Cuadrados de números con dígitos únicos repetidos | Serie 1 (3, 6 y 9)

Dado un número hecho de un solo dígito, encuentre su cuadrado. Se puede suponer que los dígitos individuales son 3, 6 y 9. Los números pueden ser muy grandes, es decir, pueden exceder long long int.

Input : 33 66 99
Output : 
Square of 33 is : 1089
Square of 66 is : 4356
Square of 99 is : 9801

Input : 333 666 999 
Output : 
Square of 333 is : 110889
Square of 666 is : 443556
Square of 999 is : 998001

Método 1 (Escribir como múltiplos de 1111…1) 
Un hecho interesante es que cada uno de esos números se puede representar como un múltiplo de 1111…1. Por ejemplo, 33333 = 3 * 11111. Los cuadrados de 11, 111, 1111, 11111… son 121, 12321, 1234321, 123454321,… respectivamente. Entonces, una solución simple es encontrar el cuadrado de 111…11 y luego multiplicar el resultado por 3 o 6 o 9 (Podemos usar la multiplicación con un número grande ).
Método 2 (usando patrones de dígitos)  
Para 333….333 Cuente el no. de dígitos e imprima de la siguiente manera: 
Supongamos que no. del dígito es n, luego escriba n-1 veces 1 y luego escriba una vez 0 y luego escriba n-1 vez 8 y por último escriba 9. 
{ 3333 } = 11108889
Para 666….666 Cuente el no. de dígitos e imprima de la siguiente manera: 
Suponga que el número de dígitos es n, luego escriba n-1 por 4 y luego escriba una vez por 3 y luego escriba n-1 por 5 y por último escriba 6. 
{ 6666 } = 44435556
Para 999….999 Cuente el no. de dígitos e imprímalos de la siguiente manera: 
suponga que el número de dígitos es n, luego escriba n-1 veces 9 y luego escriba una vez 8 y luego escriba n-1 vez 0 y por último escriba 1. 
{ 9999 } = 99980001 
A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior:


// C++ program to find square of
// these large numbers
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Function to find the square of
// 333...333, 666...666 and 999...999
string find_Square_369(string num)
    char a, b, c, d;
    // if the number is 333...333
    if (num[0] == '3')
        a = '1', b = '0', c = '8', d = '9';
    // if the number is 666...666
    else if (num[0] == '6')
        a = '4', b = '3', c = '5', d = '6';
    // if the number is 999...999
        a = '9', b = '8', c = '0', d = '1';
    // variable for hold result
    string result = "";
    // find the no of digit
    int size = num.size();
    // add size-1 time a in result
    for (int i = 1; i < num.size(); i++)
        result += a;
    // add one time b in result
    result += b;
    // add size-1 time c in result
    for (int i = 1; i < num.size(); i++)
        result += c;
    // add one time d in result
    result += d;
    // return result
    return result;
// Drivers code
int main()
    string num_3, num_6, num_9;
    num_3 = "3333";
    num_6 = "6666";
    num_9 = "9999";
    string result = "";
    // find square of 33..33
    result = find_Square_369(num_3);
    cout << "Square of " << num_3 << " is : " << result << endl;
    // find square of 66..66
    result = find_Square_369(num_6);
    cout << "Square of " << num_6 << " is : " << result << endl;
    // find square of 66..66
    result = find_Square_369(num_9);
    cout << "Square of " << num_9 << " is : " << result << endl;
    return 0;


// Java program to find square of
// these large numbers
class GFG {
    // Function to find the square of
    // 333...333, 666...666 and 999...999
    static String find_Square_369(String num)
        char a, b, c, d;
        // if the number is 333...333
        if (num.charAt(0) == '3')
            {a = '1'; b = '0'; c = '8'; d = '9';}
        // if the number is 666...666
        else if (num.charAt(0) == '6')
            {a = '4'; b = '3'; c = '5'; d = '6';}
        // if the number is 999...999
            {a = '9'; b = '8'; c = '0'; d = '1';}
        // variable for hold result
        String result = "";
        // find the no of digit
        int size = num.length();
        // add size-1 time a in result
        for (int i = 1; i < size; i++)
            result += a;
        // add one time b in result
        result += b;
        // add size-1 time c in result
        for (int i = 1; i < size; i++)
            result += c;
        // add one time d in result
        result += d;
        // return result
        return result;
    // Drivers code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String num_3, num_6, num_9;
        num_3 = "3333";
        num_6 = "6666";
        num_9 = "9999";
        String result = "";
        // find square of 33..33
        result = find_Square_369(num_3);
        System.out.println("Square of " + num_3
                            + " is : " + result);
        // find square of 66..66
        result = find_Square_369(num_6);
        System.out.println("Square of " + num_9
                            + " is : " + result);
        // find square of 66..66
        result = find_Square_369(num_9);
        System.out.println("Square of " + num_9
                            + " is : " + result);
// This code is contributed by Smitha.

Python 3

# Python 3 program to find square of
# these large numbers
# Function to find the square of
# 333...333, 666...666 and 999...999
def find_Square_369(num):
    # if the number is 333...333
    if (num[0] == '3'):
        a = '1'
        b = '0'
        c = '8'
        d = '9'
    # if the number is 666...666
    elif (num[0] == '6'):
        a = '4'
        b = '3'
        c = '5'
        d = '6'
    # if the number is 999...999
        a = '9'
        b = '8'
        c = '0'
        d = '1'
    # variable for hold result
    result = ""
    # find the no of digit
    size = len(num)
    # add size-1 time a in result
    for i in range(1, size):
        result += a
    # add one time b in result
    result += b
    # add size-1 time c in result
    for i in range(1, size):
        result += c
    # add one time d in result
    result += d
    # return result
    return result
# Drivers code
# Your Python 3 Code
num_3 = "3333"
num_6 = "6666"
num_9 = "9999"
result = ""
# find square of 33..33
result = find_Square_369(num_3)
print("Square of " + num_3 + " is : "
                            + result);
# find square of 66..66
result = find_Square_369(num_6)
print("Square of " + num_6 + " is : "
                            + result);
# find square of 66..66
result = find_Square_369(num_9)
print("Square of " + num_9 + " is : "
                           + result);
# This code is contributed by Smitha


// C# program to find square of
// these large numbers
using System;
class GFG {
    // Function to find the square of
    // 333...333, 666...666 and 999...999
    static string find_Square_369(string num)
        char a, b, c, d;
        // if the number is 333...333
        if (num[0] == '3')
            {a = '1'; b = '0'; c = '8'; d = '9';}
        // if the number is 666...666
        else if (num[0] == '6')
            {a = '4'; b = '3'; c = '5'; d = '6';}
        // if the number is 999...999
            {a = '9'; b = '8'; c = '0'; d = '1';}
        // variable for hold result
        string result = "";
        // find the no of digit
        int size = num.Length;
        // add size-1 time a in result
        for (int i = 1; i < size; i++)
            result += a;
        // add one time b in result
        result += b;
        // add size-1 time c in result
        for (int i = 1; i < size; i++)
            result += c;
        // add one time d in result
        result += d;
        // return result
        return result;
    // Drivers code
    public static void Main()
        string num_3, num_6, num_9;
        num_3 = "3333";
        num_6 = "6666";
        num_9 = "9999";
        string result = "";
        // find square of 33..33
        result = find_Square_369(num_3);
        Console.Write("Square of " + num_3
                + " is : " + result + "\n");
        // find square of 66..66
        result = find_Square_369(num_6);
        Console.Write("Square of " + num_9
                + " is : " + result + "\n");
        // find square of 66..66
        result = find_Square_369(num_9);
        Console.Write("Square of " + num_9
                + " is : " + result + "\n");
// This code is contributed by Smitha


// PHP program to find square of
// these large numbers
// Function to find the square of
// 333...333, 666...666 and 999...999
function find_Square_369($num)
    // if the number is 333...333
    if ($num[0] == '3')
        $a = '1';
        $b = '0';
        $c = '8';
        $d = '9';
    // if the number is 666...666
    else if ($num[0] == '6')
        $a = '4';
        $b = '3';
        $c = '5';
        $d = '6';
    // if the number is 999...999
        $a = '9';
        $b = '8';
        $c = '0';
        $d = '1';
    // variable for hold result
    $result = "";
    // find the no of digit
    $size = strlen($num);
    // add size-1 time a in result
    for ($i = 1; $i < $size; $i++)
        $result = $result.$a;
    // add one time b in result
    $result = $result.$b;
    // add size-1 time c in result
    for ($i = 1; $i < $size; $i++)
        $result = $result.$c;
    // add one time d in result
    $result = $result.$d;
    // return result
    return $result;
// Drivers code
$num_3 = "3333";
$num_6 = "6666";
$num_9 = "9999";
$result = "";
// find square of 33..33
$result = find_Square_369($num_3);
echo "Square of " . $num_3 . " is : " . $result ."\n" ;
// find square of 66..66
$result = find_Square_369($num_6);
echo "Square of " . $num_6 . " is : " .$result ."\n";
// find square of 66..66
$result = find_Square_369($num_9);
echo "Square of " . $num_9 . " is : ".$result ."\n";
return 0;


// Javascript program to find square of
// these large numbers
    // Function to find the square of
    // 333...333, 666...666 and 999...999
    function find_Square_369(num)
        let a, b, c, d;
        // if the number is 333...333
        if (num[0] == '3')
            {a = '1'; b = '0'; c = '8'; d = '9';}
        // if the number is 666...666
        else if (num[0] == '6')
            {a = '4'; b = '3'; c = '5'; d = '6';}
        // if the number is 999...999
            {a = '9'; b = '8'; c = '0'; d = '1';}
        // variable for hold result
        let result = "";
        // find the no of digit
        let size = num.length;
        // add size-1 time a in result
        for (let i = 1; i < size; i++)
            result += a;
        // add one time b in result
        result += b;
        // add size-1 time c in result
        for (let i = 1; i < size; i++)
            result += c;
        // add one time d in result
        result += d;
        // return result
        return result;
    // Drivers code
    let num_3, num_6, num_9;
    num_3 = "3333";
    num_6 = "6666";
    num_9 = "9999";
    let result = "";
    // find square of 33..33
    result = find_Square_369(num_3);
    document.write("Square of " + num_3
                            + " is : " + result+"<br>");
    // find square of 66..66
    result = find_Square_369(num_6);
    document.write("Square of " + num_9
                            + " is : " + result+"<br>");
    // find square of 66..66
    result = find_Square_369(num_9);
    document.write("Square of " + num_9
                            + " is : " + result+"<br>");
    // This code is contributed by avanitrachhadiya2155

Producción : 

Square of 3333 is : 11108889
Square of 6666 is : 44435556
Square of 9999 is : 99980001

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por Amit_Soni y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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