Aplicación GUI para el Sistema de Gestión de Estudiantes

Requisitos previos: Java Swing
Escriba un programa para crear una aplicación GUI que proporcione los detalles del estudiante universitario, sobre su curso y las tarifas que debe pagar. La tarifa se calcula y se guarda en un archivo de texto. El programa también debe poder imprimir el recibo. 

Enfoque: El concepto se basa en la GUI (interfaz gráfica de usuario) . La idea es utilizar Java Swing y AWT . Por lo tanto, necesitamos definir todos los métodos basados ​​en la funcionalidad. Los métodos en el programa son los siguientes:

  1. Recibo: La principal funcionalidad de este método es mostrar todos los datos que se ingresan en los campos de texto, el curso a realizar y el monto final a pagar. Estas operaciones se pueden realizar agregando ActionListeners al botón llamado recibo .
  2. Restablecer: la funcionalidad de este método es borrar la información que ya está visible en las áreas de texto y en los campos de texto y agregar los detalles de un nuevo estudiante e imprimir las tarifas de ese estudiante en particular. Se puede hacer agregando ActionListeners al botón.
  3. Imprimir: La funcionalidad de este método es imprimir el recibo de la tarifa si la impresora está disponible. Podemos hacer esto agregando ActionListener al botón. Toda la información en el área de texto se denomina area2 y se guarda en un archivo en la computadora con el nombre de java.txt . También mostrará un cuadro de diálogo como Datos guardados correctamente .

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior:


// Java program to implement a GUI
// application for the student
// management system
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.print.*;
import javafx.print.Printer;
import java.io.*;
import java.io.IOException;
// Creating the fee class
public class fee extends Frame {
    JLabel l1, l2, l3, l4,
        l5, l6, l7, l8,
        l9, l10, l12, l13,
        l14, l11, l15;
    JTextField tf1, tf2, tf3,
        tf4, tf5, tf6,
        tf7, tf8, tf9,
    JTextArea area2, area1;
    JRadioButton rb1, rb2, rb3,
        rb4, rb5, rb6,
    JFileChooser f1;
    // Default constructor to
    // initialize the parameters
        l1 = new JLabel("Fee Report");
        l1.setBounds(550, 100, 250, 20);
        l2 = new JLabel(
            "Name of the Student:");
        l2.setBounds(50, 150, 250, 20);
        tf1 = new JTextField();
        tf1.setBounds(250, 150, 250, 20);
        l3 = new JLabel(
            "Name of the Father:");
        l3.setBounds(50, 200, 250, 20);
        tf2 = new JTextField();
        tf2.setBounds(250, 200, 250, 20);
        l4 = new JLabel("Roll Number:");
        l4.setBounds(50, 250, 250, 20);
        tf3 = new JTextField();
        tf3.setBounds(250, 250, 250, 20);
        l5 = new JLabel("Email ID:");
        l5.setBounds(50, 300, 250, 20);
        tf4 = new JTextField();
        tf4.setBounds(250, 300, 250, 20);
        l6 = new JLabel("Contact Number:");
        l6.setBounds(50, 350, 250, 20);
        tf5 = new JTextField();
        tf5.setBounds(250, 350, 250, 20);
        l7 = new JLabel("Address:");
        l7.setBounds(50, 400, 250, 20);
        area1 = new JTextArea();
        area1.setBounds(250, 400, 250, 90);
        l9 = new JLabel("Gender:");
        l9.setBounds(50, 500, 250, 20);
        JRadioButton r5
            = new JRadioButton(" Male");
        JRadioButton r6
            = new JRadioButton(" Female");
        r5.setBounds(250, 500, 100, 30);
        r6.setBounds(350, 500, 100, 30);
        ButtonGroup bg = new ButtonGroup();
        l10 = new JLabel("Nationality:");
        l10.setBounds(50, 550, 250, 20);
        tf6 = new JTextField();
        tf6.setBounds(250, 550, 250, 20);
        l11 = new JLabel(
            "Year of passing 10th");
        l11.setBounds(50, 600, 250, 20);
        String language[]
            = { "2016", "2015", "2014" };
        final JComboBox cb1
            = new JComboBox(language);
        cb1.setBounds(250, 600, 90, 20);
        l12 = new JLabel(
            "Year of passing 12th");
        l12.setBounds(50, 650, 250, 20);
        String languagess[]
            = { "2019", "2018", "2017" };
        l13 = new JLabel(
            "Points Secured in 10th:");
        l13.setBounds(50, 700, 250, 20);
        tf7 = new JTextField();
        tf7.setBounds(250, 700, 250, 20);
        l14 = new JLabel("Percentage in 12th:");
        l14.setBounds(50, 750, 250, 20);
        tf8 = new JTextField();
        tf8.setBounds(250, 750, 250, 20);
        ImageIcon i2 = new ImageIcon("2.png");
        JLabel l15
            = new JLabel("", i2, JLabel.CENTER);
        l15.setBounds(900, 50, 600, 200);
        final JComboBox cb2
            = new JComboBox(languagess);
        cb2.setBounds(250, 650, 90, 20);
        l8 = new JLabel(
            "Groups Offered here are:");
        l8.setBounds(800, 150, 250, 20);
        rb1 = new JRadioButton("SEAS");
        rb1.setBounds(550, 150, 100, 30);
        rb2 = new JRadioButton("SLABS");
        rb2.setBounds(650, 150, 100, 30);
        ButtonGroup bg1 = new ButtonGroup();
        rb3 = new JRadioButton("HOSTELLER");
        rb3.setBounds(550, 200, 100, 30);
        rb4 = new JRadioButton("DAY SCHOLAR");
        rb4.setBounds(650, 200, 120, 30);
        ButtonGroup bg2 = new ButtonGroup();
        String languages[]
            = { "CSE", "ECE", "EEE",
                "CIVIL", "MECH" };
        final JComboBox cb
            = new JComboBox(languages);
        cb.setBounds(800, 200, 90, 20);
        final JLabel label
            = new JLabel();
        label.setBounds(600, 430, 500, 30);
        JButton b = new JButton("Show");
        b.setBounds(1000, 300, 80, 30);
        final DefaultListModel<String> li1
            = new DefaultListModel<>();
        li1.addElement("CSE(2, 50, 000)");
        li1.addElement("ECE(2, 50, 000)");
        li1.addElement("EEE(2, 50, 000)");
        li1.addElement("MECH(2, 50, 000)");
        li1.addElement("CIVIL(2, 50, 000)");
        final JList<String> list1
            = new JList<>(li1);
        list1.setBounds(600, 300, 125, 125);
        DefaultListModel<String> li2
            = new DefaultListModel<>();
            "2 SHARE(1, 50, 000)");
            "3 SHARE(1, 40, 000)");
            "5 SHARE(1, 20, 000)");
            "8 SHARE(1, 10, 000)");
            "bus(40, 000)");
        final JList<String> list2
            = new JList<>(li2);
            800, 300, 125, 125);
        JButton Receipt
            = new JButton("Generate Receipt");
        Receipt.setBounds(600, 490, 150, 30);
        JButton b2 = new JButton("Reset");
        b2.setBounds(750, 490, 150, 30);
        JButton Print = new JButton("Print");
        Print.setBounds(900, 490, 150, 30);
        area2 = new JTextArea();
        area2.setBounds(600, 540, 450, 240);
        b.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            // Method to display the data
            // entered in the text fields
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                String data = "";
                if (list1.getSelectedIndex() != -1) {
                    data = "You had selected the Group:"
                           + list1.getSelectedValue();
                if (list2.getSelectedIndex() != -1) {
                    data += " and Hostel with the "
                            + "facility of: ";
                    for (Object frame :
                         list2.getSelectedValues()) {
                        data += frame + " ";
        // Reset the text fields
            new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(
                    ActionEvent e)
                    area1.setText(" ");
                    tf6.setText(" ");
        // Implementing the Print action
            new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(
                    ActionEvent e)
                    try {
                    catch (java.awt.print
                               .PrinterException a) {
                            "NoPrinter Found",
        // Generating the receipt
        Receipt.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                    + "-----------FEE RECEIPT----"
                    + "--------------------------"
                    + "--------------------------"
                    + "-------------------\n");
                              + "Student Name: "
                              + tf1.getText()
                              + "\n");
                              + "Father's Name: "
                              + tf2.getText()
                              + "\n");
                              + "RollNumber: "
                              + tf3.getText()
                              + "\n");
                              + "Email ID: "
                              + tf4.getText()
                              + "\n");
                              + "Contact Number: "
                              + tf5.getText()
                              + "\n");
                              + "Wants to take: "
                              + cb.getSelectedItem()
                              + "\n");
                if (rb1.isSelected()) {
                                  + "Wants to Join in "
                                  + "School of Engineering "
                                  + "and Applied Sciences\n");
                if (rb2.isSelected()) {
                                  + "Wants to Join in "
                                  + "School of Liberal "
                                  + "Arts and Sciences\n");
                if (rb3.isSelected()) {
                                  + "Wants to be a "
                                  + "Hosteller \n");
                if (rb4.isSelected()) {
                                  + "Wants to be a "
                                  + "Day Scholar \n");
                              + "Had chosen: "
                              + list1.getSelectedValue()
                              + "\n");
                              + "Had chosen: "
                              + list2.getSelectedValue()
                              + "\n");
                int index2 = list2.getSelectedIndex();
                if (index2 == 0) {
                                  + "                    "
                                  + "Total amount to be "
                                  + "paid is 4 Lakhs   \n");
                if (index2 == 1) {
                                  + "                    "
                                  + "Total amount to be paid "
                                  + "is 3.9 Lakhs   \n");
                if (index2 == 2) {
                                  + "                    "
                                  + "Total amount to be paid "
                                  + "is 3.8 Lakhs   \n");
                if (index2 == 3) {
                                  + "                    "
                                  + "Total amount to be paid "
                                  + "is 3.7 Lakhs   \n");
                if (index2 == 4) {
                                  + "                    "
                                  + "Total amount to be paid "
                                  + "is 2.9 Lakhs   \n");
                if (e.getSource() == Receipt) {
                    try {
                        FileWriter fw
                            = new FileWriter(
                                "java.txt", true);
                    catch (Exception ae) {
                    area2, "DATA SAVED SUCCESSFULLY");
            new WindowAdapter() {
                public void windowClosing(
                    WindowEvent we)
        setSize(800, 800);
    public static void main(String[] args)
        new fee();


  • Cuando se ejecuta el programa anterior:

  • Cuando se agregan todos los detalles en los campos respectivos:

  • Cuando se presiona el botón de recibo:

  • Cuando los datos se almacenan en un archivo de texto:

  • Cuando se hace clic en el botón Imprimir, se muestran las siguientes opciones. Si la impresora está disponible, se puede imprimir directamente. 

  • Vista previa del documento si la impresora está disponible:


Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por puvvadasampath2000 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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