Compruebe si la representación decimal de Binary String es divisible por 9 o no

Dada una string binaria S de longitud N , la tarea es verificar si la representación decimal de la string binaria es divisible por 9 o no t.


Entrada: S = 1010001
Explicación: La representación decimal de la string binaria S es 81, que es divisible por 9. Por lo tanto, la salida requerida es Sí.

Entrada: S = 1010011
Salida: No
Explicación: La representación decimal de la string binaria S es 83, que no es divisible por 9. Por lo tanto, la salida requerida es No.

Enfoque ingenuo : el enfoque más simple para resolver este problema es convertir el número binario en un número decimal y verificar si el número decimal es divisible por 9 o no. Si se encuentra que es verdadero, imprima Verdadero. De lo contrario, escriba Falso.

Complejidad temporal: O(N)
Espacio auxiliar: O(1)

Enfoque eficiente: si la longitud de una string binaria es superior a 64 , la representación decimal de la string binaria provocará un desbordamiento. Por lo tanto, para reducir el problema del desbordamiento, la idea es convertir la string binaria en representación octal y verificar si la representación octal de la string binaria es divisible por 9 o no. Siga los pasos a continuación para resolver el problema:

  • Convierta la string binaria en representación octal .
  • Inicialice una variable, digamos Oct_9 para almacenar la representación octal de 9 .
  • Encuentre la suma de dígitos, digamos evenSum presente en posiciones pares en la representación octal de la string binaria.
  • Encuentre la suma de dígitos, digamos oddSum presente en posiciones impares en la representación octal de la string binaria.
  • Compruebe si abs(oddSum – EvenSum) % Oct_9 == 0 o no. Si se encuentra que es cierto, escriba .
  • De lo contrario , imprima No.

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior:


// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to convert the binary string
// into octal representation
string ConvertequivalentBase8(string S)
    // Stores binary representation of
    // the decimal value [0 - 7]
    map<string, char> mp;
    // Stores the decimal values
    // of binary strings [0 - 7]
    mp["000"] = '0';
    mp["001"] = '1';
    mp["010"] = '2';
    mp["011"] = '3';
    mp["100"] = '4';
    mp["101"] = '5';
    mp["110"] = '6';
    mp["111"] = '7';
    // Stores length of S
    int N = S.length();
    if (N % 3 == 2) {
        // Update S
        S = "0" + S;
    else if (N % 3 == 1) {
        // Update S
        S = "00" + S;
    // Update N
    N = S.length();
    // Stores octal representation
    // of the binary string
    string oct;
    // Traverse the binary string
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i += 3) {
        // Stores 3 consecutive characters
        // of the binary string
        string temp = S.substr(i, 3);
        // Append octal representation
        // of temp
    return oct;
// Function to check if binary string
// is divisible by 9 or not
string binString_div_9(string S, int N)
    // Stores octal representation
    // of S
    string oct;
    oct = ConvertequivalentBase8(S);
    // Stores sum of elements present
    // at odd positions of oct
    int oddSum = 0;
    // Stores sum of elements present
    // at odd positions of oct
    int evenSum = 0;
    // Stores length of oct
    int M = oct.length();
    // Traverse the string oct
    for (int i = 0; i < M; i += 2) {
        // Update oddSum
        oddSum += int(oct[i] - '0');
    // Traverse the string oct
    for (int i = 1; i < M; i += 2) {
        // Update evenSum
        evenSum += int(oct[i] - '0');
    // Stores cotal representation
    // of 9
    int Oct_9 = 11;
    // If absolute value of (oddSum
    // - evenSum) is divisible by Oct_9
    if (abs(oddSum - evenSum) % Oct_9
        == 0) {
        return "Yes";
    return "No";
// Driver Code
int main()
    string S = "1010001";
    int N = S.length();
    cout << binString_div_9(S, N);


// Java program to implement
// the above approach
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
class GFG{
// Function to convert the binary string
// into octal representation   
static String ConvertequivalentBase8(String S)
    // Stores binary representation of
    // the decimal value [0 - 7]
            Character> mp = new HashMap<String,
    // Stores the decimal values
    // of binary Strings [0 - 7]
    mp.put("000", '0');
    mp.put("001", '1');
    mp.put("010", '2');
    mp.put("011", '3');
    mp.put("100", '4');
    mp.put("101", '5');
    mp.put("110", '6');
    mp.put("111", '7');
    // Stores length of S
    int N = S.length();
    if (N % 3 == 2)
        // Update S
        S = "0" + S;
    else if (N % 3 == 1)
        // Update S
        S = "00" + S;
    // Update N
    N = S.length();
    // Stores octal representation
    // of the binary String
    String oct = "";
    // Traverse the binary String
    for(int i = 0; i < N; i += 3)
        // Stores 3 consecutive characters
        // of the binary String
        String temp = S.substring(i, i + 3);
        // Append octal representation
        // of temp
        oct += mp.get(temp);
    return oct;
// Function to check if binary String
// is divisible by 9 or not
static String binString_div_9(String S, int N)
    // Stores octal representation
    // of S
    String oct = "";
    oct = ConvertequivalentBase8(S);
    // Stores sum of elements present
    // at odd positions of oct
    int oddSum = 0;
    // Stores sum of elements present
    // at odd positions of oct
    int evenSum = 0;
    // Stores length of oct
    int M = oct.length();
    // Traverse the String oct
    for(int i = 0; i < M; i += 2)
        // Update oddSum
        oddSum += (oct.charAt(i) - '0');
    // Traverse the String oct
    for(int i = 1; i < M; i += 2)
        // Update evenSum
        evenSum += (oct.charAt(i) - '0');
    // Stores octal representation
    // of 9
    int Oct_9 = 11;
    // If absolute value of (oddSum
    // - evenSum) is divisible by Oct_9
    if (Math.abs(oddSum - evenSum) % Oct_9 == 0)
        return "Yes";
    return "No";
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    String S = "1010001";
    int N = S.length();
    System.out.println(binString_div_9(S, N));
// This code is contributed by grand_master


# Python3 program to implement
# the above approach
# Function to convert the binary
# string into octal representation
def ConvertequivalentBase8(S):
    # Stores binary representation of
    # the decimal value [0 - 7]
    mp = {}
    # Stores the decimal values
    # of binary strings [0 - 7]
    mp["000"] = '0'
    mp["001"] = '1'
    mp["010"] = '2'
    mp["011"] = '3'
    mp["100"] = '4'
    mp["101"] = '5'
    mp["110"] = '6'
    mp["111"] = '7'
    # Stores length of S
    N = len(S)
    if (N % 3 == 2):
        # Update S
        S = "0" + S
    elif (N % 3 == 1):
        # Update S
        S = "00" + S
    # Update N
    N = len(S)
    # Stores octal representation
    # of the binary string
    octal = ""
    # Traverse the binary string
    for i in range(0, N, 3):
        # Stores 3 consecutive characters
        # of the binary string
        temp = S[i: i + 3]
        # Append octal representation
        # of temp
        if temp in mp:
           octal += (mp[temp])
    return octal
# Function to check if binary string
# is divisible by 9 or not
def binString_div_9(S, N):
    # Stores octal representation
    # of S
    octal = ConvertequivalentBase8(S)
    # Stores sum of elements present
    # at odd positions of oct
    oddSum = 0
    # Stores sum of elements present
    # at odd positions of oct
    evenSum = 0
    # Stores length of oct
    M = len(octal)
    # Traverse the string oct
    for i in range(0, M, 2):
        # Update oddSum
        oddSum += ord(octal[i]) - ord('0')
    # Traverse the string oct
    for i in range(1, M, 2):
        # Update evenSum
        evenSum += ord(octal[i]) - ord('0')
    # Stores cotal representation
    # of 9
    Oct_9 = 11
    # If absolute value of (oddSum
    # - evenSum) is divisible by Oct_9
    if (abs(oddSum - evenSum) % Oct_9 == 0):
        return "Yes"
    return "No"
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    S = "1010001"
    N = len(S)
    print(binString_div_9(S, N))
# This code is contributed by chitranayal


// C# program to implement
// the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG{
// Function to convert the binary string
// into octal representation   
static String ConvertequivalentBase8(String S)
    // Stores binary representation of
    // the decimal value [0 - 7]
               char> mp = new Dictionary<String,
    // Stores the decimal values
    // of binary Strings [0 - 7]
    mp.Add("000", '0');
    mp.Add("001", '1');
    mp.Add("010", '2');
    mp.Add("011", '3');
    mp.Add("100", '4');
    mp.Add("101", '5');
    mp.Add("110", '6');
    mp.Add("111", '7');
    // Stores length of S
    int N = S.Length;
    if (N % 3 == 2)
        // Update S
        S = "0" + S;
    else if (N % 3 == 1)
        // Update S
        S = "00" + S;
    // Update N
    N = S.Length;
    // Stores octal representation
    // of the binary String
    String oct = "";
    // Traverse the binary String
    for(int i = 0; i < N; i += 3)
        // Stores 3 consecutive characters
        // of the binary String
        String temp = S.Substring(0, N);
        // Append octal representation
        // of temp
        if (mp.ContainsKey(temp))
            oct += mp[temp];
    return oct;
// Function to check if binary String
// is divisible by 9 or not
static String binString_div_9(String S, int N)
    // Stores octal representation
    // of S
    String oct = "";
    oct = ConvertequivalentBase8(S);
    // Stores sum of elements present
    // at odd positions of oct
    int oddSum = 0;
    // Stores sum of elements present
    // at odd positions of oct
    int evenSum = 0;
    // Stores length of oct
    int M = oct.Length;
    // Traverse the String oct
    for(int i = 0; i < M; i += 2)
        // Update oddSum
        oddSum += (oct[i] - '0');
    // Traverse the String oct
    for(int i = 1; i < M; i += 2)
        // Update evenSum
        evenSum += (oct[i] - '0');
    // Stores octal representation
    // of 9
    int Oct_9 = 11;
    // If absolute value of (oddSum
    // - evenSum) is divisible by Oct_9
    if (Math.Abs(oddSum - evenSum) % Oct_9 == 0)
        return "Yes";
    return "No";
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    String S = "1010001";
    int N = S.Length;
    Console.WriteLine(binString_div_9(S, N));
// This code is contributed by shikhasingrajput


// Javascript program to implement
// the above approach
// Function to convert the binary string
// into octal representation  
function ConvertequivalentBase8(S)
    // Stores binary representation of
    // the decimal value [0 - 7]
    let mp = new Map();
    // Stores the decimal values
    // of binary Strings [0 - 7]
    mp.set("000", '0');
    mp.set("001", '1');
    mp.set("010", '2');
    mp.set("011", '3');
    mp.set("100", '4');
    mp.set("101", '5');
    mp.set("110", '6');
    mp.set("111", '7');
    // Stores length of S
    let N = S.length;
    if (N % 3 == 2)
        // Update S
        S = "0" + S;
    else if (N % 3 == 1)
        // Update S
        S = "00" + S;
    // Update N
    N = S.length;
    // Stores octal representation
    // of the binary String
    let oct = "";
    // Traverse the binary String
    for(let i = 0; i < N; i += 3)
        // Stores 3 consecutive characters
        // of the binary String
        let temp = S.substring(i, i + 3);
        // Append octal representation
        // of temp
        oct += mp.get(temp);
    return oct;
// Function to check if binary String
// is divisible by 9 or not
function binString_div_9(S, N)
    // Stores octal representation
    // of S
    let oct = "";
    oct = ConvertequivalentBase8(S);
    // Stores sum of elements present
    // at odd positions of oct
    let oddSum = 0;
    // Stores sum of elements present
    // at odd positions of oct
    let evenSum = 0;
    // Stores length of oct
    let M = oct.length;
    // Traverse the String oct
    for(let i = 0; i < M; i += 2)
        // Update oddSum
        oddSum += (oct[i] - '0');
    // Traverse the String oct
    for(let i = 1; i < M; i += 2)
        // Update evenSum
        evenSum += (oct[i] - '0');
    // Stores octal representation
    // of 9
    let Oct_9 = 11;
    // If absolute value of (oddSum
    // - evenSum) is divisible by Oct_9
    if (Math.abs(oddSum - evenSum) % Oct_9 == 0)
        return "Yes";
    return "No";
// Driver Code
let S = "1010001";
let N = S.length;
document.write(binString_div_9(S, N));
// This code is contributed by avanitrachhadiya2155



Complejidad temporal: O(N)
Espacio auxiliar: O(N)

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Artículo escrito por abhirup45 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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