Subsecuencia más larga tal que no hay 3 caracteres consecutivos iguales

Dada una string de caracteres S en minúsculas , la tarea es encontrar la subsecuencia más larga de la string sin 3 caracteres idénticos consecutivos.
Ejemplos :

Entrada: S = “eedaaad”
Salida: eedaad
Explicación: Se elimina una aparición de la letra a.

Entrada: xxxtxxx
Salida: xxtxx


Enfoque : la tarea se puede resolver comprobando cada ventana de tamaño 3. Si alguno de los 3 caracteres no coincide, agréguelo a la string resultante; de ​​lo contrario, continúe. Por último, imprima la string resultante.

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior:


// C++ code for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to find the
// longest subsequence
string filterString(string s1)
    string sb1 = "";
    // Append the first character
    sb1 += s1[0];
    // Append the second character
    sb1 += (s1[1]);
    // Loop for i=2 to n
    for (int i = 2; i < s1.length(); ++i)
        // If consecutive three element
        // are not equal then append
        if (s1[i] != s1[i - 1] || s1[i] != s1[i - 2])
            sb1 += s1[i];
    return sb1;
// Driver Code
int main()
    string s = "eedaaad";
    string res = filterString(s);
    cout << (res);
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by Potta Lokesh


// Java program for the above approach
class Solution {
    // Function to find the
    // longest subsequence
    public static String
    filterString(String s1)
        StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder();
        // Append the first character
        // Append the second character
        // Loop for i=2 to n
        for (int i = 2; i < s1.length();
             ++i) {
            // If consecutive three element
            // are not equal then append
            if (s1.charAt(i) != s1.charAt(i - 1)
                || s1.charAt(i) != s1.charAt(i - 2)) {
        return sb1.toString();
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String s = "eedaaad";
        String res = filterString(s);


# Python 3 code for the above approach
# Function to find the
# longest subsequence
def filterString(s1):
    sb1 = ""
    # Append the first character
    sb1 += s1[0]
    # Append the second character
    sb1 += (s1[1])
    # Loop for i=2 to n
    for i in range(2, len(s1)):
        # If consecutive three element
        # are not equal then append
        if (s1[i] != s1[i - 1] or s1[i] != s1[i - 2]):
            sb1 += s1[i]
    return sb1
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    s = "eedaaad"
    res = filterString(s)
    # This code is contributed by ukasp.


// C# program for the above approach
using System;
using System.Text;
class Solution
    // Function to find the
    // longest subsequence
    public static string filterstring(string s1)
        StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder();
        // Append the first character
        // Append the second character
        // Loop for i=2 to n
        for (int i = 2; i < s1.Length; ++i)
            // If consecutive three element
            // are not equal then append
            if (s1[i] != s1[i - 1]
                || s1[i] != s1[i - 2])
        return sb1.ToString();
    // Driver Code
    public static void Main()
        string s = "eedaaad";
        string res = filterstring(s);
// This code is contributed by gfgking.


    // JavaScript code for the above approach
    // Function to find the
    // longest subsequence
    const filterString = (s1) => {
        let sb1 = "";
        // Append the first character
        sb1 += s1[0];
        // Append the second character
        sb1 += (s1[1]);
        // Loop for i=2 to n
        for (let i = 2; i < s1.length; ++i) {
            // If consecutive three element
            // are not equal then append
            if (s1[i] != s1[i - 1] || s1[i] != s1[i - 2]) {
                sb1 += s1[i];
        return sb1;
    // Driver Code
    let s = "eedaaad";
    let res = filterString(s);
    // This code is contributed by rakeshsahni



Complejidad de tiempo : O(N), donde N es la longitud de la string
Espacio auxiliar : O(1)

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por annianni y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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