Número de rectángulos en un círculo de radio R

Dada una hoja circular de radio R y la tarea es encontrar el número total de rectángulos con longitud y ancho integrales que se pueden cortar de la hoja circular, uno a la vez. 

Entrada : R = 2 
Salida : 8 
Se pueden cortar 8 rectángulos de una hoja circular de radio 2. 
Estos son: 1×1, 1×2, 2×1, 2×2, 1×3, 3×1, 2× 3, 3×2.
Entrada : R = 1 
Salida : 1 
Solo es posible un rectángulo con dimensiones 1 X 1. 

Considere el siguiente diagrama, 


Es fácil ver que ABCD es el rectángulo más grande que se puede formar en el círculo dado con radio R y centro O, que tiene dimensiones a X b
Deje caer una perpendicular AO tal que, ∠AOD = ∠AOB = 90° 
Considere el siguiente diagrama para un análisis más detallado, 


Consider triangles AOD and AOB,
In these triangles,
AO = AO (Common Side)
∠AOD = ∠AOB = 90° 
OD = OB = R
Thus, by SAS congruence ▵AOD ≅ ▵AOB
∴ AD = AB by CPCT(i.e Corresponding Parts on Congruent Triangles)
or, a = b
=> The rectangle ABCD is a square 

El diámetro BD es la diagonal máxima que puede tener el rectángulo para poder ser cortado de la Hoja Circular.
Por lo tanto, todas las combinaciones de a y b pueden verificarse para formar todos los rectángulos posibles, y si la diagonal de cualquiera de esos rectángulos es menor o igual que la longitud de la diagonal del rectángulo más grande formado (es decir, 2 * R, donde R es el radio del círculo como se explicó anteriormente)
Ahora, la longitud máxima de a y b siempre será estrictamente menor que el diámetro del círculo, por lo que todos los valores posibles de a y b estarán en el intervalo cerrado [1, (2 * R-1)].
A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior: 


// C++ program to find the number of rectangles
// that can be cut from a circle of Radius R
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to return the total possible
// rectangles that can be cut from the circle
int countRectangles(int radius)
    int rectangles = 0;
    // Diameter = 2 * Radius
    int diameter = 2 * radius;
    // Square of diameter which is the square
    // of the maximum length diagonal
    int diameterSquare = diameter * diameter;
    // generate all combinations of a and b
    // in the range (1, (2 * Radius - 1))(Both inclusive)
    for (int a = 1; a < 2 * radius; a++) {
        for (int b = 1; b < 2 * radius; b++) {
            // Calculate the Diagonal length of
            // this rectangle
            int diagonalLengthSquare = (a * a + b * b);
            // If this rectangle's Diagonal Length
            // is less than the Diameter, it is a
            // valid rectangle, thus increment counter
            if (diagonalLengthSquare <= diameterSquare) {
    return rectangles;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Radius of the circle
    int radius = 2;
    int totalRectangles;
    totalRectangles = countRectangles(radius);
    cout << totalRectangles << " rectangles can be"
         << "cut from a circle of Radius " << radius;
    return 0;


// Java program to find the
// number of rectangles that
// can be cut from a circle
// of Radius R
import java.io.*;
class GFG
// Function to return
// the total possible
// rectangles that can
// be cut from the circle
static int countRectangles(int radius)
    int rectangles = 0;
    // Diameter = 2 * Radius
    int diameter = 2 * radius;
    // Square of diameter
    // which is the square
    // of the maximum length
    // diagonal
    int diameterSquare = diameter *
    // generate all combinations
    // of a and b in the range
    // (1, (2 * Radius - 1))
    // (Both inclusive)
    for (int a = 1;
             a < 2 * radius; a++)
        for (int b = 1;
                 b < 2 * radius; b++)
            // Calculate the
            // Diagonal length of
            // this rectangle
            int diagonalLengthSquare = (a * a +
                                       b * b);
            // If this rectangle's Diagonal
            // Length is less than the Diameter,
            // it is a valid rectangle, thus
            // increment counter
            if (diagonalLengthSquare <= diameterSquare)
    return rectangles;
// Driver Code
public static void main (String[] args)
// Radius of the circle
int radius = 2;
int totalRectangles;
totalRectangles = countRectangles(radius);
System.out.println(totalRectangles +
             " rectangles can be " +
            "cut from a circle of" +
               " Radius " + radius);
// This code is contributed
// by anuj_67.


# Python3 program to find
# the number of rectangles
# that can be cut from a
# circle of Radius R Function
# to return the total possible
# rectangles that can be cut
# from the circle
def countRectangles(radius):
    rectangles = 0
    # Diameter = 2 * Radius
    diameter = 2 * radius
    # Square of diameter which
    # is the square of the
    # maximum length diagonal
    diameterSquare = diameter * diameter
    # generate all combinations
    # of a and b in the range
    # (1, (2 * Radius - 1))(Both inclusive)
    for a in range(1, 2 * radius):
        for b in range(1, 2 * radius):
            # Calculate the Diagonal
            # length of this rectangle
            diagonalLengthSquare = (a * a +
                                   b * b)
            # If this rectangle's Diagonal
            # Length is less than the
            # Diameter, it is a valid
            # rectangle, thus increment counter
            if (diagonalLengthSquare <= diameterSquare) :
                rectangles += 1
    return rectangles
# Driver Code
# Radius of the circle
radius = 2
totalRectangles = countRectangles(radius)
print(totalRectangles , "rectangles can be" ,
      "cut from a circle of Radius" , radius)
# This code is contributed by Smita


// C# program to find the
// number of rectangles that
// can be cut from a circle
// of Radius R
using System;
class GFG
// Function to return
// the total possible
// rectangles that can
// be cut from the circle
static int countRectangles(int radius)
    int rectangles = 0;
    // Diameter = 2 * Radius
    int diameter = 2 * radius;
    // Square of diameter
    // which is the square
    // of the maximum length
    // diagonal
    int diameterSquare = diameter *
    // generate all combinations
    // of a and b in the range
    // (1, (2 * Radius - 1))
    // (Both inclusive)
    for (int a = 1;
             a < 2 * radius; a++)
        for (int b = 1;
                 b < 2 * radius; b++)
            // Calculate the
            // Diagonal length of
            // this rectangle
            int diagonalLengthSquare = (a * a +
                                        b * b);
            // If this rectangle's
            // Diagonal Length is
            // less than the Diameter,
            // it is a valid rectangle,
            // thus increment counter
            if (diagonalLengthSquare <=
    return rectangles;
// Driver Code
public static void Main ()
// Radius of the circle
int radius = 2;
int totalRectangles;
totalRectangles = countRectangles(radius);
Console.WriteLine(totalRectangles +
            " rectangles can be " +
           "cut from a circle of" +
              " Radius " + radius);
// This code is contributed
// by anuj_67.


// PHP program to find the
// number of rectangles that
// can be cut from a circle
// of Radius R
// Function to return the
// total possible rectangles
// that can be cut from the circle
function countRectangles($radius)
    $rectangles = 0;
    // Diameter = 2 * $Radius
    $diameter = 2 * $radius;
    // Square of diameter which
    // is the square of the
    // maximum length diagonal
    $diameterSquare = $diameter *
    // generate all combinations
    // of a and b in the range
    // (1, (2 * Radius - 1))(Both inclusive)
    for ($a = 1;
         $a < 2 * $radius; $a++)
        for ($b = 1;
             $b < 2 * $radius; $b++)
            // Calculate the Diagonal
            // length of this rectangle
            $diagonalLengthSquare = ($a * $a +
                                    $b * $b);
            // If this rectangle's Diagonal
            // Length is less than the
            // Diameter, it is a valid
            // rectangle, thus increment counter
            if ($diagonalLengthSquare <= $diameterSquare)
    return $rectangles;
// Driver Code
// Radius of the circle
$radius = 2;
$totalRectangles = countRectangles($radius);
echo $totalRectangles , " rectangles can be " ,
      "cut from a circle of Radius " , $radius;
// This code is contributed
// by anuj_67.


// java script  program to find the
// number of rectangles that
// can be cut from a circle
// of Radius R
// Function to return the
// total possible rectangles
// that can be cut from the circle
function countRectangles(radius)
    let rectangles = 0;
    // Diameter = 2 * $Radius
    let diameter = 2 * radius;
    // Square of diameter which
    // is the square of the
    // maximum length diagonal
    let diameterSquare = diameter *
    // generate all combinations
    // of a and b in the range
    // (1, (2 * Radius - 1))(Both inclusive)
    for (let a = 1;a < 2 * radius; a++)
        for (let b = 1;
            b < 2 * radius; b++)
            // Calculate the Diagonal
            // length of this rectangle
            let diagonalLengthSquare = (a * a +
                                    b * b);
            // If this rectangle's Diagonal
            // Length is less than the
            // Diameter, it is a valid
            // rectangle, thus increment counter
            if (diagonalLengthSquare <= diameterSquare)
    return rectangles;
// Driver Code
// Radius of the circle
let radius = 2;
let totalRectangles;
totalRectangles = countRectangles(radius);
document.write( totalRectangles + " rectangles can be cut from a circle of Radius " +radius);
// This code is contributed by sravan kumar

8 rectangles can be cut from a circle of Radius 2


Complejidad del Tiempo: O(R 2 ), donde R es el Radio del Círculo

Complejidad espacial : O (1) ya que usa variables constantes

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por sirjan13 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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