Trie la estructura de datos usando un puntero inteligente y programación orientada a objetos en C++

Implementaremos trie usando punteros inteligentes en C++ y OOP. Aquí , ya hemos discutido la implementación de datos trie usando recursividad
En nuestro Node de implementación de un trie parece: 


class TrieNode{
    // Use of shared_ptr for storing Children
    // Pointers of TrieNode
    shared_ptr children[ALPHABET_SIZE];
    // Tracks whether If this Node is the end of
    // any word stored in Trie
    bool isWord;
    // Constructor for TrieNode
        for(int i=0; i<ALPHABET_SIZE; i++)
            children[i] = shared_ptr();
        isWord = false;

La interfaz es la clase que muestra las funcionalidades de nuestra clase de objeto que solo tiene funciones virtuales puras. Aquí , el concepto de interfaz discutido con más detalle.


// Interface representing functionalities
// of Trie Data Structure
class interface {
    interface() {}
    virtual ~interface() {}
    // Pure virtual functions showing all
    // the functions of my Trie class
    // To convert character to integer like hashing
    virtual int i2c(char) = 0;
    // Inserts word to Trie
    virtual void insertWord(string&) = 0;
    // Deletes word if present
    virtual bool deleteWord(string&) = 0;
    // To search a word in Trie
    virtual bool searchWord(string&) = 0;
    // Checks whether there is any children present
    // for any node
    virtual bool isEmptyNode(shared_ptr<TrieNode>)
                                          const = 0;

nullptrs almacena NULL, lo que sugiere que no hay ruta para ninguna otra string desde esa posición
La imagen de abajo muestra la inserción de «geeks» en un trie vacío. 

La imagen de abajo muestra la inserción de «geeksfor» en el trie. geeks p ya está saliendo en el trie. entonces, se superpone.

La imagen de abajo muestra la inserción de «trie» en el trie

¿Por qué shared_ptr en lugar de todos los demás punteros inteligentes (auto_ptr, unique_ptr, débil_ptr)?
Estamos utilizando shared_ptr debido al hecho de que mientras construimos el Trie podemos encontrar una situación en la que tengamos que compartir el recurso de un puntero en particular con el otro shared_ptr temporal para atravesar Trie. En eso shared_ptr es mejor que cualquier otro puntero mencionado anteriormente.
A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior:


#include <iostream>
// For shared_ptr class
#include <memory>
using namespace std;
#define ALPHABET_SIZE 26
// Trie Node class
class TrieNode {
    // Use of shared_ptr for storing Children
    // Pointers of TrieNode
    shared_ptr<TrieNode> children[ALPHABET_SIZE];
    // Tracks whether If this Node is the end of
    // any word stored in Trie
    bool isWord;
    // Constructor for TrieNode
        for (int i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; i++) {
            children[i] = shared_ptr<TrieNode>();
        isWord = false;
// Interface representing functionalities
// of Trie Data Structure
class interface {
    interface() {}
    virtual ~interface() {}
    // Pure virtual functions showing all
    // the functions of my Trie class
    // To convert character to integer like hashing
    virtual int i2c(char) = 0;
    // Inserts word to Trie
    virtual void insertWord(string&) = 0;
    // Deletes word if present
    virtual bool deleteWord(string&) = 0;
    // To search a word in Trie
    virtual bool searchWord(string&) = 0;
    // Checks whether there is any children present
    // for any node
    virtual bool isEmptyNode(shared_ptr<TrieNode>)
                                          const = 0;
class Trie : public interface {
    // Storing root of the Trie
    shared_ptr<TrieNode> root;
    int Total_words;
        root = shared_ptr<TrieNode>
                              (new TrieNode());
        Total_words = 0;
        // Need not delete anything
                // as shared_ptr deallocates
                // all memory automatically
    // To convert characters of string into
    // integer like hashing of character
    int i2c(char c)
        return static_cast<int>(c - 'a');
    // Insert word function
    void insertWord(string& trieString)
        shared_ptr<TrieNode> current = root;
        for (int i = 0; i < trieString.size(); i++)
            // If word after some prefix is not
                        // present then creates new node
            if (current->children[i2c(trieString[i])] ==
                current->children[i2c(trieString[i])] =
                     shared_ptr<TrieNode>(new TrieNode());
            current = (current->children[i2c(trieString[i])]);
        // Now word is added in Trie so at leaf node
        // for that word isWord=true
        current->isWord = true;
    // Searching for word whether it is
    // present in Trie
    bool searchWord(string& trieString)
        shared_ptr<TrieNode> current = root;
        for (int i = 0; i < trieString.size(); i++)
            // If at any point in Trie Node for particular
            // character is not present means nullptr then
            // return false
            if (current->children[i2c(trieString[i])] ==
                return false;
            current = current->children[i2c(trieString[i])];
        // At the end of the word checking whether this
        // word is really present or not
        if (current->isWord == true)
            return true;
        return false;
    bool Partdelete(string& trieString, shared_ptr<TrieNode>&     
        // Word is not present in the Trie then returns
        // false and stops further recursion
        if (checkout == nullptr)
            return false;
        // At the end of the word if the word is
        // present in trie then setting isWord to
        // false either returning false
        if (trieString.size() == 0) {
            if (checkout->isWord == true) {
                checkout->isWord = false;
                return true;
            return false;
        // String excluding first character
        string part = trieString.substr(1);
        // Recursive call to Partdelete for
        // rest of the string(part)
        if (Partdelete(part, checkout->
                      children[i2c(trieString[0])])) {
            // Checks whether it is empty node
            // then delete this node
            if (isEmptyNode(checkout->
                      children[i2c(trieString[0])])) {
                // Resetting memory and making it nullptr
                checkout->children[i2c(trieString[0])] =
                return true;
                return true;
            return false;
        return false;
    // For ease of recursion; passing
    // root to Partdelete
    bool deleteWord(string& trieString)
        if (Partdelete(trieString, root))
            return true;
        return false;
    // Checks whether there is no children present
    bool isEmptyNode(shared_ptr<TrieNode> check) const
        for (int i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; i++) {
            if (check->children[i] != nullptr ||
                              check->isWord == true)
                return false;
        return true;
// Driver code
int main()
    // Again using shared_ptr to store Trie
    // you can use auto_ptr here
    shared_ptr<Trie> myTrie(new Trie());
    string word1 = "geeksfor";
    string word2 = "geeksforgeeks";
    string word3 = "nothing";
    if (myTrie->searchWord(word1))
        cout << word1 << ": Is Present" << endl;
        cout << word1 << ": Not Present" << endl;
    if (myTrie->searchWord(word3))
        cout << word3 << ": Is Present" << endl;
        cout << word3 << ": Not Present" << endl;
    if (myTrie->deleteWord(word2))
        cout << word2 << ": Successfully deleted" << endl;
        cout << word2 << ": Not Present" << endl;
    if (myTrie->searchWord(word2))
        cout << word2 << ": Is Present" << endl;
        cout << word2 << ": Not Present" << endl;

geeksfor: Is Present
nothing: Not Present
geeksforgeeks: Successfully deleted
geeksforgeeks: Not Present


Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por Aakash_Panchal y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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