Encuentra todos los resultados posibles de una expresión dada

Dada una expresión aritmética, encuentre todos los resultados posibles de esta expresión. Los diferentes resultados se evalúan colocando corchetes en diferentes lugares.
Podemos suponer que los números son números de un solo dígito en una expresión dada.

Input:  1+3*2
Output: 8  7
(1 + 3)*2     = 80
(1 + (3 * 2)) = 70

Input:  1*2+3*4
Output: 14 20 14 20 20
 (1*(2+(3*4))) =  14
 (1*((2+3)*4)) =  20 
 ((1*2)+(3*4)) =  14
 ((1*(2+3))*4) =  20
 ((1*2)+3)*4)  =  20

La idea es iterar a través de cada operador en una expresión dada. Para cada operador, evalúe todos los valores posibles de sus lados izquierdo y derecho. Aplique el operador actual en cada par de valores del lado izquierdo y del lado derecho y agregue todos los valores evaluados al resultado. 

1) Initialize result 'res' as empty.
2) Do following for every operator 'x'.
    a) Recursively evaluate all possible values on left of 'x'.
       Let the list of values be 'l'.  
    a) Recursively evaluate all possible values on right of 'x'.
       Let the list of values be 'r'.
    c) Loop through all values in list 'l'  
           loop through all values in list 'r'
               Apply current operator 'x' on current items of 
               'l' and 'r' and add the evaluated value to 'res'   
3) Return 'res'.

A continuación se muestra la implementación del algoritmo anterior. 


// C++ program to evaluate all possible values of
// a expression
using namespace std;
// Utility function to evaluate a simple expression
// with one operator only.
int eval(int a, char op, int b)
    if (op=='+')   return a+b;
    if (op=='-')   return a-b;
    if (op == '*') return a*b;
// This function evaluates all possible values and
// returns a list of evaluated values.
vector<int> evaluateAll(string expr, int low, int high)
    // To store result (all possible evaluations of
    // given expression 'expr')
    vector<int> res;
    // If there is only one character, it must
    // be a digit (or operand), return it.
    if (low == high)
        res.push_back(expr[low] - '0');
        return res;
    // If there are only three characters, middle
    // one must be operator and corner ones must be
    // operand
    if (low == (high-2))
        int num = eval(expr[low]-'0', expr[low+1],
        return res;
    // every i refers to an operator
    for (int i=low+1; i<=high; i+=2)
        // l refers to all the possible values
        // in the left of operator 'expr[i]'
        vector<int> l = evaluateAll(expr, low, i-1);
        // r refers to all the possible values
        // in the right of operator 'expr[i]'
        vector<int> r = evaluateAll(expr, i+1, high);
        // Take above evaluated all possible
        // values in left side of 'i'
        for (int s1=0; s1<l.size(); s1++)
            // Take above evaluated all possible
            // values in right side of 'i'
            for (int s2=0; s2<r.size(); s2++)
                // Calculate value for every pair
                // and add the value to result.
                int val = eval(l[s1], expr[i], r[s2]);
    return res;
// Driver program
int main()
    string expr = "1*2+3*4";
    int len = expr.length();
    vector<int> ans = evaluateAll(expr, 0, len-1);
    for (int i=0; i< ans.size(); i++)
        cout << ans[i] << endl;
    return 0;


// Java program to evaluate all possible
// values of a expression
import java.util.*;
class GFG
    // Utility function to evaluate a simple expression
    // with one operator only.
    static int eval(int a, char op, int b)
        if (op == '+')
            return a + b;
        if (op == '-')
            return a - b;
        if (op == '*')
            return a * b;
        return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    // This function evaluates all possible values and
    // returns a list of evaluated values.
    static Vector<Integer> evaluateAll(String expr,
                                    int low, int high)
        // To store result (all possible evaluations of
        // given expression 'expr')
        Vector<Integer> res = new Vector<Integer>();
        // If there is only one character, it must
        // be a digit (or operand), return it.
        if (low == high)
            res.add(expr.charAt(low) - '0');
            return res;
        // If there are only three characters, middle
        // one must be operator and corner ones must be
        // operand
        if (low == (high - 2))
            int num = eval(expr.charAt(low) - '0',
                         expr.charAt(low + 1),
                        expr.charAt(low + 2) - '0');
            return res;
        // every i refers to an operator
        for (int i = low + 1; i <= high; i += 2)
            // l refers to all the possible values
            // in the left of operator 'expr[i]'
            Vector<Integer> l = evaluateAll(expr, low, i - 1);
            // r refers to all the possible values
            // in the right of operator 'expr[i]'
            Vector<Integer> r = evaluateAll(expr, i + 1, high);
            // Take above evaluated all possible
            // values in left side of 'i'
            for (int s1 = 0; s1 < l.size(); s1++)
                // Take above evaluated all possible
                // values in right side of 'i'
                for (int s2 = 0; s2 < r.size(); s2++)
                    // Calculate value for every pair
                    // and add the value to result.
                    int val = eval(l.get(s1), expr.charAt(i), r.get(s2));
        return res;
    // Driver program
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String expr = "1*2+3*4";
        int len = expr.length();
        Vector<Integer> ans = evaluateAll(expr, 0, len - 1);
        for (int i = 0; i < ans.size(); i++)
// This code has been contributed by 29AjayKumar


# Python3 program to evaluate all
# possible values of a expression
# Utility function to evaluate a simple
# expression with one operator only.
def eval(a, op, b):
    if op == '+': return a + b
    if op == '-': return a - b
    if op == '*': return a * b
# This function evaluates all possible values
# and returns a list of evaluated values.
def evaluateAll(expr, low, high):
    # To store result (all possible
    # evaluations of given expression 'expr')
    res = []
    # If there is only one character,
    # it must be a digit (or operand),
    # return it.
    if low == high:
        return res
    # If there are only three characters,
    # middle one must be operator and 
    # corner ones must be operand
    if low == (high - 2):
        num = eval(int(expr[low]),
                       expr[low + 1],
                   int(expr[low + 2]))
        return res
    # every i refers to an operator
    for i in range(low + 1, high + 1, 2):
        # l refers to all the possible values
        # in the left of operator 'expr[i]'
        l = evaluateAll(expr, low, i - 1)
        # r refers to all the possible values
        # in the right of operator 'expr[i]'
        r = evaluateAll(expr, i + 1, high)
        # Take above evaluated all possible
        # values in left side of 'i'
        for s1 in range(0, len(l)):
            # Take above evaluated all possible
            # values in right side of 'i'
            for s2 in range(0, len(r)):
                # Calculate value for every pair
                # and add the value to result.
                val = eval(l[s1], expr[i], r[s2])
    return res
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    expr = "1*2+3*4"
    length = len(expr)
    ans = evaluateAll(expr, 0, length - 1)
    for i in range(0, len(ans)):
# This code is contributed by Rituraj Jain


// C# program to evaluate all possible
// values of a expression
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG
    // Utility function to evaluate a simple expression
    // with one operator only.
    static int eval(int a, char op, int b)
        if (op == '+')
            return a + b;
        if (op == '-')
            return a - b;
        if (op == '*')
            return a * b;
        return int.MaxValue;
    // This function evaluates all possible values and
    // returns a list of evaluated values.
    static List<int> evaluateAll(String expr,
                                    int low, int high)
        // To store result (all possible evaluations of
        // given expression 'expr')
        List<int> res = new List<int> ();
        // If there is only one character, it must
        // be a digit (or operand), return it.
        if (low == high)
            res.Add(expr[low] - '0');
            return res;
        // If there are only three characters, middle
        // one must be operator and corner ones must be
        // operand
        if (low == (high - 2))
            int num = eval(expr[low] - '0',
                        expr[low + 1],
                        expr[low + 2] - '0');
            return res;
        // every i refers to an operator
        for (int i = low + 1; i <= high; i += 2)
            // l refers to all the possible values
            // in the left of operator 'expr[i]'
            List<int> l = evaluateAll(expr, low, i - 1);
            // r refers to all the possible values
            // in the right of operator 'expr[i]'
            List<int> r = evaluateAll(expr, i + 1, high);
            // Take above evaluated all possible
            // values in left side of 'i'
            for (int s1 = 0; s1 < l.Count; s1++)
                // Take above evaluated all possible
                // values in right side of 'i'
                for (int s2 = 0; s2 < r.Count; s2++)
                    // Calculate value for every pair
                    // and add the value to result.
                    int val = eval(l[s1], expr[i], r[s2]);
        return res;
    // Driver code
    public static void Main()
        String expr = "1*2+3*4";
        int len = expr.Length;
        List<int> ans = evaluateAll(expr, 0, len - 1);
        for (int i = 0; i < ans.Count; i++)
/* This code contributed by PrinciRaj1992 */


// PHP program to evaluate all possible
// values of a expression
// Utility function to eval1uate a simple
// expression with one operator only.
function eval1($a, $op, $b)
    if ($op == '+') return $a + $b;
    if ($op == '-') return $a - $b;
    if ($op == '*') return $a * $b;
// This function eval1uates all possible values
// and returns a list of eval1uated values.
function eval1uateAll($expr, $low, $high)
    // To store result (all possible
    // evaluations of given expression 'expr')
    $res = array();
    // If there is only one character, it must
    // be a digit (or operand), return it.
    if ($low == $high)
        array_push($res, ord($expr[$low]) -
        return $res;
    // If there are only three characters,
    // middle one must be operator and
    // corner ones must be operand
    if ($low == ($high - 2))
        $num = eval1(ord($expr[$low]) -
                     ord('0'), $expr[$low + 1],
                     ord($expr[$low + 2]) -
        array_push($res, $num);
        return $res;
    // every i refers to an operator
    for ($i = $low + 1; $i <= $high; $i += 2)
        // l refers to all the possible values
        // in the left of operator 'expr[i]'
        $l = eval1uateAll($expr, $low, $i - 1);
        // r refers to all the possible values
        // in the right of operator 'expr[i]'
        $r = eval1uateAll($expr, $i + 1, $high);
        // Take above eval1uated all possible
        // values in left side of 'i'
        for ($s1 = 0; $s1 < count($l); $s1++)
            // Take above eval1uated all possible
            // values in right side of 'i'
            for ($s2 = 0; $s2 < count($r); $s2++)
                // Calculate value for every pair
                // and add the value to result.
                $val = eval1($l[$s1],
                             $expr[$i], $r[$s2]);
                array_push($res, $val);
    return $res;
// Driver Code
$expr = "1*2+3*4";
$len = strlen($expr);
$ans = eval1uateAll($expr, 0, $len - 1);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($ans); $i++)
    echo $ans[$i] . "\n";
// This code is contributed by mits


// Javascript program to evaluate all possible
// values of a expression
// Utility function to evaluate a simple expression
    // with one operator only.
function eval(a,op,b)
    if (op == '+')
            return a + b;
        if (op == '-')
            return a - b;
        if (op == '*')
            return a * b;
        return Number.MAX_VALUE;
// This function evaluates all possible values and
    // returns a list of evaluated values.
function evaluateAll(expr,low,high)
    // To store result (all possible evaluations of
        // given expression 'expr')
        let res = [];
        // If there is only one character, it must
        // be a digit (or operand), return it.
        if (low == high)
            res.push(expr[low] - '0');
            return res;
        // If there are only three characters, middle
        // one must be operator and corner ones must be
        // operand
        if (low == (high - 2))
            let num = eval(expr[low] - '0',
                         expr[low + 1],
                        expr[low + 2] - '0');
            return res;
        // every i refers to an operator
        for (let i = low + 1; i <= high; i += 2)
            // l refers to all the possible values
            // in the left of operator 'expr[i]'
            let l = evaluateAll(expr, low, i - 1);
            // r refers to all the possible values
            // in the right of operator 'expr[i]'
            let r = evaluateAll(expr, i + 1, high);
            // Take above evaluated all possible
            // values in left side of 'i'
            for (let s1 = 0; s1 < l.length; s1++)
                // Take above evaluated all possible
                // values in right side of 'i'
                for (let s2 = 0; s2 < r.length; s2++)
                    // Calculate value for every pair
                    // and add the value to result.
                    let val = eval(l[s1], expr[i], r[s2]);
        return res;
// Driver program
let  expr = "1*2+3*4";
let len = expr.length;
let ans = evaluateAll(expr, 0, len - 1);
for (let i = 0; i < ans.length; i++)
// This code is contributed by rag2127



Ejercicio: Amplíe la solución anterior para que también funcione para números con varios dígitos. Por ejemplo, expresiones como “100*30+20” (Sugerencia: podemos crear una array de enteros para almacenar todos los operandos y operadores de una expresión dada).
Este artículo es una contribución de Ekta Goel . Escriba comentarios si encuentra algo incorrecto o si desea compartir más información sobre el tema tratado anteriormente.

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Artículo escrito por GeeksforGeeks-1 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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