Reorganizar strings binarias dadas para maximizar su valor Bitwise XOR

Dadas tres strings binarias S1 , S2 y S3 , cada una de longitud N , la tarea es encontrar el máximo XOR bit a bit posible que se puede obtener reorganizando los caracteres de las strings dadas.


Entrada: S1 = “1001”, S2 = “0010”, S3 = “1110”
Salida: 15
Reorganice los dígitos de S1 como “1010”, S2 como “1000” y S3 como “1101”.
El XOR de estas strings es «1111», que es 15 en forma decimal.

Entrada: S1 = “11111”, S2 = “11111”, S3 = “11111” 
Salida: 31
No hay otra forma de ordenar los dígitos. Por lo tanto, XOR es «11111», que es 31 en forma decimal. 

Enfoque ingenuo: el enfoque más simple es generar todas las formas posibles de reorganizar S1 , S2 y S3 . Suponga que hay bits establecidos O1 , O2 y O3 en las strings S1 , S2 y S3 respectivamente. El número total de reordenamientos para verificar para obtener el valor máximo de XOR bit a bit es el siguiente:

Total de formas de reorganizar S1 = N C O1  
Total de formas de reorganizar S2 = N C O2 Total de formas de reorganizar S3 = N C O3   

Por lo tanto, el total de reordenamientos posibles para verificar = N C O1 * N C O2  * N C O3

Complejidad de tiempo: O((N!) 3 ), donde N es la longitud de las strings dadas.
Espacio Auxiliar: O(N)

Enfoque eficiente: la idea es encontrar una reorganización adecuada de S1 , S2 y S3 de modo que su valor Bitwise XOR se maximice mediante la programación dinámica . Los subproblemas se pueden almacenar en una tabla dp[][][][] donde dp[i][o1][o2][o3] almacena el valor máximo de XOR hasta la posición N-1 a partir del índice i , donde o1 es decir, o2 y o3 son el número de 1 s que quedan por colocar en las strings S1 , S2 y S3respectivamente.

Puede haber cuatro casos posibles en cualquier posición i de 0 a (N – 1) :

  1. Asigne 1 s a las tres strings
  2. Asigne 1 s a cualquiera de las dos strings
  3. Asigne 1 s a cualquiera de las strings.
  4. Asigne 0 s a todas las strings.

A partir de los posibles casos anteriores para cada posición, calcule el XOR bit a bit máximo que se puede obtener de las cuatro posibilidades:

Siga los pasos a continuación para resolver el problema:

  • Inicialice una tabla dp[][][][] para almacenar el número de unos en S1 , S2 y S3 para las posiciones i de 0 a N-1 .
  • Los estados de transición son los siguientes:

dp[i][o1][o2][o3] = max(dp(asignar 1 a las tres strings), dp(asignar 1 a cualquiera de las dos strings), dp(asignar 1 a cualquier string), dp( no asigne 1 a ninguna string)) donde,

i = posición actual
o1 = restantes para colocar en la string S1
o2 = restantes para colocar en la string S2
o3 = restantes para colocar en la string S3

  • Resuelva los subproblemas para todos los casos usando la transición anterior e imprima el valor XOR máximo entre ellos.

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior:


// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Dp table to store the sub-problems
int dp[20][20][20][20];
// Function to find the maximum XOR
// value after rearranging the digits
int maxXorValue(int i, string& s1,
                string& s2, string& s3,
                int ones1, int ones2,
                int ones3, int n)
    // Base Case
    if (i >= n)
        return 0;
    // Return if already calculated
    if (dp[i][ones1][ones2][ones3] != -1)
        return dp[i][ones1][ones2][ones3];
    int option1 = 0, option2 = 0,
        option3 = 0, option4 = 0,
        option5 = 0, option6 = 0,
        option7 = 0, option8 = 0;
    // Assigning 1's to all string at
    // position 'i'.
    if (ones1 > 0 && ones2 > 0
        && ones3 > 0)
        // 2^(n-1-i) is the value
        // added to the total
            = (1 << ((n - 1) - i))
              + maxXorValue(i + 1, s1,
                            s2, s3, ones1 - 1,
                            ones2 - 1,
                            ones3 - 1, n);
    // Assigning 1's to strings 1 & 2
    if (ones1 > 0 && ones2 > 0
        && (n - i > ones3))
            = 0
              + maxXorValue(i + 1, s1,
                            s2, s3, ones1 - 1,
                            ones2 - 1,
                            ones3, n);
    // Assigning 1's to strings 2 & 3
    if (ones2 > 0 && ones3 > 0
        && (n - i > ones1))
        option3 = 0
                  + maxXorValue(i + 1, s1,
                                s2, s3,
                                ones2 - 1,
                                ones3 - 1, n);
    // Assigning 1's to strings 3 & 1
    if (ones3 > 0 && ones1 > 0
        && (n - i > ones2))
            = 0
              + maxXorValue(i + 1, s1,
                            s2, s3,
                            ones1 - 1,
                            ones3 - 1, n);
    // Assigning 1 to string 1
    if (ones1 > 0 && (n - i > ones2)
        && (n - i > ones3))
        option5 = (1 << ((n - 1) - i))
                  + maxXorValue(i + 1, s1,
                                s2, s3,
                                ones1 - 1,
                                ones3, n);
    // Assigning 1 to string 2
    if (ones2 > 0 && (n - i > ones3)
        && (n - i > ones1))
        option6 = (1 << ((n - 1) - i))
                  + maxXorValue(i + 1, s1,
                                s2, s3, ones1,
                                ones2 - 1,
                                ones3, n);
    // Assigning 1 to string 3.
    if (ones3 > 0 && (n - i > ones2)
        && (n - i > ones1))
        option7 = (1 << ((n - 1) - i))
                  + maxXorValue(i + 1, s1,
                                s2, s3, ones1,
                                ones3 - 1, n);
    // Assigning 0 to all the strings
    if ((n - i > ones2) && (n - i > ones3)
        && (n - i > ones1))
        option8 = 0
                  + maxXorValue(i + 1, s1,
                                s2, s3,
                                ones3, n);
    // Take the maximum amongst all of
    // the above solutions
    return dp[i][ones1][ones2][ones3]
           = max(option1,
// Function to get the count of ones
// in the string s
int onesCount(string& s)
    int count = 0;
    // Traverse the string
    for (auto x : s) {
        if (x == '1')
    // Return the count
    return count;
// Utility Function to find the maximum
// XOR value after rearranging the digits
void maxXORUtil(string s1, string s2,
                string s3, int n)
    // Find the count of ones in
    // each of the strings
    int ones1 = onesCount(s1);
    int ones2 = onesCount(s2);
    int ones3 = onesCount(s3);
    // Initialize dp table with -1
    memset(dp, -1, sizeof dp);
    // Function Call
    cout << maxXorValue(0, s1, s2, s3,
                        ones1, ones2,
                        ones3, n);
// Driver code
int main()
    string s1 = "11110";
    string s2 = "10101";
    string s3 = "00111";
    int n = s1.size();
    // Function Call
    maxXORUtil(s1, s2, s3, n);
    return 0;


// Java program for the above approach
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
class GFG{
// Dp table to store the sub-problems
static int[][][][]  dp = new int[20][20][20][20];
// Function to find the maximum XOR
// value after rearranging the digits
static int maxXorValue(int i, String s1,
                       String s2, String s3,
                       int ones1, int ones2,
                       int ones3, int n)
    // Base Case
    if (i >= n)
        return 0;
    // Return if already calculated
    if (dp[i][ones1][ones2][ones3] != -1)
        return dp[i][ones1][ones2][ones3];
    int option1 = 0, option2 = 0,
        option3 = 0, option4 = 0,
        option5 = 0, option6 = 0,
        option7 = 0, option8 = 0;
    // Assigning 1's to all string at
    // position 'i'.
    if (ones1 > 0 && ones2 > 0 &&
        ones3 > 0)
        // 2^(n-1-i) is the value
        // added to the total
        option1 = (1 << ((n - 1) - i)) +
              maxXorValue(i + 1, s1, s2,
                          s3, ones1 - 1,
                              ones2 - 1,
                              ones3 - 1, n);
    // Assigning 1's to strings 1 & 2
    if (ones1 > 0 && ones2 > 0 &&
       (n - i > ones3))
        option2 = 0 + maxXorValue(i + 1, s1, s2,
                                  s3, ones1 - 1,
                                      ones2 - 1,
                                      ones3, n);
    // Assigning 1's to strings 2 & 3
    if (ones2 > 0 && ones3 > 0 &&
       (n - i > ones1))
        option3 = 0 + maxXorValue(i + 1, s1, s2,
                                  s3, ones1,
                                  ones2 - 1,
                                  ones3 - 1, n);
    // Assigning 1's to strings 3 & 1
    if (ones3 > 0 && ones1 > 0 &&
       (n - i > ones2))
        option4 = 0 + maxXorValue(i + 1, s1, s2,
                                  s3, ones1 - 1,
                                  ones3 - 1, n);
    // Assigning 1 to string 1
    if (ones1 > 0 && (n - i > ones2) &&
       (n - i > ones3))
        option5 = (1 << ((n - 1) - i)) +
                  maxXorValue(i + 1, s1, s2,
                              s3, ones1 - 1,
                              ones2, ones3, n);
    // Assigning 1 to string 2
    if (ones2 > 0 && (n - i > ones3) &&
       (n - i > ones1))
        option6 = (1 << ((n - 1) - i)) +
                  maxXorValue(i + 1, s1,
                              s2, s3, ones1,
                              ones2 - 1,
                              ones3, n);
    // Assigning 1 to string 3.
    if (ones3 > 0 && (n - i > ones2) &&
       (n - i > ones1))
        option7 = (1 << ((n - 1) - i)) +
                  maxXorValue(i + 1, s1,
                              s2, s3, ones1,
                              ones3 - 1, n);
    // Assigning 0 to all the strings
    if ((n - i > ones2) && (n - i > ones3) &&
        (n - i > ones1))
        option8 = 0 + maxXorValue(i + 1, s1,
                                  s2, s3, ones1,
                                  ones2, ones3, n);
    // Take the maximum amongst all of
    // the above solutions
    return dp[i][ones1][ones2][ones3] =
// Function to get the count of ones
// in the string s
static int onesCount(String s)
    int count = 0;
    // Traverse the string
    for(char x : s.toCharArray())
        if (x == '1')
    // Return the count
    return count;
// Utility Function to find the maximum
// XOR value after rearranging the digits
static void maxXORUtil(String s1, String s2,
                       String s3, int n)
    // Find the count of ones in
    // each of the strings
    int ones1 = onesCount(s1);
    int ones2 = onesCount(s2);
    int ones3 = onesCount(s3);
    // Initialize dp table with -1
    for(int[][][] i : dp)
        for(int[][] j : i)
            for(int[] k : j)
                Arrays.fill(k, -1);
    // Function Call
    System.out.println(maxXorValue(0, s1, s2, s3,
                                   ones1, ones2,
                                   ones3, n));
// Driver code
public static void main (String[] args)
    String s1 = "11110";
    String s2 = "10101";
    String s3 = "00111";
    int n = s1.length();
    // Function call
    maxXORUtil(s1, s2, s3, n);
// This code is contributed by offbeat


# Python3 program for the
# above approach
# Dp table to store the
# sub-problems
dp = [[[[-1 for x in range(20)]
            for y in range(20)]
            for z in range(20)]
            for p in range(20)]
# Function to find the maximum
# XOR value after rearranging
# the digits
def maxXorValue(i, s1, s2, s3,
                ones1, ones2,
                ones3, n):
    # Base Case
    if (i >= n):
        return 0
    # Return if already
    if (dp[i][ones1][ones2][ones3] != -1):
        return dp[i][ones1][ones2][ones3]
    option1 = 0
    option2 = 0
    option3 = 0
    option4 = 0
    option5 = 0
    option6 = 0
    option7 = 0
    option8 = 0
    # Assigning 1's to all
    # string at position 'i'.
    if (ones1 > 0 and ones2 > 0 and
        ones3 > 0):
        # 2^(n-1-i) is the value
        # added to the total
        option1 = ((1 << ((n - 1) - i)) +
                    maxXorValue(i + 1, s1,
                                s2, s3,
                                ones1 - 1,
                                ones2 - 1,
                                ones3 - 1, n))
    # Assigning 1's to strings
    # 1 & 2
    if (ones1 > 0 and ones2 > 0 and
       (n - i > ones3)):
        option2 = (0 + maxXorValue(i + 1, s1,
                                   s2, s3,
                                   ones1 - 1,
                                   ones2 - 1,
                                   ones3, n))
    # Assigning 1's to strings
    # 2 & 3
    if (ones2 > 0 and ones3 > 0 and
       (n - i > ones1)):
        option3 = (0 + maxXorValue(i + 1, s1,
                                   s2, s3,
                                   ones2 - 1,
                                   ones3 - 1, n))
    # Assigning 1's to strings
    # 3 & 1
    if (ones3 > 0 and ones1 > 0 and
       (n - i > ones2)):
        option4 = (0 + maxXorValue(i + 1, s1,
                                   s2, s3,
                                   ones1 - 1,
                                   ones3 - 1, n))
    # Assigning 1 to string 1
    if (ones1 > 0 and (n - i > ones2)
            and (n - i > ones3)):
        option5 = ((1 << ((n - 1) - i))
                   + maxXorValue(i + 1, s1,
                                 s2, s3,
                                 ones1 - 1,
                                 ones3, n))
    # Assigning 1 to string 2
    if (ones2 > 0 and (n - i > ones3) and
       (n - i > ones1)):
        option6 = ((1 << ((n - 1) - i)) +
                    maxXorValue(i + 1, s1,
                                s2, s3,
                                ones2 - 1,
                                ones3, n))
    # Assigning 1 to string 3.
    if (ones3 > 0 and (n - i > ones2) and
        (n - i > ones1)):
        option7 = ((1 << ((n - 1) - i)) +
                    maxXorValue(i + 1, s1,
                                s2, s3,
                                ones1, ones2,
                                ones3 - 1, n))
    # Assigning 0 to all the strings
    if ((n - i > ones2) and (n - i > ones3) and
        (n - i > ones1)):
        option8 = (0 + maxXorValue(i + 1, s1,
                                   s2, s3,
                                   ones3, n))
    # Take the maximum amongst all of
    # the above solutions
    dp[i][ones1][ones2][ones3] = max(option1,
    return dp[i][ones1][ones2][ones3]
# Function to get the count
# of ones in the string s
def onesCount(s):
    count = 0
    # Traverse the string
    for x in s:
        if (x == '1'):
            count += 1
    # Return the count
    return count
# Utility Function to find
# the maximum XOR value after
# rearranging the digits
def maxXORUtil(s1, s2,
               s3, n):
    # Find the count of ones in
    # each of the strings
    ones1 = onesCount(s1)
    ones2 = onesCount(s2)
    ones3 = onesCount(s3)
    global dp
    # Function Call
    print(maxXorValue(0, s1, s2, s3,
                      ones1, ones2,
                      ones3, n))
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    s1 = "11110"
    s2 = "10101"
    s3 = "00111"
    n = len(s1)
    # Function Call
    maxXORUtil(s1, s2, s3, n)
# This code is contributed by Chitranayal


// C# program for the
// above approach
using System;
class GFG{
// Dp table to store
// the sub-problems
static int[,,,] dp =
       new int[20, 20,
               20, 20];
// Function to find the
// maximum XOR value after
// rearranging the digits
static int maxXorValue(int i, String s1,
                       String s2, String s3,
                       int ones1, int ones2,
                       int ones3, int n)
  // Base Case
  if (i >= n)
    return 0;
  // Return if already calculated
  if (dp[i, ones1,
         ones2, ones3] != -1)
    return dp[i, ones1,
              ones2, ones3];
  int option1 = 0, option2 = 0,
  option3 = 0, option4 = 0,
  option5 = 0, option6 = 0,
  option7 = 0, option8 = 0;
  // Assigning 1's to all
  // string at position 'i'.
  if (ones1 > 0 && ones2 > 0 &&
      ones3 > 0)
    // 2^(n-1-i) is the value
    // added to the total
    option1 = (1 << ((n - 1) - i)) +
               maxXorValue(i + 1, s1,
                           s2, s3,
                           ones1 - 1,
                           ones2 - 1,
                           ones3 - 1, n);
  // Assigning 1's to
  // strings 1 & 2
  if (ones1 > 0 && ones2 > 0 &&
     (n - i > ones3))
    option2 = 0 + maxXorValue(i + 1, s1, s2,
                              s3, ones1 - 1,
                              ones2 - 1,
                              ones3, n);
  // Assigning 1's to strings 2 & 3
  if (ones2 > 0 && ones3 > 0 &&
     (n - i > ones1))
    option3 = 0 + maxXorValue(i + 1, s1, s2,
                              s3, ones1,
                              ones2 - 1,
                              ones3 - 1, n);
  // Assigning 1's to strings 3 & 1
  if (ones3 > 0 && ones1 > 0 &&
     (n - i > ones2))
    option4 = 0 + maxXorValue(i + 1, s1, s2,
                              s3, ones1 - 1,
                              ones3 - 1, n);
  // Assigning 1 to string 1
  if (ones1 > 0 && (n - i > ones2) &&
     (n - i > ones3))
    option5 = (1 << ((n - 1) - i)) +
               maxXorValue(i + 1, s1,
                           ones1 - 1,
                           ones2, ones3, n);
  // Assigning 1 to string 2
  if (ones2 > 0 && (n - i > ones3) &&
     (n - i > ones1))
    option6 = (1 << ((n - 1) - i)) +
               maxXorValue(i + 1, s1,
                           s2, s3,
                           ones2 - 1,
                           ones3, n);
  // Assigning 1 to string 3.
  if (ones3 > 0 && (n - i > ones2) &&
     (n - i > ones1))
    option7 = (1 << ((n - 1) - i)) +
               maxXorValue(i + 1, s1,
                           s2, s3,
                           ones3 - 1, n);
  // Assigning 0 to all the strings
  if ((n - i > ones2) &&
      (n - i > ones3) &&
      (n - i > ones1))
    option8 = 0 + maxXorValue(i + 1,
                              s1, s2,
                              s3, ones1,
                              ones2, ones3, n);
  // Take the maximum amongst all of
  // the above solutions
  return dp[i, ones1,
            ones2, ones3] = Math.Max(option1,
// Function to get the count
// of ones in the string s
static int onesCount(String s)
  int count = 0;
  // Traverse the string
  foreach(char x in s.ToCharArray())
    if (x == '1')
  // Return the count
  return count;
// Utility Function to find the maximum
// XOR value after rearranging the digits
static void maxXORUtil(String s1, String s2,
                       String s3, int n)
  // Find the count of ones in
  // each of the strings
  int ones1 = onesCount(s1);
  int ones2 = onesCount(s2);
  int ones3 = onesCount(s3);
  // Initialize dp table with -1
  for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
    for(int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
      for(int l = 0; l < 20; l++)
        for(int k = 0; k < 20; k++)
          dp[i, j, l, k] =- 1;
  // Function Call
  Console.WriteLine(maxXorValue(0, s1, s2, s3,
                                ones1, ones2,
                                ones3, n));
// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
  String s1 = "11110";
  String s2 = "10101";
  String s3 = "00111";
  int n = s1.Length;
  // Function call
  maxXORUtil(s1, s2, s3, n);
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


// Javascript program for the above approach
// Dp table to store the sub-problems
let dp = new Array(20);
for(let i = 0; i < 20; i++)
    dp[i] = new Array(20);
    for(let j = 0; j < 20; j++)
        dp[i][j] = new Array(20);
        for(let k = 0; k < 20; k++)
            dp[i][j][k] = new Array(20);
            for(let l = 0; l < 20; l++)
                dp[i][j][k][l] = -1;
// Function to find the maximum XOR
// value after rearranging the digits
function maxXorValue(i, s1, s2, s3, ones1,
                     ones2, ones3, n)
    // Base Case
    if (i >= n)
        return 0;
    // Return if already calculated
    if (dp[i][ones1][ones2][ones3] != -1)
        return dp[i][ones1][ones2][ones3];
    let option1 = 0, option2 = 0,
        option3 = 0, option4 = 0,
        option5 = 0, option6 = 0,
        option7 = 0, option8 = 0;
    // Assigning 1's to all string at
    // position 'i'.
    if (ones1 > 0 && ones2 > 0 &&
        ones3 > 0)
        // 2^(n-1-i) is the value
        // added to the total
        option1 = (1 << ((n - 1) - i)) +
              maxXorValue(i + 1, s1, s2,
                          s3, ones1 - 1,
                              ones2 - 1,
                              ones3 - 1, n);
    // Assigning 1's to strings 1 & 2
    if (ones1 > 0 && ones2 > 0 &&
       (n - i > ones3))
        option2 = 0 + maxXorValue(i + 1, s1, s2,
                                  s3, ones1 - 1,
                                      ones2 - 1,
                                      ones3, n);
    // Assigning 1's to strings 2 & 3
    if (ones2 > 0 && ones3 > 0 &&
       (n - i > ones1))
        option3 = 0 + maxXorValue(i + 1, s1, s2,
                                  s3, ones1,
                                  ones2 - 1,
                                  ones3 - 1, n);
    // Assigning 1's to strings 3 & 1
    if (ones3 > 0 && ones1 > 0 &&
       (n - i > ones2))
        option4 = 0 + maxXorValue(i + 1, s1, s2,
                                  s3, ones1 - 1,
                                  ones3 - 1, n);
    // Assigning 1 to string 1
    if (ones1 > 0 && (n - i > ones2) &&
       (n - i > ones3))
        option5 = (1 << ((n - 1) - i)) +
                   maxXorValue(i + 1, s1, s2,
                               s3, ones1 - 1,
                               ones2, ones3, n);
    // Assigning 1 to string 2
    if (ones2 > 0 && (n - i > ones3) &&
       (n - i > ones1))
        option6 = (1 << ((n - 1) - i)) +
                   maxXorValue(i + 1, s1,
                               s2, s3, ones1,
                               ones2 - 1,
                               ones3, n);
    // Assigning 1 to string 3.
    if (ones3 > 0 && (n - i > ones2) &&
       (n - i > ones1))
        option7 = (1 << ((n - 1) - i)) +
                  maxXorValue(i + 1, s1,
                              s2, s3, ones1,
                              ones3 - 1, n);
    // Assigning 0 to all the strings
    if ((n - i > ones2) && (n - i > ones3) &&
        (n - i > ones1))
        option8 = 0 + maxXorValue(i + 1, s1,
                                  s2, s3, ones1,
                                  ones2, ones3, n);
    // Take the maximum amongst all of
    // the above solutions
    return dp[i][ones1][ones2][ones3] =
// Function to get the count of ones
// in the string s
function onesCount(s)
    let count = 0;
    // Traverse the string
    for(let x = 0; x < s.length; x++)
        if (s[x] == '1')
    // Return the count
    return count;
// Utility Function to find the maximum
// XOR value after rearranging the digits
function maxXORUtil(s1, s2, s3, n)
    // Find the count of ones in
    // each of the strings
    let ones1 = onesCount(s1);
    let ones2 = onesCount(s2);
    let ones3 = onesCount(s3);
    // Function Call
    document.write(maxXorValue(0, s1, s2, s3,
                               ones1, ones2,
                               ones3, n));
// Driver code
let s1 = "11110";
let s2 = "10101";
let s3 = "00111";
let n = s1.length;
// Function call
maxXORUtil(s1, s2, s3, n);
// This code is contributed by avanitrachhadiya2155


Complejidad de Tiempo: O(N 4 )
Espacio Auxiliar: O(N)

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por shreyasshetty788 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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