Sistema de Gestión Hotelera

Dados los datos para la gestión del Hotel y el Usuario:
Datos del Hotel: 

Hotel Name     Room Available     Location     Rating      Price per Room
H1                4               Bangalore      5           100
H2                5               Bangalore      5           200
H3                6               Mumbai         3           100

Datos del usuario: 

User Name         UserID             Booking Cost
U1                 2                  1000
U2                 3                  1200
U3                 4                  1100

La tarea es responder a la siguiente pregunta.

  1. Imprime los datos del hotel.
  2. Ordenar hoteles por nombre.
  3. Ordenar Hotel por calificación más alta.
  4. Imprimir los datos del hotel para la ubicación de Bangalore.
  5. Ordenar hoteles por número máximo de habitaciones Disponibles.
  6. Imprimir datos de reserva del usuario.

La ronda de codificación automática implica resolver un problema de diseño en cuestión de un par de horas. 
Requiere diseñar y codificar una solución limpia, modular y extensible basada en un conjunto específico de requisitos. 


  • Cree clases para datos de hotel y datos de usuario.
  • Inicialice las variables que almacenan los datos del hotel y los datos del usuario.
  • Cree Objetos para Hotel y clases de usuario que accedan a los datos del Hotel y los datos del Usuario.
  • inicialice dos arrays de vectores que contienen los datos del hotel y los datos del usuario.
  • Resuelva las preguntas anteriores una por una.

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior. 


// C++ program to solve
// the given question
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// Create class for hotel data.
class Hotel {
    string name;
    int roomAvl;
    string location;
    int rating;
    int pricePr;
// Create class for user data.
class User : public Hotel {
    string uname;
    int uId;
    int cost;
// Function to Sort Hotels by
// Bangalore location
bool sortByBan(Hotel& A, Hotel& B)
    return >;
// Function to sort hotels
// by rating.
bool sortByr(Hotel& A, Hotel& B)
    return A.rating > B.rating;
// Function to sort hotels
// by rooms availability.
bool sortByRoomAvailable(Hotel& A,
                        Hotel& B)
    return A.roomAvl < B.roomAvl;
// Print hotels data.
void PrintHotelData(vector<Hotel> hotels)
    cout << "PRINT HOTELS DATA:" << endl;
    cout << "HotelName"
         << "   "
         << "Room Available"
         << "    "
         << "Location"
         << "    "
         << "Rating"
         << "    "
         << "PricePer Room:" << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        cout << hotels[i].name
             << "          "
             << hotels[i].roomAvl
             << "              "
             << hotels[i].location
             << "       "
             << hotels[i].rating
             << "            "
             << hotels[i].pricePr
             << endl;
    cout << endl;
// Sort Hotels data by name.
void SortHotelByName(vector<Hotel> hotels)
    cout << "SORT BY NAME:" << endl;
    std::sort(hotels.begin(), hotels.end(),
    for (int i = 0; i < hotels.size(); i++) {
        cout << hotels[i].name << " "
             << hotels[i].roomAvl << " "
             << hotels[i].location << " "
             << hotels[i].rating << " "
             << " " << hotels[i].pricePr
             << endl;
    cout << endl;
// Sort Hotels by rating
void SortHotelByRating(vector<Hotel> hotels)
    cout << "SORT BY A RATING:" << endl;
              hotels.end(), sortByr);
    for (int i = 0; i < hotels.size(); i++) {
        cout << hotels[i].name << " "
             << hotels[i].roomAvl << " "
             << hotels[i].location << " "
             << hotels[i].rating << " "
             << " " << hotels[i].pricePr
             << endl;
    cout << endl;
// Print Hotels for any city Location.
void PrintHotelBycity(string s,
                      vector<Hotel> hotels)
    cout << "HOTELS FOR " << s
         << " LOCATION IS:"
         << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < hotels.size(); i++) {
        if (hotels[i].location == s) {
            cout << hotels[i].name << " "
                 << hotels[i].roomAvl << " "
                 << hotels[i].location << " "
                 << hotels[i].rating << " "
                 << " " << hotels[i].pricePr
                 << endl;
    cout << endl;
// Sort hotels by room Available.
void SortByRoomAvailable(vector<Hotel> hotels)
    cout << "SORT BY ROOM AVAILABLE:" << endl;
    std::sort(hotels.begin(), hotels.end(),
    for (int i = hotels.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        cout << hotels[i].name << " "
             << hotels[i].roomAvl << " "
             << hotels[i].location << " "
             << hotels[i].rating << " "
             << " " << hotels[i].pricePr
             << endl;
    cout << endl;
// Print the user's data
void PrintUserData(string userName[],
                   int userId[],
                   int bookingCost[],
                   vector<Hotel> hotels)
    vector<User> user;
    User u;
    // Access user data.
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        u.uname = userName[i];
        u.uId = userId[i];
        u.cost = bookingCost[i];
    // Print User data.
         << endl;
    cout << "UserName"
         << " "
         << "UserID"
         << " "
         << "HotelName"
         << " "
         << "BookingCost" << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < user.size(); i++) {
        cout << user[i].uname
             << "         "
             << user[i].uId
             << "        "
             << hotels[i].name
             << "         "
             << user[i].cost
             << endl;
// Functiont to solve
// Hotel Management problem
void HotelManagement(string userName[],
                     int userId[],
                     string hotelName[],
                     int bookingCost[],
                     int rooms[],
                     string locations[],
                     int ratings[],
                     int prices[])
    // Initialize arrays that stores
    // hotel data and user data
    vector<Hotel> hotels;
    // Create Objects for
    // hotel and user.
    Hotel h;
    // Initialise the data
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { = hotelName[i];
        h.roomAvl = rooms[i];
        h.location = locations[i];
        h.rating = ratings[i];
        h.pricePr = prices[i];
    cout << endl;
    // Call the various operations
// Driver Code.
int main()
    // Initialize variables to stores
    // hotels data and user data.
    string userName[] = { "U1", "U2", "U3" };
    int userId[] = { 2, 3, 4 };
    string hotelName[] = { "H1", "H2", "H3" };
    int bookingCost[] = { 1000, 1200, 1100 };
    int rooms[] = { 4, 5, 6 };
    string locations[] = { "Bangalore",
                           "Mumbai" };
    int ratings[] = { 5, 5, 3 };
    int prices[] = { 100, 200, 100 };
    // Function to perform operations
    HotelManagement(userName, userId,
                    hotelName, bookingCost,
                    rooms, locations,
                    ratings, prices);
    return 0;


# Python program to solve
# the given question
# Create class for hotel data.
class Hotel :
    def __init__(self) -> None:''
    def __lt__(self,other):
    # Function to change sort parameter to
    # name
    def sortByName(cls):
    # Function to change sort parameter to
    # rating.
    def sortByRate(cls):
    # Function to change sort parameter to
    # room availability.
    def sortByRoomAvailable(cls)    :
    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return "PRHOTELS DATA:\nHotelName:{}\tRoom Available:{}\tLocation:{}\tRating:{}\tPricePer Room:{}".format(,self.roomAvl,self.location,self.rating,self.pricePr)
# Create class for user data.
class User:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return "UserName:{}\tUserId:{}\tBooking Cost:{}".format(self.uname,self.uId,self.cost)
# Print hotels data.
def PrintHotelData(hotels):
    for h in hotels:
# Sort Hotels data by name.
def SortHotelByName(hotels):
    print("SORT BY NAME:")
# Sort Hotels by rating
def SortHotelByRating(hotels):
    print("SORT BY A RATING:")
# Print Hotels for any city Location.
def PrintHotelBycity(s,hotels):
    print("HOTELS FOR {} LOCATION ARE:".format(s))
    hotelsByLoc=[h for h in hotels if h.location==s]
# Sort hotels by room Available.
def SortByRoomAvailable(hotels):
# Print the user's data
def PrintUserData(userName, userId, bookingCost, hotels):
    # Access user data.
    for i in range(3) :
        u.uname = userName[i]
        u.uId = userId[i]
        u.cost = bookingCost[i]
    for i in range(len(users)) :
        print(users[i],"\tHotel name:",hotels[i].name)
# Functiont to solve
# Hotel Management problem
def HotelManagement(userName,
    # Initialize arrays that stores
    # hotel data and user data
    # Create Objects for
    # hotel and user.
    # Initialise the data
    for i in range(3) :
        h=Hotel() = hotelName[i]
        h.roomAvl = rooms[i]
        h.location = locations[i]
        h.rating = ratings[i]
        h.pricePr = prices[i]
    # Call the various operations
# Driver Code.
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Initialize variables to stores
    # hotels data and user data.
    userName = ["U1", "U2", "U3"]
    userId = [2, 3, 4]
    hotelName = ["H1", "H2", "H3"]
    bookingCost = [1000, 1200, 1100]
    rooms = [4, 5, 6]
    locations = ["Bangalore",
    ratings = [5, 5, 3]
    prices = [100, 200, 100]
    # Function to perform operations
    HotelManagement(userName, userId,
                    hotelName, bookingCost,
                    rooms, locations,
                    ratings, prices)

HotelName   Room Available    Location    Rating    PricePer Room:
H1          4              Bangalore       5            100
H2          5              Bangalore       5            200
H3          6              Mumbai       3            100

H3 6 Mumbai 3  100
H2 5 Bangalore 5  200
H1 4 Bangalore 5  100

H1 4 Bangalore 5  100
H2 5 Bangalore 5  200
H3 6 Mumbai 3  100

H1 4 Bangalore 5  100
H2 5 Bangalore 5  200

H3 6 Mumbai 3  100
H2 5 Bangalore 5  200
H1 4 Bangalore 5  100

UserName UserID HotelName BookingCost
U1         2        H1         1000
U2         3        H2         1200
U3         4        H3         1100

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por Samdare B y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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