 0 and word
            // length is greater
            // than 1
            if (i == 0 && words[word].length() > 1) {
                CharAtfront[ch - 'A'] = 1;
    // Iterate over the string result
    for (int i = 0; i < result.length(); i++) {
        char ch = result[i];
        Hash[ch - 'A'] -= (int)pow(10, result.length() - i - 1);
        // If mp[ch-'A] is -1
        if (mp[ch - 'A'] == -1) {
            mp[ch - 'A'] = 0;
            uniq += (char)ch;
        // If i is 0 and length of
        // result is greater than 1
        if (i == 0 && result.length() > 1) {
            CharAtfront[ch - 'A'] = 1;
    memset(mp, -1, sizeof(mp));
    // Recursive call of the function
    return solve(uniq, 0, 0, mp, used, Hash, CharAtfront);
int main()
    // Input
    string arr[] = { "SIX", "SEVEN", "SEVEN" };
    string S = "TWENTY";
    int N = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
    // Function Call
    if (isSolvable(arr, S, N))
        cout << "Yes";
        cout << "No";
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by suresh07.


// Java program for the above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
    // Function to check if the
    // assignment of digits to
    // characters is possible
    public static boolean isSolvable(String[] words,
                                     String result)
        // Stores the value
        // assigned to alphabets
        int mp[] = new int[26];
        // Stores if a number
        // is assigned to any
        // character or not
        int used[] = new int[10];
        // Stores the sum of position
        // value of a character
        // in every string
        int Hash[] = new int[26];
        // Stores if a character
        // is at index 0 of any
        // string
        int CharAtfront[] = new int[26];
        Arrays.fill(mp, -1);
        Arrays.fill(used, 0);
        Arrays.fill(Hash, 0);
        Arrays.fill(CharAtfront, 0);
        // Stores the string formed
        // by concatenating every
        // occurred character only
        // once
        StringBuilder uniq = new StringBuilder();
        // Iterator over the array,
        // words
        for (String word : words) {
            // Iterate over the string,
            // word
            for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) {
                // Stores the character
                // at ith position
                char ch = word.charAt(i);
                // Update Hash[ch-'A]
                Hash[ch - 'A'] += (int)Math.pow(
                    10, word.length() - i - 1);
                // If mp[ch-'A'] is -1
                if (mp[ch - 'A'] == -1) {
                    mp[ch - 'A'] = 0;
                // If i is 0 and word
                // length is greater
                // than 1
                if (i == 0 && word.length() > 1) {
                    CharAtfront[ch - 'A'] = 1;
        // Iterate over the string result
        for (int i = 0; i < result.length(); i++) {
            char ch = result.charAt(i);
            Hash[ch - 'A'] -= (int)Math.pow(
                10, result.length() - i - 1);
            // If mp[ch-'A] is -1
            if (mp[ch - 'A'] == -1) {
                mp[ch - 'A'] = 0;
            // If i is 0 and length of
            // result is greater than 1
            if (i == 0 && result.length() > 1) {
                CharAtfront[ch - 'A'] = 1;
        Arrays.fill(mp, -1);
        // Recursive call of the function
        return solve(uniq, 0, 0, mp, used, Hash,
    // Auxiliary Recursive function
    // to perform backtracking
    public static boolean solve(
        StringBuilder words, int i,
        int S, int[] mp, int[] used,
        int[] Hash,
        int[] CharAtfront)
        // If i is word.length
        if (i == words.length())
            // Return true if S is 0
            return (S == 0);
        // Stores the character at
        // index i
        char ch = words.charAt(i);
        // Stores the mapped value
        // of ch
        int val = mp[words.charAt(i) - 'A'];
        // If val is -1
        if (val != -1) {
            // Recursion
            return solve(words, i + 1,
                         S + val * Hash[ch - 'A'],
                         mp, used,
                         Hash, CharAtfront);
        // Stores if there is any
        // possible solution
        boolean x = false;
        // Iterate over the range
        for (int l = 0; l < 10; l++) {
            // If CharAtfront[ch-'A']
            // is true and l is 0
            if (CharAtfront[ch - 'A'] == 1
                && l == 0)
            // If used[l] is true
            if (used[l] == 1)
            // Assign l to ch
            mp[ch - 'A'] = l;
            // Marked l as used
            used[l] = 1;
            // Recursive function call
            x |= solve(words, i + 1,
                       S + l * Hash[ch - 'A'],
                       mp, used, Hash, CharAtfront);
            // Backtrack
            mp[ch - 'A'] = -1;
            // Unset used[l]
            used[l] = 0;
        // Return the value of x;
        return x;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Input
        String[] arr
            = { "SIX", "SEVEN", "SEVEN" };
        String S = "TWENTY";
        // Function Call
        if (isSolvable(arr, S))


# Python3 program for the above approach
# Function to check if the
# assignment of digits to
# characters is possible
def isSolvable(words, result):
    # Stores the value
    # assigned to alphabets
    mp = [-1]*(26)
    # Stores if a number
    # is assigned to any
    # character or not
    used = [0]*(10)
    # Stores the sum of position
    # value of a character
    # in every string
    Hash = [0]*(26)
    # Stores if a character
    # is at index 0 of any
    # string
    CharAtfront = [0]*(26)
    # Stores the string formed
    # by concatenating every
    # occurred character only
    # once
    uniq = ""
    # Iterator over the array,
    # words
    for word in range(len(words)):
        # Iterate over the string,
        # word
        for i in range(len(words[word])):
            # Stores the character
            # at ith position
            ch = words[word][i]
            # Update Hash[ch-'A]
            Hash[ord(ch) - ord('A')] += pow(10, len(words[word]) - i - 1)
            # If mp[ch-'A'] is -1
            if mp[ord(ch) - ord('A')] == -1:
                mp[ord(ch) - ord('A')] = 0
                uniq += str(ch)
            # If i is 0 and word
            # length is greater
            # than 1
            if i == 0 and len(words[word]) > 1:
                CharAtfront[ord(ch) - ord('A')] = 1
    # Iterate over the string result
    for i in range(len(result)):
        ch = result[i]
        Hash[ord(ch) - ord('A')] -= pow(10, len(result) - i - 1)
        # If mp[ch-'A] is -1
        if mp[ord(ch) - ord('A')] == -1:
            mp[ord(ch) - ord('A')] = 0
            uniq += str(ch)
        # If i is 0 and length of
        # result is greater than 1
        if i == 0 and len(result) > 1:
            CharAtfront[ord(ch) - ord('A')] = 1
    mp = [-1]*(26)
    # Recursive call of the function
    return True
# Auxiliary Recursive function
# to perform backtracking
def solve(words, i, S, mp, used, Hash, CharAtfront):
    # If i is word.length
    if i == len(words):
        # Return true if S is 0
        return S == 0
    # Stores the character at
    # index i
    ch = words[i]
    # Stores the mapped value
    # of ch
    val = mp[ord(words[i]) - ord('A')]
    # If val is -1
    if val != -1:
        # Recursion
        return solve(words, i + 1, S + val * Hash[ord(ch) - ord('A')], mp, used, Hash, CharAtfront)
    # Stores if there is any
    # possible solution
    x = False
    # Iterate over the range
    for l in range(10):
        # If CharAtfront[ch-'A']
        # is true and l is 0
        if CharAtfront[ord(ch) - ord('A')] == 1 and l == 0:
        # If used[l] is true
        if used[l] == 1:
        # Assign l to ch
        mp[ord(ch) - ord('A')] = l
        # Marked l as used
        used[l] = 1
        # Recursive function call
        x |= solve(words, i + 1, S + l * Hash[ord(ch) - ord('A')], mp, used, Hash, CharAtfront)
        # Backtrack
        mp[ord(ch) - ord('A')] = -1
        # Unset used[l]
        used[l] = 0
    # Return the value of x;
    return x
arr = [ "SIX", "SEVEN", "SEVEN" ]
# Function Call
if isSolvable(arr, S):
    # This code is contributed by mukesh07.


// C# program for the above approach
using System;
class GFG {
    // Function to check if the
    // assignment of digits to
    // characters is possible
    static bool isSolvable(string[] words, string result)
        // Stores the value
        // assigned to alphabets
        int[] mp = new int[26];
        // Stores if a number
        // is assigned to any
        // character or not
        int[] used = new int[10];
        // Stores the sum of position
        // value of a character
        // in every string
        int[] Hash = new int[26];
        // Stores if a character
        // is at index 0 of any
        // string
        int[] CharAtfront = new int[26];
        Array.Fill(mp, -1);
        Array.Fill(used, 0);
        Array.Fill(Hash, 0);
        Array.Fill(CharAtfront, 0);
        // Stores the string formed
        // by concatenating every
        // occurred character only
        // once
        string uniq = "";
        // Iterator over the array,
        // words
        foreach(string word in words) {
            // Iterate over the string,
            // word
            for (int i = 0; i < word.Length; i++) {
                // Stores the character
                // at ith position
                char ch = word[i];
                // Update Hash[ch-'A]
                Hash[ch - 'A'] += (int)Math.Pow(10, word.Length - i - 1);
                // If mp[ch-'A'] is -1
                if (mp[ch - 'A'] == -1) {
                    mp[ch - 'A'] = 0;
                    uniq += (char)ch;
                // If i is 0 and word
                // length is greater
                // than 1
                if (i == 0 && word.Length > 1) {
                    CharAtfront[ch - 'A'] = 1;
        // Iterate over the string result
        for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++) {
            char ch = result[i];
            Hash[ch - 'A'] -= (int)Math.Pow(10, result.Length - i - 1);
            // If mp[ch-'A] is -1
            if (mp[ch - 'A'] == -1) {
                mp[ch - 'A'] = 0;
                uniq += (char)ch;
            // If i is 0 and length of
            // result is greater than 1
            if (i == 0 && result.Length > 1) {
                CharAtfront[ch - 'A'] = 1;
        Array.Fill(mp, -1);
        // Recursive call of the function
        return solve(uniq, 0, 0, mp, used, Hash, CharAtfront);
    // Auxiliary Recursive function
    // to perform backtracking
    public static bool solve(string words, int i,
        int S, int[] mp, int[] used,
        int[] Hash,
        int[] CharAtfront)
        // If i is word.length
        if (i == words.Length)
            // Return true if S is 0
            return (S == 0);
        // Stores the character at
        // index i
        char ch = words[i];
        // Stores the mapped value
        // of ch
        int val = mp[words[i] - 'A'];
        // If val is -1
        if (val != -1) {
            // Recursion
            return solve(words, i + 1,
                         S + val * Hash[ch - 'A'],
                         mp, used,
                         Hash, CharAtfront);
        // Stores if there is any
        // possible solution
        bool x = false;
        // Iterate over the range
        for (int l = 0; l < 10; l++) {
            // If CharAtfront[ch-'A']
            // is true and l is 0
            if (CharAtfront[ch - 'A'] == 1
                && l == 0)
            // If used[l] is true
            if (used[l] == 1)
            // Assign l to ch
            mp[ch - 'A'] = l;
            // Marked l as used
            used[l] = 1;
            // Recursive function call
            x |= solve(words, i + 1,
                       S + l * Hash[ch - 'A'],
                       mp, used, Hash, CharAtfront);
            // Backtrack
            mp[ch - 'A'] = -1;
            // Unset used[l]
            used[l] = 0;
        // Return the value of x;
        return x;
  static void Main()
    // Input
    string[] arr = { "SIX", "SEVEN", "SEVEN" };
    string S = "TWENTY";
    // Function Call
    if (isSolvable(arr, S))
// This code is contributed by divyesh072019.


    // Javascript program for the above approach
    // Function to check if the
    // assignment of digits to
    // characters is possible
    function isSolvable(words, result)
        // Stores the value
        // assigned to alphabets
        let mp = new Array(26);
        // Stores if a number
        // is assigned to any
        // character or not
        let used = new Array(10);
        // Stores the sum of position
        // value of a character
        // in every string
        let Hash = new Array(26);
        // Stores if a character
        // is at index 0 of any
        // string
        let CharAtfront = new Array(26);
        // Stores the string formed
        // by concatenating every
        // occurred character only
        // once
        let uniq = "";
        // Iterator over the array,
        // words
        for(let word = 0; word < words.length; word++) {
            // Iterate over the string,
            // word
            for (let i = 0; i < words[word].length; i++) {
                // Stores the character
                // at ith position
                let ch = words[word][i];
                // Update Hash[ch-'A]
                Hash[ch.charCodeAt() - 'A'.charCodeAt()] += Math.pow(10, words[word].length - i - 1);
                // If mp[ch-'A'] is -1
                if (mp[ch.charCodeAt() - 'A'.charCodeAt()] == -1) {
                    mp[ch.charCodeAt() - 'A'.charCodeAt()] = 0;
                    uniq += String.fromCharCode(ch);
                // If i is 0 and word
                // length is greater
                // than 1
                if (i == 0 && words[word].length > 1) {
                    CharAtfront[ch.charCodeAt() - 'A'.charCodeAt()] = 1;
        // Iterate over the string result
        for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
            let ch = result[i];
            Hash[ch.charCodeAt() - 'A'.charCodeAt()] -= Math.pow(10, result.length - i - 1);
            // If mp[ch-'A] is -1
            if (mp[ch.charCodeAt() - 'A'.charCodeAt()] == -1) {
                mp[ch.charCodeAt() - 'A'.charCodeAt()] = 0;
                uniq += String.fromCharCode(ch);
            // If i is 0 and length of
            // result is greater than 1
            if (i == 0 && result.length > 1) {
                CharAtfront[ch.charCodeAt() - 'A'.charCodeAt()] = 1;
        // Recursive call of the function
        return solve(uniq, 0, 0, mp, used, Hash, CharAtfront);
    // Auxiliary Recursive function
    // to perform backtracking
    function solve(words, i, S, mp, used, Hash, CharAtfront)
        // If i is word.length
        if (i == words.length)
            // Return true if S is 0
            return (S == 0);
        // Stores the character at
        // index i
        let ch = words[i];
        // Stores the mapped value
        // of ch
        let val = mp[words[i].charCodeAt() - 'A'.charCodeAt()];
        // If val is -1
        if (val != -1) {
            // Recursion
            return solve(words, i + 1, S + val * Hash[ch.charCodeAt() - 'A'.charCodeAt()], mp, used, Hash, CharAtfront);
        // Stores if there is any
        // possible solution
        let x = false;
        // Iterate over the range
        for (let l = 0; l < 10; l++) {
            // If CharAtfront[ch-'A']
            // is true and l is 0
            if (CharAtfront[ch.charCodeAt() - 'A'.charCodeAt()] == 1
                && l == 0)
            // If used[l] is true
            if (used[l] == 1)
            // Assign l to ch
            mp[ch.charCodeAt() - 'A'.charCodeAt()] = l;
            // Marked l as used
            used[l] = 1;
            // Recursive function call
            x |= solve(words, i + 1,
                       S + l * Hash[ch.charCodeAt() - 'A'.charCodeAt()],
                       mp, used, Hash, CharAtfront);
            // Backtrack
            mp[ch.charCodeAt() - 'A'.charCodeAt()] = -1;
            // Unset used[l]
            used[l] = 0;
        // Return the value of x;
        return x;
    // Input
    let arr = [ "SIX", "SEVEN", "SEVEN" ];
    let S = "TWENTY";
    // Function Call
    if (!isSolvable(arr, S))
    // This code is contributed by decode2207.


Complejidad de tiempo: O(N*M+10!), donde M es la longitud de la string más grande.
Espacio Auxiliar: O(26)

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por rohit2sahu y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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