Programa para convertir numero BCD a numero decimal

Dado un número BCD (decimal codificado en binario), la tarea es convertir el número BCD en su número decimal equivalente . 


Entrada: BCD = 100000101000 
Salida: 828 
Al dividir el número en partes de 4, se convierte en 1000 0010 1000
Aquí, 1000 es equivalente a 8
0010 es equivalente a 2
Entonces, el número se convierte en 828 .

Entrada: BCD = 1001000 
Salida: 48 
Al dividir el número en partes de 4, se convierte en 0100 1000
Aquí, 0100 es equivalente a 4
1000 es equivalente a 8
Entonces, el número se convierte en 48 .  


  1. Iterar sobre todos los bits en números BCD dados.
  2. Divide el número BCD dado en partes de 4 y comienza a calcular su número decimal equivalente . 
  3. Almacene este número formado en una variable llamada suma
  4. Comience a encuadrar un número a partir de los dígitos almacenados en la suma en una variable num
  5. Invierta el número formado hasta ahora y devuelva ese número. 

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior.  


// C++ code to convert BCD to its
// decimal number(base 10).
// Including Header Files
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to convert BCD to Decimal
int bcdToDecimal(string s)
    int len = s.length(),
        check = 0, check0 = 0;
    int num = 0, sum = 0,
        mul = 1, rev = 0;
    // Iterating through the bits backwards
    for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        // Forming the equivalent
        // digit(0 to 9)
        // from the group of 4.
        sum += (s[i] - '0') * mul;
        mul *= 2;
        // Reinitialize all variables
        // and compute the number.
        if (check == 4 || i == 0) {
            if (sum == 0 && check0 == 0) {
                num = 1;
                check0 = 1;
            else {
                // update the answer
                num = num * 10 + sum;
            check = 0;
            sum = 0;
            mul = 1;
    // Reverse the number formed.
    while (num > 0) {
        rev = rev * 10 + (num % 10);
        num /= 10;
    if (check0 == 1)
        return rev - 1;
    return rev;
// Driver Code
int main()
    string s = "100000101000";
    // Function Call
    cout << bcdToDecimal(s);
    return 0;


// Java code to convert BCD to its
// decimal number(base 10).
// Including Header Files
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
// Function to convert BCD to Decimal
public static int bcdToDecimal(String s)
    int len = s.length();
    int check = 0, check0 = 0;
    int num = 0, sum = 0;
    int mul = 1, rev = 0;
    // Iterating through the bits backwards
    for(int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--)
       // Forming the equivalent
       // digit(0 to 9)
       // from the group of 4.
       sum += (s.charAt(i) - '0') * mul;
       mul *= 2;
       // Reinitialize all variables
       // and compute the number.
       if (check == 4 || i == 0)
           if (sum == 0 && check0 == 0)
               num = 1;
               check0 = 1;
               // Update the answer
               num = num * 10 + sum;
           check = 0;
           sum = 0;
           mul = 1;
    // Reverse the number formed.
    while (num > 0)
        rev = rev * 10 + (num % 10);
        num /= 10;
    if (check0 == 1)
        return rev - 1;
    return rev;
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    String s = "100000101000";
    // Function Call
// This code is contributed by coder001


# Python3 code to convert BCD to its
# decimal number(base 10).
# Function to convert BCD to Decimal
def bcdToDecimal(s):
    length = len(s);
    check = 0;
    check0 = 0;
    num = 0;
    sum = 0;
    mul = 1;
    rev = 0;
    # Iterating through the bits backwards
    for i in range(length - 1, -1, -1):
        # Forming the equivalent
        # digit(0 to 9)
        # from the group of 4.
        sum += (ord(s[i]) - ord('0')) * mul;
        mul *= 2;
        check += 1;
        # Reinitialize all variables
        # and compute the number
        if (check == 4 or i == 0):
            if (sum == 0 and check0 == 0):
                num = 1;
                check0 = 1;
                # Update the answer
                num = num * 10 + sum;
            check = 0;
            sum = 0;
            mul = 1;
    # Reverse the number formed.
    while (num > 0):
        rev = rev * 10 + (num % 10);
        num //= 10;
    if (check0 == 1):
        return rev - 1;
    return rev;
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    s = "100000101000";
    # Function Call
# This code is contributed by AnkitRai01


// C# code to convert BCD to its
// decimal number(base 10).
// Including Header Files
using System;
class GFG
// Function to convert BCD to Decimal
public static int bcdToDecimal(String s)
    int len = s.Length;
    int check = 0, check0 = 0;
    int num = 0, sum = 0;
    int mul = 1, rev = 0;
    // Iterating through the bits backwards
    for(int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        // Forming the equivalent
        // digit(0 to 9)
        // from the group of 4.
        sum += (s[i] - '0') * mul;
        mul *= 2;
        // Reinitialize all variables
        // and compute the number.
        if (check == 4 || i == 0)
            if (sum == 0 && check0 == 0)
                num = 1;
                check0 = 1;
                // Update the answer
                num = num * 10 + sum;
            check = 0;
            sum = 0;
            mul = 1;
    // Reverse the number formed.
    while (num > 0)
        rev = rev * 10 + (num % 10);
        num /= 10;
    if (check0 == 1)
        return rev - 1;
    return rev;
// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    String s = "100000101000";
    // Function Call
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


// Javascript code to convert BCD to its
// decimal number(base 10).
// Including Header Files
// Function to convert BCD to Decimal
function bcdToDecimal(s)
    let len = s.length;
    let check = 0, check0 = 0;
    let num = 0, sum = 0;
    let mul = 1, rev = 0;
    // Iterating through the bits backwards
    for(let i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--)
       // Forming the equivalent
       // digit(0 to 9)
       // from the group of 4.
       sum += (s[i] - '0') * mul;
       mul *= 2;
       // Reinitialize all variables
       // and compute the number.
       if (check == 4 || i == 0)
           if (sum == 0 && check0 == 0)
               num = 1;
               check0 = 1;
               // Update the answer
               num = num * 10 + sum;
           check = 0;
           sum = 0;
           mul = 1;
    // Reverse the number formed.
    while (num > 0)
        rev = rev * 10 + (num % 10);
        num = Math.floor(num / 10);
    if (check0 == 1)
        return rev - 1;
    return rev;
// Driver Code
    let s = "100000101000";
    // Function Call



Complejidad de tiempo: O(N) 
Complejidad de espacio auxiliar: O(1)

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por yashbeersingh42 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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