Requisitos previos : Tkinter
Tkinter es una biblioteca de Python muy famosa para crear una aplicación de escritorio para Windows y sistemas operativos basados en UNIX. La idea aquí es generar un código python para construir una aplicación de noticias con Tkinter. Puede obtener fácilmente una clave API de .
- Importar módulos
- Crear una pantalla con un título
- Agregar etiquetas
- Agregar botones
- Cree un área de texto para que se muestren las noticias.
- Enlace los botones a las funciones de modo que al hacer clic en las noticias se muestren en el área de texto
from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox import requests import json type = 'sports' apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE' BASE_URL = f'{type}&apiKey='+apiKey class NewsApp: global apiKey, type def __init__(self, root): self.root = root self.root.geometry('1350x700+0+0') self.root.title("eNewsPaper") #====variables========# self.newsCatButton = [] self.newsCat = ["general", "entertainment", "business", "sports", "technology", "health"] #========title frame===========# bg_color = "#404040" text_area_bg = "#b8e0c4" basic_font_color = "#ccc4c4" title = Label(self.root, text="NewsPaper Software", font=("times new roman", 30, "bold"), pady=2, bd=12, relief=GROOVE, bg=bg_color, fg=basic_font_color).pack(fill=X) F1 = LabelFrame(self.root, text="Category", font=( "times new roman", 20, "bold"), bg=bg_color, fg=basic_font_color, bd=10, relief=GROOVE), y=80, width=300, relheight=0.88) for i in range(len(self.newsCat)): b = Button(F1, text=self.newsCat[i].upper( ), width=20, bd=7, font="arial 15 bold") b.grid(row=i, column=0, padx=10, pady=5) b.bind('<Button-1>', self.Newsarea) self.newsCatButton.append(b) #=======news frame=======# F2 = Frame(self.root, bd=7, relief=GROOVE), y=80, relwidth=0.7, relheight=0.8) news_title = Label(F2, text="News Area", font=( "arial", 20, "bold"), bd=7, relief=GROOVE).pack(fill=X) scroll_y = Scrollbar(F2, orient=VERTICAL) self.txtarea = Text(F2, yscrollcommand=scroll_y.set, font=( "times new roman", 15, "bold"), bg=text_area_bg, fg="#3206b8") scroll_y.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) scroll_y.config(command=self.txtarea.yview) self.txtarea.insert( END, "PLEASE SELECT ANY CATEGORY TO SHOW HEADLINES AND PLEASE BE PATIENT IT DEPENDS ON UR INTERNET CONNECTIONS!!!!") self.txtarea.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) def Newsarea(self, event): type = event.widget.cget('text').lower() BASE_URL = f'{type}&apiKey='+apiKey self.txtarea.delete("1.0", END) self.txtarea.insert(END, f"\n Welcome to GFG news paper\n") self.txtarea.insert( END, "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n") try: articles = (requests.get(BASE_URL).json())['articles'] if(articles != 0): for i in range(len(articles)): self.txtarea.insert(END, f"{articles[i]['title']}\n") self.txtarea.insert( END, f"{articles[i]['description']}\n\n") self.txtarea.insert(END, f"{articles[i]['content']}\n\n") self.txtarea.insert( END, f"read more...{articles[i]['url']}\n") self.txtarea.insert( END, "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n") self.txtarea.insert( END, "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n") else: self.txtarea.insert(END, "Sorry no news available") except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror( 'ERROR', "Sorry cant connect to internet or some issues with newsapp :'(") root = Tk() obj = NewsApp(root) root.mainloop()
from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox import requests import json type = 'sports' apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE' BASE_URL = f'{type}&apiKey='+apiKey class NewsApp: global apiKey, type def __init__(self, root): self.root = root self.root.geometry('1350x700+0+0') self.root.title("eNewsPaper") #====variables========# self.newsCatButton = [] self.newsCat = ["general", "entertainment", "business", "sports", "technology", "health"] #========title frame===========# bg_color = "#404040" text_area_bg = "#b8e0c4" basic_font_color = "#ccc4c4" title = Label(self.root, text="NewsPaper Software", font=("times new roman", 30, "bold"), pady=2, bd=12, relief=GROOVE, bg=bg_color, fg=basic_font_color).pack(fill=X) F1 = LabelFrame(self.root, text="Category", font=( "times new roman", 20, "bold"), bg=bg_color, fg=basic_font_color, bd=10, relief=GROOVE), y=80, width=300, relheight=0.88) for i in range(len(self.newsCat)): b = Button(F1, text=self.newsCat[i].upper( ), width=20, bd=7, font="arial 15 bold") b.grid(row=i, column=0, padx=10, pady=5) b.bind('<Button-1>', self.Newsarea) self.newsCatButton.append(b) #=======news frame=======# F2 = Frame(self.root, bd=7, relief=GROOVE), y=80, relwidth=0.7, relheight=0.8) news_title = Label(F2, text="News Area", font=( "arial", 20, "bold"), bd=7, relief=GROOVE).pack(fill=X) scroll_y = Scrollbar(F2, orient=VERTICAL) self.txtarea = Text(F2, yscrollcommand=scroll_y.set, font=( "times new roman", 15, "bold"), bg=text_area_bg, fg="#3206b8") scroll_y.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) scroll_y.config(command=self.txtarea.yview) self.txtarea.insert( END, "PLEASE SELECT ANY CATEGORY TO SHOW HEADLINES AND PLEASE BE PATIENT IT DEPENDS ON UR INTERNET CONNECTIONS!!!!") self.txtarea.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) def Newsarea(self, event): type = event.widget.cget('text').lower() BASE_URL = f'{type}&apiKey='+apiKey self.txtarea.delete("1.0", END) self.txtarea.insert(END, f"\n Welcome to GFG news paper\n") self.txtarea.insert( END, "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n") try: articles = (requests.get(BASE_URL).json())['articles'] if(articles != 0): for i in range(len(articles)): self.txtarea.insert(END, f"{articles[i]['title']}\n") self.txtarea.insert( END, f"{articles[i]['description']}\n\n") self.txtarea.insert(END, f"{articles[i]['content']}\n\n") self.txtarea.insert( END, f"read more...{articles[i]['url']}\n") self.txtarea.insert( END, "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n") self.txtarea.insert( END, "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n") else: self.txtarea.insert(END, "Sorry no news available") except Exception as e: messagebox.showerror( 'ERROR', "Sorry cant connect to internet or some issues with newsapp :'(") root = Tk() obj = NewsApp(root) root.mainloop()