Palíndromo más grande que es producto de dos números de n dígitos

Dado un valor n, encuentre el número palíndromo más grande que es producto de dos números de n dígitos.


Input  : n = 2
Output : 9009 
9009 is the largest number which is product of two 
2-digit numbers. 9009 = 91*99.

Input : n = 3
Output : 906609

A continuación se muestran los pasos para encontrar el número requerido. 

  1. Encuentre un límite inferior en números de n dígitos. Por ejemplo, para n = 2, lower_limit es 10.
  2. Encuentre un límite superior en números de n dígitos. Por ejemplo, para n = 2, límite_superior es 99.
  3. Considere todos los pares de números siempre que el número se encuentre en el rango [límite_inferior, límite_superior]

A continuación se muestra la implementación de los pasos anteriores. 


// C++ problem to find out the
// largest palindrome number which
// is product of two n digit numbers
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to calculate largest
// palindrome which is product of
// two n-digits numbers
int larrgestPalindrome(int n)
    int upper_limit = pow(10,n) - 1;
    // largest number of n-1 digit.
    // One plus this number is lower
    // limit which is product of two numbers.
    int lower_limit = 1 + upper_limit / 10;
    // Initialize result
    int max_product = 0;
    for (int i = upper_limit;
             i >= lower_limit;
        for (int j = i; j >= lower_limit; j--)
            // calculating product of
            // two n-digit numbers
            int product = i * j;
            if (product < max_product)
            int number = product;
            int reverse = 0;
            // calculating reverse of
            // product to check whether
            // it is palindrome or not
            while (number != 0)
                reverse = reverse * 10 +
                          number % 10;
                number /= 10;
            // update new product if exist
            // and if greater than previous one
            if (product == reverse &&
                product > max_product)
                max_product = product;
    return max_product;
// Driver code
int main()
    int n = 2;
    cout << larrgestPalindrome(n);
    return 0;


// Java problem to find out the
// largest palindrome number
// which is product of two
// n digit numbers.
import java.lang.Math;
class GFG
    // Function to calculate largest
    // palindrome which isproduct of
    // two n-digits numbers
    static int larrgestPalindrome(int n)
        int upper_limit = (int)Math.pow(10, n) - 1;
        // largest number of n-1 digit.
        // One plus this number
        // is lower limit which is
        // product of two numbers.
        int lower_limit = 1 + upper_limit / 10;
        // Initialize result
        int max_product = 0;
        for (int i = upper_limit; i >= lower_limit; i--)
            for (int j = i; j >= lower_limit; j--)
                // calculating product of two
                // n-digit numbers
                int product = i * j;
                if (product < max_product)
                int number = product;
                int reverse = 0;
                // calculating reverse of product
                // to check whether it is
                // palindrome or not
                while (number != 0)
                    reverse = reverse * 10 + number % 10;
                    number /= 10;
                // update new product if exist and if
                // greater than previous one
                if (product == reverse && product > max_product)
                    max_product = product;
        return max_product;
    // Driver code
    public static void main (String[] args)
        int n = 2;
// This code is contributed by Anant Agarwal.


# Python problem to find
# out the largest palindrome
# number which is product of
# two n digit numbers.
# Function to calculate largest
# palindrome which is
#  product of two n-digits numbers
def larrgestPalindrome(n):
    upper_limit = (10**(n))-1
    # largest number of n-1 digit.
    # One plus this number
    # is lower limit which is
    # product of two numbers.
    lower_limit = 1 + upper_limit//10
    max_product = 0 # Initialize result
    for i in range(upper_limit,lower_limit-1, -1):
        for j in range(i,lower_limit-1,-1):
            # calculating product of
            # two n-digit numbers
            product = i * j
            if (product < max_product):
            number = product
            reverse = 0
            # calculating reverse of
            # product to check
            # whether it is palindrome or not
            while (number != 0):
                reverse = reverse * 10 + number % 10
                number =number // 10
             # update new product if exist and if
             # greater than previous one
            if (product == reverse and product > max_product):
                max_product = product
    return max_product
# Driver code
n = 2
# This code is contributed
# by Anant Agarwal.


// C# problem to find out the
// largest palindrome number
// which is product of two
// n digit numbers.
using System;
class GFG
    // Function to calculate largest
    // palindrome which isproduct of
    // two n-digits numbers
    static int larrgestPalindrome(int n)
        int upper_limit = (int)Math.Pow(10, n) - 1;
        // largest number of n-1 digit.
        // One plus this number
        // is lower limit which is
        // product of two numbers.
        int lower_limit = 1 + upper_limit / 10;
        // Initialize result
        int max_product = 0;
        for (int i = upper_limit; i >= lower_limit; i--)
            for (int j = i; j >= lower_limit; j--)
                // calculating product of two
                // n-digit numbers
                int product = i * j;
                if (product < max_product)
                int number = product;
                int reverse = 0;
                // calculating reverse of product
                // to check whether it is
                // palindrome or not
                while (number != 0)
                    reverse = reverse * 10 + number % 10;
                    number /= 10;
                // update new product if exist and if
                // greater than previous one
                if (product == reverse && product > max_product)
                    max_product = product;
        return max_product;
    // Driver code
    public static void Main ()
        int n = 2;
// This code is contributed by nitin mittal.


// PHP problem to find out
// the largest palindrome
// number which is product
// of two n digit numbers
// Function to calculate
// largest palindrome which
// is product of two n-digit numbers
function larrgestPalindrome($n)
    $upper_limit = 0;
    // Loop to calculate upper bound
    // (largest number of n-digit)
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $n; $i++)
        $upper_limit *= 10;
        $upper_limit += 9;
    // largest number of n-1 digit
    // One plus this number
    // is lower limit which is
    // product of two numbers.
    $lower_limit = 1 + (int)($upper_limit / 10);
    // Initialize result
    $max_product = 0;
    for ($i = $upper_limit;
         $i >= $lower_limit;
        for ($j = $i;
             $j >= $lower_limit;
            // calculating product of
            // two n-digit numbers
            $product = $i * $j;
            if ($product < $max_product)
            $number = $product;
            $reverse = 0;
            // calculating reverse of
            // product to check whether
            // it is palindrome or not
            while ($number != 0)
                $reverse = $reverse * 10 +
                           $number % 10;
                $number = (int)($number / 10);
            // update new product if exist
            // and if greater than previous one
            if ($product == $reverse &&
                $product > $max_product)
                $max_product = $product;
    return $max_product;
// Driver code
$n = 2;
// This code is contributed by Ajit.


    // Javascript problem to find out the
    // largest palindrome number
    // which is product of two
    // n digit numbers.
    // Function to calculate largest
    // palindrome which isproduct of
    // two n-digits numbers
    function larrgestPalindrome(n)
        let upper_limit = Math.pow(10, n) - 1;
        // largest number of n-1 digit.
        // One plus this number
        // is lower limit which is
        // product of two numbers.
        let lower_limit = 1 +
        parseInt(upper_limit / 10, 10);
        // Initialize result
        let max_product = 0;
        for (let i = upper_limit; i >= lower_limit; i--)
            for (let j = i; j >= lower_limit; j--)
                // calculating product of two
                // n-digit numbers
                let product = i * j;
                if (product < max_product)
                let number = product;
                let reverse = 0;
                // calculating reverse of product
                // to check whether it is
                // palindrome or not
                while (number != 0)
                    reverse = reverse * 10 + number % 10;
                    number = parseInt(number / 10, 10);
                // update new product if exist and if
                // greater than previous one
                if (product == reverse &&
                product > max_product)
                    max_product = product;
        return max_product;
    let n = 2;

Producción :


Complejidad de tiempo: O(n*n*log 10 (producto)), donde n es el límite superior calculado y el producto es (producto de dos números de n dígitos)
Espacio auxiliar: O(1), ya que no se requiere espacio adicional |

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