String más larga en orden no decreciente de código ASCII y en progresión aritmética

Dada una string S no vacía de alfabetos en mayúsculas de longitud L y la tarea es encontrar la string más larga de la string dada con caracteres dispuestos en orden descendente de su código ASCII y en progresión aritmética tal que la diferencia común debe ser tan baja como posible y los caracteres de la string deben tener un valor ASCII más alto. 
Nota : la string contiene un mínimo de tres caracteres diferentes.

Entrada : S = “ABCPQR” 
Salida : “RQP” 
Son posibles dos strings de longitud máxima: “CBA” y “RPQ”. Pero dado que 
la string debe tener un valor ASCII más alto, la salida es «RPQ».
Entrada : S = “ADGJPRT” 
Salida : “JGDA”

Enfoque : la diferencia común máxima posible para que un mínimo de 3 caracteres estén en progresión aritmética es 12. Por lo tanto, calcule previamente todos los caracteres que están presentes en la string utilizando un mapa hash y luego itere desde el carácter que tiene el valor ASCII máximo, es decir, ‘Z’ hasta el carácter. tener un valor ASCII mínimo, es decir, ‘A’. Si el carácter actual existe en la string dada, considérelo como el carácter inicial de la secuencia de progresión aritmética e itere nuevamente sobre todas las diferencias comunes posibles, es decir, del 1 al 12. Verifique para cada diferencia común actual que si el carácter existe en la string dada , incremente la longitud actual de la string requerida más larga. Ahora, existen dos casos en los que es necesario actualizar la longitud máxima y la diferencia común mínima. 

  1. Cuando la longitud actual es mayor que la longitud máxima. 
  2. Cuando la longitud actual es igual a la longitud máxima y la diferencia común actual es menor que la diferencia común mínima, es necesario actualizar la diferencia común. 

Además, en cada actualización de estos dos parámetros, también se debe actualizar el carácter inicial de la string o secuencia de progresión aritmética.
A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior: 


// C++ Program to find the longest string
// with characters arranged in non-decreasing
// order of ASCII and in arithmetic progression
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to find the longest String
string findLongestString(string S)
    // Stores the maximum length of required string
    int maxLen = 0;
    // Stores the optimal starting character of
    // required string or arithmetic progression sequence
    int bestStartChar;
    // Stores the optimal i.e. minimum common difference
    // of required string
    int minCommonDifference = INT_MAX;
    unordered_map<char, bool> mp;
    for (int i = 0; i < S.size(); i++)
        mp[S[i]] = true;
    // Iterate over the loop in non decreasing order
    for (int startChar = 'Z'; startChar > 'A'; startChar--) {
        // Process further only if current character
        // exists in the given string
        if (mp[startChar]) {
            // Iterate over all possible common differences
            // of AP sequence and update maxLen accordingly
            for (int currDiff = 1; currDiff <= 12; currDiff++) {
                int currLen = 1;
                // Iterate over the characters at any interval
                // of current common difference
                for (int ch = startChar - currDiff; ch >= 'A';
                     ch -= currDiff) {
                    if (mp[ch])
                // Update maxLen and other parameters if the currLen
                // is greater than maxLen or if the current
                // difference is smaller than minCommonDifference
                if (currLen > maxLen || (currLen == maxLen
                                         && currDiff < minCommonDifference)) {
                    minCommonDifference = currDiff;
                    maxLen = currLen;
                    bestStartChar = startChar;
    string longestString = "";
    // Store the string in decreasing order of
    // arithmetic progression
    for (int i = bestStartChar;
         i >= (bestStartChar - (maxLen - 1) * minCommonDifference);
         i -= minCommonDifference)
        longestString += char(i);
    return longestString;
// Driver Code
int main()
    string S = "ADGJPRT";
    cout << findLongestString(S) << endl;
    return 0;


// Java Program to find the longest string
// with characters arranged in non-decreasing
// order of ASCII and in arithmetic progression
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
public class GFG {
    // Function to find the longest String
    static String findLongestString(String S)
        // Stores the maximum length of required string
        int maxLen = 0;
        // Stores the optimal starting character of
        // required string or arithmetic progression sequence
        int bestStartChar = 0;
        // Stores the optimal i.e. minimum common difference
        // of required string
        int minCommonDifference = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        HashMap <Character, Boolean> hm = new HashMap
                                <Character, Boolean>();
        for (int i = 0; i < S.length(); i++)
            hm.put(S.charAt(i), true);
        // Iterate over the loop in non decreasing order
        for (int startChar = 'Z'; startChar > 'A'; startChar--) {
            // Process further only if current character
            // exists in the given string
            if (hm.containsKey((char)startChar)) {
                // Iterate over all possible common differences
                // of AP sequence and update maxLen accordingly
                for (int currDiff = 1; currDiff <= 12; currDiff++) {
                    int currLen = 1;
                    // Iterate over the characters at any interval
                    // of current common difference
                    for (int ch = startChar - currDiff; ch >= 'A';
                        ch -= currDiff) {
                        if (hm.containsKey((char)ch))
                    // Update maxLen and other parameters if the currLen
                    // is greater than maxLen or if the current
                    // difference is smaller than minCommonDifference
                    if (currLen > maxLen || (currLen == maxLen
                                 && currDiff < minCommonDifference)) {
                        minCommonDifference = currDiff;
                        maxLen = currLen;
                        bestStartChar = startChar;
        String longestString = "";
        // Store the string in decreasing order of
        // arithmetic progression
        char ch;
        for (int i = bestStartChar;
         i >= (bestStartChar - (maxLen - 1) * minCommonDifference);
         i -= minCommonDifference)
            ch = (char)i;
            longestString += ch;
        return longestString;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String args[])
        String S = "ADGJPRT";
// This code is contributed by Nishant Tanwar


# Python 3 Program to find the longest string
# with characters arranged in non-decreasing
# order of ASCII and in arithmetic progression
import sys
# Function to find the longest String
def findLongestString(S):
    # Stores the maximum length of required string
    maxLen = 0
    # Stores the optimal starting character of
    # required string or arithmetic progression sequence
    bestStartChar = 0
    # Stores the optimal i.e. minimum common difference
    # of required string
    minCommonDifference = sys.maxsize
    mp = {}
    for i in range(len(S)):
        mp[S[i]] = True
    # Iterate over the loop in non decreasing order
    for startChar in range(ord('Z'), ord('A'), -1):
        # Process further only if current character
        # exists in the given string
        if chr(startChar) in mp:
            # Iterate over all possible common differences
            # of AP sequence and update maxLen accordingly
            for currDiff in range(1, 13):
                currLen = 1
                # Iterate over the characters at any interval
                # of current common difference
                for ch in range(startChar - currDiff, ord('A') - 1, -currDiff):
                    if (chr(ch) in mp):
                        currLen += 1
                # Update maxLen and other parameters if the currLen
                # is greater than maxLen or if the current
                # difference is smaller than minCommonDifference
                if (currLen > maxLen or (currLen == maxLen
                                         and currDiff < minCommonDifference)):
                    minCommonDifference = currDiff
                    maxLen = currLen
                    bestStartChar = startChar
    longestString = ""
    # Store the string in decreasing order of
    # arithmetic progression
    for i in range(bestStartChar,
                   (bestStartChar - (maxLen - 1) * minCommonDifference)-1, -minCommonDifference):
        longestString += chr(i)
    return longestString
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    S = "ADGJPRT"
    # This code is contributed by ukasp.


// C# Program to find the longest string
// with characters arranged in non-decreasing
// order of ASCII and in arithmetic progression
using System;
using System.Collections ;
public class GFG {
    // Function to find the longest String
    static String findLongestString(String S)
        // Stores the maximum length of required string
        int maxLen = 0;
        // Stores the optimal starting character of
        // required string or arithmetic progression sequence
        int bestStartChar = 0;
        // Stores the optimal i.e. minimum common difference
        // of required string
        int minCommonDifference = Int32.MaxValue ;
        Hashtable hm = new Hashtable ();
        for (int i = 0; i < S.Length; i++)
            hm.Add(S[i], true);
        // Iterate over the loop in non decreasing order
        for (int startChar = 'Z'; startChar > 'A'; startChar--) {
            // Process further only if current character
            // exists in the given string
            if (hm.ContainsKey((char)startChar)) {
                // Iterate over all possible common differences
                // of AP sequence and update maxLen accordingly
                for (int currDiff = 1; currDiff <= 12; currDiff++) {
                    int currLen = 1;
                    // Iterate over the characters at any interval
                    // of current common difference
                    for (int ch = startChar - currDiff; ch >= 'A';
                        ch -= currDiff) {
                        if (hm.ContainsKey((char)ch))
                    // Update maxLen and other parameters if the currLen
                    // is greater than maxLen or if the current
                    // difference is smaller than minCommonDifference
                    if (currLen > maxLen || (currLen == maxLen
                                && currDiff < minCommonDifference)) {
                        minCommonDifference = currDiff;
                        maxLen = currLen;
                        bestStartChar = startChar;
        String longestString = "";
        // Store the string in decreasing order of
        // arithmetic progression
        char ch1;
        for (int i = bestStartChar;
        i >= (bestStartChar - (maxLen - 1) * minCommonDifference);
        i -= minCommonDifference)
            ch1 = (char)i;
            longestString += ch1;
        return longestString;
    // Driver Code
    public static void Main()
        String S = "ADGJPRT";
    // This code is contributed by Ryuga



Complejidad de tiempo : O(|S| + 26*12*26), donde |S| es el tamaño de la string.

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por Nishant Tanwar y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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