Recuento de números de N dígitos que contiene todos los números primos de un solo dígito

Dado un entero positivo N , la tarea es contar el número de números de N dígitos que contienen todos los números primos de un solo dígito .


Entrada: N = 4
Salida: 24
Explicación: El número de números primos de un solo dígito es 4, es decir, {2, 3, 5, 7}. ¡Por lo tanto, el número de formas de organizar 4 números en 4 lugares es 4! = 24.

Entrada: N = 5
Salida: 936

Enfoque ingenuo: el enfoque más simple para resolver el problema dado es generar todos los números posibles de N dígitos y contar aquellos números que contienen todos los números primos de un solo dígito . Después de verificar todos los números, imprima el valor del conteo como el conteo total de números resultante.

Complejidad temporal: O(N *10 N )
Espacio auxiliar: O(1)

Enfoque eficiente: el enfoque anterior también se puede optimizar mediante el uso de la programación dinámica porque tiene subproblemas superpuestos y una subestructura óptima. Los subproblemas se pueden almacenar en la tabla dp[][] usando memoization donde dp[index][mask] almacena la respuesta desde la posición del índice th hasta el final, donde mask se usa para almacenar el recuento de números primos distintos incluidos hasta ahora. Siga los pasos a continuación para resolver el problema:

  • Inicialice una array multidimensional global dp[100][1<<4] con todos los valores como -1 que almacena el resultado de cada llamada recursiva .
  • Indexe todos los números primos de un solo dígito en orden ascendente usando un HashMap .
  • Defina una función recursiva , digamos countOfNumbers(index, mask, N) realizando los siguientes pasos.
    • Si el valor de un índice es igual a (N + 1),  
      • Cuente el número de primos de un solo dígito distintos incluidos al encontrar el recuento de bits establecidos en la máscara.
      • Si el conteo es igual a 4 , devuelve 1 ya que se ha formado un número válido de N dígitos.
      • De lo contrario devuelve 0 .
    • Si el resultado del estado dp[index][mask] ya se calculó, devuelva este valor dp[index][mask] .
    • Si el índice actual es 1 , entonces se puede colocar cualquier dígito de [1-9] y si N = 1 , entonces también se puede colocar 0 .
    • Para todos los demás índices, se puede colocar cualquier dígito de [0-9] .
    • Si el dígito actual colocado es un número primo , establezca el índice del número primo en 1 en la máscara de bits.
    • Después de realizar una ubicación válida, llame recursivamente a la función countOfNumbers for (index + 1) .
    • Devuelve la suma de todas las ubicaciones válidas posibles de dígitos como respuesta.
  • Imprime el valor devuelto por la función countOfNumbers(1, 0, N) como resultado.

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior:


// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Stores the dp-states
int dp[100][1 << 4];
// Stores the index of prime numbers
map<int, int> primeIndex;
int countOfNumbers(int index, int mask, int N)
    // If index = N+1
    if (index == N + 1) {
        // Find count of distinct
        // prime numbers by counting
        // number of set bits.
        int countOfPrimes = __builtin_popcount(mask);
        // If count of distinct
        // prime numbers is equal to 4
        // return 1.
        if (countOfPrimes == 4) {
            return 1;
        return 0;
    int& val = dp[index][mask];
    // If the state has
    // already been computed
    if (val != -1) {
        return val;
    val = 0;
    // If current position is 1,
    // then any digit from [1-9] can be placed.
    // If N = 1, 0 can be also placed.
    if (index == 1) {
        for (int digit = (N == 1 ? 0 : 1); digit <= 9;
             ++digit) {
            // If the digit is a prime number,
            // set the index of the
            // digit to 1 in the bitmask.
            if (primeIndex.find(digit)
                != primeIndex.end()) {
                val += countOfNumbers(
                    index + 1,
                    mask | (1 << primeIndex[digit]), N);
            else {
                val += countOfNumbers(index + 1, mask, N);
    // For remaining positions,
    // any digit from [0-9] can be placed
    else {
        for (int digit = 0; digit <= 9; ++digit) {
            // If the digit is a prime number,
            // set the index of the
            // digit to 1 in the bitmask.
            if (primeIndex.find(digit)
                != primeIndex.end()) {
                val += countOfNumbers(
                    index + 1,
                    mask | (1 << primeIndex[digit]), N);
            else {
                val += countOfNumbers(index + 1, mask, N);
    // Return the answer.
    return val;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Initializing dp array with -1.
    memset(dp, -1, sizeof dp);
    // Indexing prime numbers in
    // ascending order
    primeIndex[2] = 0;
    primeIndex[3] = 1;
    primeIndex[5] = 2;
    primeIndex[7] = 3;
    // Given Input
    int N = 4;
    // Function call.
    cout << countOfNumbers(1, 0, N);
    return 0;


// Java program for the above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
public static int[][] dp = new int[100][(1 << 4)];
// Stores the index of prime numbers
public static HashMap<Integer,
                      Integer> primeIndex = new HashMap<>();
public static int countSetBits(int n)
    int count = 0;
    while (n > 0)
        count += n & 1;
        n >>= 1;
    return count;
public static int countOfNumbers(int index, int mask,
                                 int N)
    // If index = N+1
    if (index == N + 1)
        // Find count of distinct
        // prime numbers by counting
        // number of set bits.
        int countOfPrimes = countSetBits(mask);
        // If count of distinct
        // prime numbers is equal to 4
        // return 1.
        if (countOfPrimes == 4)
            return 1;
        return 0;
    int val = dp[index][mask];
    // If the state has
    // already been computed
    if (val != -1)
        return val;
    val = 0;
    // If current position is 1, then any
    // digit from [1-9] can be placed.
    // If N = 1, 0 can be also placed.
    if (index == 1)
        for(int digit = (N == 1 ? 0 : 1);
                digit <= 9; ++digit)
            // If the digit is a prime number,
            // set the index of the digit to 1
            // in the bitmask.
            if (primeIndex.containsKey(digit))
                int newMask = mask | (1 << primeIndex.get(digit));
                val += countOfNumbers(index + 1,
                                      newMask, N);
                val += countOfNumbers(index + 1, mask, N);
    // For remaining positions,
    // any digit from [0-9] can be placed
        for(int digit = 0; digit <= 9; ++digit)
            // If the digit is a prime number,
            // set the index of the digit to 1
            // in the bitmask.
            if (primeIndex.containsKey(digit))
                int newMask = mask | (1 << primeIndex.get(digit));
                val += countOfNumbers(index + 1, newMask, N);
                val += countOfNumbers(index + 1, mask, N);
    // Return the answer.
    return val;
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    // Initializing dp array with -1.
    for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
        for(int j = 0; j < (1 << 4); j++)
            dp[i][j] = -1;
    // Indexing prime numbers in
    // ascending order
    primeIndex.put(2, 0);
    primeIndex.put(3, 1);
    primeIndex.put(5, 2);
    primeIndex.put(7, 3);
    // Given Input
    int N = 4;
    // Function call
    System.out.println(countOfNumbers(1, 0, N));
// This code is contributed by maddler


# Python3 program for the above approach
# Stores the dp-states
dp = [[-1 for i in range(1<<4)] for j in range(100)]
# Stores the index of prime numbers
primeIndex = {}
def  countSetBits(n):
    count = 0
    while (n):
        count += n & 1
        n >>= 1
    return count
def countOfNumbers(index, mask, N):
    # If index = N+1
    if (index == N + 1):
        # Find count of distinct
        # prime numbers by counting
        # number of set bits.
        countOfPrimes = countSetBits(mask);
        # If count of distinct
        # prime numbers is equal to 4
        # return 1.
        if (countOfPrimes == 4):
            return 1
        return 0
    val = dp[index][mask]
    # If the state has
    # already been computed
    if (val != -1):
        return val
    val = 0
    # If current position is 1,
    # then any digit from [1-9] can be placed.
    # If N = 1, 0 can be also placed.
    if (index == 1):
        digit = 0 if N == 1 else 1
        while(digit <= 9):
            # If the digit is a prime number,
            # set the index of the
            # digit to 1 in the bitmask.
            if (digit in primeIndex):
                val += countOfNumbers(index + 1,mask | (1 << primeIndex[digit]), N)
                val += countOfNumbers(index + 1, mask, N)
            digit += 1
    # For remaining positions,
    # any digit from [0-9] can be placed
        for digit in range(10):
            # If the digit is a prime number,
            # set the index of the
            # digit to 1 in the bitmask.
            if (digit in primeIndex):
                val += countOfNumbers(index + 1,mask | (1 << primeIndex[digit]), N)
                val += countOfNumbers(index + 1, mask, N)
    # Return the answer.
    return val
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Initializing dp array with -1.
    # Indexing prime numbers in
    # ascending order
    primeIndex[2] = 0
    primeIndex[3] = 1
    primeIndex[5] = 2
    primeIndex[7] = 3
    # Given Input
    N = 4
    # Function call.
    print(countOfNumbers(1, 0, N))
    # This code is contributed by ipg2016107.


// C# program for the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class GFG
public static int[,] dp = new int[100,(1 << 4)];
// Stores the index of prime numbers
public static Dictionary<int,int> primeIndex = new Dictionary<int,int>();
public static int countSetBits(int n)
    int count = 0;
    while (n > 0)
        count += n & 1;
        n >>= 1;
    return count;
public static int countOfNumbers(int index, int mask,
                                 int N)
    // If index = N+1
    if (index == N + 1)
        // Find count of distinct
        // prime numbers by counting
        // number of set bits.
        int countOfPrimes = countSetBits(mask);
        // If count of distinct
        // prime numbers is equal to 4
        // return 1.
        if (countOfPrimes == 4)
            return 1;
        return 0;
    int val = dp[index,mask];
    // If the state has
    // already been computed
    if (val != -1)
        return val;
    val = 0;
    // If current position is 1, then any
    // digit from [1-9] can be placed.
    // If N = 1, 0 can be also placed.
    if (index == 1)
        for(int digit = (N == 1 ? 0 : 1);
                digit <= 9; ++digit)
            // If the digit is a prime number,
            // set the index of the digit to 1
            // in the bitmask.
            if (primeIndex.ContainsKey(digit))
                int newMask = mask | (1 << primeIndex[digit]);
                val += countOfNumbers(index + 1,
                                      newMask, N);
                val += countOfNumbers(index + 1, mask, N);
    // For remaining positions,
    // any digit from [0-9] can be placed
        for(int digit = 0; digit <= 9; ++digit)
            // If the digit is a prime number,
            // set the index of the digit to 1
            // in the bitmask.
            if (primeIndex.ContainsKey(digit))
                int newMask = mask | (1 << primeIndex[digit]);
                val += countOfNumbers(index + 1, newMask, N);
                val += countOfNumbers(index + 1, mask, N);
    // Return the answer.
    return val;
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    // Initializing dp array with -1.
    for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
        for(int j = 0; j < (1 << 4); j++)
            dp[i,j] = -1;
    // Indexing prime numbers in
    // ascending order
    primeIndex.Add(2, 0);
    primeIndex.Add(3, 1);
    primeIndex.Add(5, 2);
    primeIndex.Add(7, 3);
    // Given Input
    int N = 4;
    // Function call
    Console.WriteLine(countOfNumbers(1, 0, N));
// This code is contributed by shikhasingrajput


// Javascript program for the above approach
let dp = new Array(100).fill(0).map(() => new Array(1 << 4));
// Stores the index of prime numbers
let primeIndex = new Map();
function countSetBits(n) {
  let count = 0;
  while (n > 0) {
    count += n & 1;
    n >>= 1;
  return count;
function countOfNumbers(index, mask, N) {
  // If index = N+1
  if (index == N + 1) {
    // Find count of distinct
    // prime numbers by counting
    // number of set bits.
    let countOfPrimes = countSetBits(mask);
    // If count of distinct
    // prime numbers is equal to 4
    // return 1.
    if (countOfPrimes == 4) {
      return 1;
    return 0;
  let val = dp[index][mask];
  // If the state has
  // already been computed
  if (val != -1) {
    return val;
  val = 0;
  // If current position is 1, then any
  // digit from [1-9] can be placed.
  // If N = 1, 0 can be also placed.
  if (index == 1) {
    for (let digit = N == 1 ? 0 : 1; digit <= 9; ++digit) {
      // If the digit is a prime number,
      // set the index of the digit to 1
      // in the bitmask.
      if (primeIndex.has(digit)) {
        let newMask = mask | (1 << primeIndex.get(digit));
        val += countOfNumbers(index + 1, newMask, N);
      } else {
        val += countOfNumbers(index + 1, mask, N);
  // For remaining positions,
  // any digit from [0-9] can be placed
  else {
    for (let digit = 0; digit <= 9; ++digit) {
      // If the digit is a prime number,
      // set the index of the digit to 1
      // in the bitmask.
      if (primeIndex.has(digit)) {
        let newMask = mask | (1 << primeIndex.get(digit));
        val += countOfNumbers(index + 1, newMask, N);
      } else {
        val += countOfNumbers(index + 1, mask, N);
  // Return the answer.
  return val;
// Driver Code
// Initializing dp array with -1.
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
  for (let j = 0; j < 1 << 4; j++) {
    dp[i][j] = -1;
// Indexing prime numbers in
// ascending order
primeIndex.set(2, 0);
primeIndex.set(3, 1);
primeIndex.set(5, 2);
primeIndex.set(7, 3);
// Given Input
let N = 4;
// Function call
document.write(countOfNumbers(1, 0, N));
// This code is contributed by gfgking


Complejidad de Tiempo: O(N *10 * 2 4 )
Espacio Auxiliar: O(N * 2 4

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por shreyasshetty788 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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