El primo especial más pequeño que es mayor o igual a un número dado

Dado un número N. La tarea es encontrar el primo especial más pequeño que sea mayor o igual que N.
Un primo especial es un número que se puede crear colocando dígitos uno tras otro de modo que todos los números resultantes sean primos. 

Input: N = 379
Output: 379
379 can be created as => 3 => 37 => 379
Here, all the numbers ie. 3, 37, 379 are prime.

Input:N = 100
Output: 233

Planteamiento: La idea es usar Tamiz de Eratóstenes. Construya la array de tamices hasta el número N*10 (suponiendo que el número exista en ese rango). Luego comience iterativamente desde el número N verificando si el número es primo. Si es primo, compruebe si es primo especial o no.
Ahora, para comprobar si un número es un primo especial o no. Siga dividiendo el número por 10 y en cada punto verifique si el número restante es primo o no, lo cual podemos hacer consultando nuestra array Sieve que hemos construido.
A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior: 


// CPP program to find the Smallest Special Prime
// which is greater than or equal to a given number
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to check whether the number
// is a special prime or not
bool checkSpecialPrime(bool* sieve, int num)
    // While number is not equal to zero
    while (num) {
        // If the number is not prime
        // return false.
        if (!sieve[num]) {
            return false;
        // Else remove the last digit
        // by dividing the number by 10.
        num /= 10;
    // If the number has become zero
    // then the number is special prime,
    // hence return true
    return true;
// Function to find the Smallest Special Prime
// which is greater than or equal to a given number
void findSpecialPrime(int N)
    bool sieve[N*10];
    // Initially all numbers are considered Primes.
    memset(sieve, true, sizeof(sieve));
    sieve[0] = sieve[1] = false;
    for (long long i = 2; i <= N*10; i++) {
        if (sieve[i]) {
            for (long long j = i * i; j <= N*10; j += i) {
                sieve[j] = false;
    // There is always an answer possible
    while (true) {
        // Checking if the number is a
        // special prime or not
        if (checkSpecialPrime(sieve, N)) {
            // If yes print the number
            // and break the loop.
            cout << N << '\n';
        // Else increment the number.
// Driver code
int main()
    int N = 379;
    N = 100;
    return 0;


// Java program to find the Smallest Special Prime
// which is greater than or equal to a given number
class GFG
// Function to check whether the number
// is a special prime or not
static boolean checkSpecialPrime(boolean []sieve, int num)
    // While number is not equal to zero
    while (num > 0)
        // If the number is not prime
        // return false.
        if (sieve[num])
            return false;
        // Else remove the last digit
        // by dividing the number by 10.
        num /= 10;
    // If the number has become zero
    // then the number is special prime,
    // hence return true
    return true;
// Function to find the Smallest Special Prime
// which is greater than or equal to a given number
static void findSpecialPrime(int N)
    boolean[] sieve = new boolean[N * 10 + 1];
    // Initially all numbers are considered Primes.
    sieve[0] = sieve[1] = true;
    for (int i = 2; i <= N * 10; i++)
        if (!sieve[i])
            for (int j = i * i; j <= N * 10; j += i)
                sieve[j] = true;
    // There is always an answer possible
    while (true)
        // Checking if the number is a
        // special prime or not
        if (checkSpecialPrime(sieve, N))
            // If yes print the number
            // and break the loop.
        // Else increment the number.
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int N = 379;
    N = 100;
// This code contributed by Rajput-Ji


# Python 3 program to find the Smallest
# Special Prime which is greater than or
# equal to a given number
# Function to check whether the number
# is a special prime or not
def checkSpecialPrime(sieve, num):
    # While number is not equal to zero
    while (num):
        # If the number is not prime
        # return false.
        if (sieve[num] == False):
            return False
        # Else remove the last digit
        # by dividing the number by 10.
        num = int(num / 10)
    # If the number has become zero
    # then the number is special prime,
    # hence return true
    return True
# Function to find the Smallest Special
# Prime which is greater than or equal
# to a given number
def findSpecialPrime(N):
    sieve = [True for i in range(N * 10 + 1)]
    sieve[0] = False
    sieve[1] = False
    # sieve for finding the Primes
    for i in range(2, N * 10 + 1):
        if (sieve[i]):
            for j in range(i * i, N * 10 + 1, i):
                sieve[j] = False
    # There is always an answer possible
    while (True):
        # Checking if the number is a
        # special prime or not
        if (checkSpecialPrime(sieve, N)):
            # If yes print the number
            # and break the loop.
        # Else increment the number.
            N += 1
# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    N = 379
    N = 100
# This code is contributed by
# Surendra_Gangwar


// C# program to find the Smallest Special Prime
// which is greater than or equal to a given number
using System;
class GFG
// Function to check whether the number
// is a special prime or not
static bool checkSpecialPrime(bool []sieve, int num)
    // While number is not equal to zero
    while (num > 0)
        // If the number is not prime
        // return false.
        if (sieve[num])
            return false;
        // Else remove the last digit
        // by dividing the number by 10.
        num /= 10;
    // If the number has become zero
    // then the number is special prime,
    // hence return true
    return true;
// Function to find the Smallest Special Prime
// which is greater than or equal to a given number
static void findSpecialPrime(int N)
    bool[] sieve = new bool[N * 10 + 1];
    // Initially all numbers are considered Primes.
    sieve[0] = sieve[1] = true;
    for (int i = 2; i <= N * 10; i++)
        if (!sieve[i])
            for (int j = i * i; j <= N * 10; j += i)
                sieve[j] = true;
    // There is always an answer possible
    while (true)
        // Checking if the number is a
        // special prime or not
        if (checkSpecialPrime(sieve, N))
            // If yes print the number
            // and break the loop.
        // Else increment the number.
// Driver code
static void Main()
    int N = 379;
    N = 100;
// This code is contributed by mits


// PHP program to find the Smallest Special
// Prime which is greater than or equal
// to a given number
// Function to check whether the number
// is a special prime or not
function checkSpecialPrime($sieve, $num)
    // While number is not equal to zero
    while ($num)
        // If the number is not prime
        // return false.
        if (!$sieve[$num])
            return false;
        // Else remove the last digit
        // by dividing the number by 10.
        $num = floor($num / 10);
    // If the number has become zero
    // then the number is special prime,
    // hence return true
    return true;
// Function to find the Smallest Special 
// Prime which is greater than or equal
// to a given number
function findSpecialPrime($N)
    // Initially all numbers are
    // considered Primes.
    $sieve = array_fill(0, $N * 10, true);
    $sieve[0] = $sieve[1] = false;
    for ($i = 2; $i <= $N * 10; $i++)
        if ($sieve[$i])
            for ($j = $i * $i;
                 $j <= $N * 10; $j += $i)
                $sieve[$j] = false;
    // There is always an answer possible
    while (true)
        // Checking if the number is a
        // special prime or not
        if (checkSpecialPrime($sieve, $N))
            // If yes print the number
            // and break the loop.
            echo $N, "\n";
        // Else increment the number.
// Driver code
$N = 379;
$N = 100;
// This code is contributed by Ryuga


// javascript program to find the Smallest Special Prime
// which is greater than or equal to a given number  
// Function to check whether the number
// is a special prime or not
function checkSpecialPrime(sieve , num)
    // While number is not equal to zero
    while (num > 0)
        // If the number is not prime
        // return false.
        if (sieve[num])
            return false;
        // Else remove the last digit
        // by dividing the number by 10.
        num = parseInt(num / 10);
    // If the number has become zero
    // then the number is special prime,
    // hence return true
    return true;
// Function to find the Smallest Special Prime
// which is greater than or equal to a given number
function findSpecialPrime(N)
    var sieve = Array.from({length: N * 10 + 1}, (_, i) => false);
    // Initially all numbers are considered Primes.
    sieve[0] = true;
    sieve[1] = true;
    var i = 0, j = 0;
    for (i = 2; i <= N * 10; i++)
        if (!sieve[i])
            for (j = i * i; j <= N * 10; j += i)
                sieve[j] = true;
    // There is always an answer possible
    while (true)
        // Checking if the number is a
        // special prime or not
        if (checkSpecialPrime(sieve, N))
            // If yes print the number
            // and break the loop.
        // Else increment the number.
// Driver code
var N = 379;
N = 100;
// This code is contributed by shikhasingrajput



Complejidad del tiempo: O(nlog(logn))

Espacio Auxiliar: O(n)

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por Shivam.Pradhan y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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