Construya el número más bajo eliminando n dígitos de un número dado

Dada una string ‘str’ de dígitos y un entero ‘n’, construya el número más bajo posible eliminando ‘n’ dígitos de la string y sin cambiar el orden de los dígitos de entrada.


Input: str = "4325043", n = 3
Output: "2043"

Input: str = "765028321", n = 5
Output: "0221"

Input: str = "121198", n = 2
Output: "1118"

La idea se basa en el hecho de que un carácter entre los primeros (n+1) caracteres debe estar allí en el número resultante. Así que elegimos el más pequeño de los primeros dígitos (n+1) y lo ponemos en el resultado, y recurrimos para los caracteres restantes. A continuación se muestra el algoritmo completo.  

Initialize result as empty string
     res = ""
buildLowestNumber(str, n, res)
1) If n == 0, then there is nothing to remove.
   Append the whole 'str' to 'res' and return

2) Let 'len' be length of 'str'. If 'len' is smaller or equal 
   to n, then everything can be removed
   Append nothing to 'res' and return

3) Find the smallest character among first (n+1) characters
   of 'str'.  Let the index of smallest character be minIndex.
   Append 'str[minIndex]' to 'res' and recur for substring after
   minIndex and for n = n-minIndex

     buildLowestNumber(str[minIndex+1..len-1], n-minIndex).

A continuación se muestra la implementación del algoritmo anterior:


// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
string removeKdigits(string num, int k)
    int n = num.size();
    stack<char> mystack;
    // Store the final string in stack
    for (char c : num) {
        while (!mystack.empty() && k > 0
               && > c) {
            k -= 1;
        if (!mystack.empty() || c != '0'){
    // Now remove the largest values from the top of the
    // stack
    while (!mystack.empty() && k--)
    if (mystack.empty())
        return "0";
    // Now retrieve the number from stack into a string
    // (reusing num)
    while (!mystack.empty()) {
        num[n - 1] =;
        n -= 1;
    return num.substr(n);
int main()
    string str = "765028321";
    int k = 5;
    cout << removeKdigits(str, k);
    return 0;


// Java program for the above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
    public static String removeKdigits(String num, int k)
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        // We have to delete all digits
        if (k >= num.length()) {
            return "0";
        // Nothing to delete
        if (k == 0) {
            return num;
        Stack<Character> s = new Stack<Character>();
        for (int i = 0; i < num.length(); i++) {
            char c = num.charAt(i);
            // Removing all digits in stack that are greater
            // than this digit(since they have higher
            // weightage)
            while (!s.isEmpty() && k > 0 && s.peek() > c) {
            // ignore pushing 0
            if (!s.isEmpty() || c != '0')
        // If our k isnt 0 yet then we keep popping out the
        // stack until k becomes 0
        while (!s.isEmpty() && k > 0) {
        if (s.isEmpty())
            return "0";
        while (!s.isEmpty()) {
        String str = result.reverse().toString();
        return str;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String s = "765028321";
        int k = 5;
        System.out.println(removeKdigits(s, 5));
// this code is contributed by gireeshgudaparthi


# Python program for the above approach
def removeKdigits(num, k):
    n = len(num)
    mystack = []
    # Store the final string in stack
    for c in num:
        while (len(mystack) > 0 and k > 0 and ord(mystack[len(mystack)-1]) > ord(c)):
            k -= 1
        if len(mystack) > 0 or c != '0' :
    # Now remove the largest values from the top of the
    # stack
    while len(mystack) > 0 and k:
        k -= 1
    if len(mystack) == 0:
        return "0"
    # Now retrieve the number from stack into a string
    # (reusing num)
    while(len(mystack) > 0):
        num = num.replace(num[n - 1],mystack[len(mystack) - 1])
        n -= 1
    return num[n:]
# driver code
str = "765028321"
k = 5
print(removeKdigits(str, k))
# This code is contributed by shinjanpatra


// C# program for the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
class HelloWorld {
    static string removeKdigits(string Num, int k)
        char[] num = Num.ToCharArray();
        int n = num.Length;
        Stack<char> mystack = new Stack<char>();
        // Store the final string in stack
        for (int i = 0; i < num.Length; i++) {
            while (mystack.Count > 0 && k > 0
                   && mystack.Peek() > num[i]) {
                k = k - 1;
            if (mystack.Count > 0 || num[i] != '0') {
        // Now remove the largest values from the top of the
        // stack
        while (mystack.Count > 0 && k > 0) {
            k = k - 1;
        if (mystack.Count == 0)
            return "0";
        // Now retrieve the number from stack into a string
        // (reusing num)
        while (mystack.Count > 0) {
            char temp = mystack.Peek();
            num[n - 1] = temp;
            n = n - 1;
        return new string(num).Substring(n);
    static void Main()
        string str = "765028321";
        int k = 5;
        Console.WriteLine(removeKdigits(str, k));
// The code is contributed by Nidhi goel


// JavaScript program for the above approach
function removeKdigits(num,k)
    let n = num.length;
    let mystack = [];
    // Store the final string in stack
    for (let c of num)
        while (mystack.length>0 && k > 0 &&
        mystack[mystack.length-1].charCodeAt(0) > c.charCodeAt(0))
            k -= 1;
        if(mystack.length > 0 || c !== '0')
    // Now remove the largest values from the top of the
    // stack
    while(mystack.length > 0 && k--)
    if (mystack.length == 0)
        return "0";
    // Now retrieve the number from stack into a string
    // (reusing num)
    while(mystack.length > 0)
        num = num.split('');
        num[n - 1] = mystack[mystack.length - 1];
        num = num.join('');
        n -= 1;
    return num.substr(n);
// Driver code
let str = "765028321"
let k = 5
document.write(removeKdigits(str, k))
// This code is contributed by shinjanpatra


A continuación se muestra un código optimizado en C++ aportado por Gaurav Mamgain  


// C++ program to build the smallest number by removing
// n digits from a given number
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
void insertInNonDecOrder(deque<char>& dq, char ch)
    // If container is empty , insert the current digit
    if (dq.empty())
    else {
        char temp = dq.back();
        // Keep removing digits larger than current digit
        // from the back side of deque
        while (temp > ch && !dq.empty()) {
            if (!dq.empty())
                temp = dq.back();
        // Insert the current digit
string buildLowestNumber(string str, int n)
    int len = str.length();
    // Deleting n digits means we need to print k digits
    int k = len - n;
    deque<char> dq;
    string res = "";
    // Leaving rightmost k-1 digits we need to choose
    // minimum digit from rest of the string and print it
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i <= len - k; i++)
        // Insert new digit from the back side in
        // appropriate position and/ keep removing
        // digits larger than current digit
        insertInNonDecOrder(dq, str[i]);
    // Now the minimum digit is at front of deque
    while (i < len) {
        // keep the minimum digit in output string
        res += dq.front();
        // remove minimum digit
        // Again insert new digit from the back
        // side in appropriate position and keep
        // removing digits larger than current digit
        insertInNonDecOrder(dq, str[i]);
    // Now only one element will be there in the deque
    res += dq.front();
    return res;
string lowestNumber(string str, int n)
    string res = buildLowestNumber(str, n);
    // Remove all the leading zeroes
    string ans = "";
    int flag = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < res.length(); i++) {
        if (res[i] != '0' || flag == 1) {
            flag = 1;
            ans += res[i];
    if (ans.length() == 0)
        return "0";
        return ans;
// Driver program to test above function
int main()
    string str = "765028321";
    int n = 5;
    cout <<lowestNumber(str, n) << endl;
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by Gaurav Mamgain


Complejidad temporal: O(N) 
Complejidad espacial: O(N)


Supongamos que la longitud de la string num dada sea n, por lo que la string resultante contendrá la longitud de nk.

A medida que procedemos a resolver este problema, debemos asegurarnos de que la string de salida contenga valores mínimos en sus posiciones de peso alto. por lo que nos aseguramos de que mediante el uso de una pila. 

  1. Devuelve 0 si k >=n. y devuelve num si k=0.
  2. Cree una pila e itere a través de la string numérica y empuje el valor en esa posición si es mayor que el elemento superior de la pila.
  3. Iterar a través de la string numérica y si el valor entero en esa posición es menor que la parte superior de la pila, abriremos la pila y disminuiremos k hasta llegar a la condición en la que la parte superior de la pila es menor que el valor que estamos viendo ( mientras que k>0) (con esto nos aseguramos de que las posiciones más significativas del resultado se llenen con valores mínimos).
  4. Si k sigue siendo mayor que 0, abriremos la pila hasta que k se convierta en 0.
  5. Agregue los elementos de la pila a la string de resultados.
  6. Elimine los ceros iniciales de la string de resultados.

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior: 


// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
string removeKdigits(string num, int k)
    int n = num.size();
    stack<char> mystack;
    // Store the final string in stack
    for (char c : num) {
        while (!mystack.empty() && k > 0
               && > c) {
            k -= 1;
        if (!mystack.empty() || c != '0')
    // Now remove the largest values from the top of the
    // stack
    while (!mystack.empty() && k--)
    if (mystack.empty())
        return "0";
    // Now retrieve the number from stack into a string
    // (reusing num)
    while (!mystack.empty()) {
        num[n - 1] =;
        n -= 1;
    return num.substr(n);
int main()
    string str = "765028321";
    int k = 5;
    cout << removeKdigits(str, k);
    return 0;


// Java program for the above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
    public static String removeKdigits(String num, int k)
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        // We have to delete all digits
        if (k >= num.length()) {
            return "0";
        // Nothing to delete
        if (k == 0) {
            return num;
        Stack<Character> s = new Stack<Character>();
        for (int i = 0; i < num.length(); i++) {
            char c = num.charAt(i);
            // Removing all digits in stack that are greater
            // than this digit(since they have higher
            // weightage)
            while (!s.isEmpty() && k > 0 && s.peek() > c) {
            // ignore pushing 0
            if (!s.isEmpty() || c != '0')
        // If our k isnt 0 yet then we keep popping out the
        // stack until k becomes 0
        while (!s.isEmpty() && k > 0) {
        if (s.isEmpty())
            return "0";
        while (!s.isEmpty()) {
        String str = result.reverse().toString();
        return str;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String s = "765028321";
        int k = 5;
        System.out.println(removeKdigits(s, 5));
// this code is contributed by gireeshgudaparthi


# Python program for the above approach
def removeKdigits(num, k):
    n = len(num)
    mystack = []
    # Store the final string in stack
    for c in num:
        while (len(mystack) > 0 and k > 0
               and mystack[-1] > c):
            k -= 1
        if (len(mystack) > 0 or c != '0'):
    # Now remove the largest values from the top of the
    # stack
    while (len(mystack) > 0 and k):
        k -= 1
    if (len(mystack) == 0):
        return "0"
    # Now retrieve the number from stack into a string
    # (reusing num)
    while (len(mystack) > 0):
        num = num.replace(num[n - 1] , mystack[-1])
        n -= 1
    return num[n:]
# driver code
Str = "765028321"
k = 5
print(removeKdigits(Str, k))
# This code is contributed by shinjanpatra


// JavaScript program for the above approach
function removeKdigits(num,k){
    let n = num.length
    let mystack = []
    // Store the final string in stack
    for(let c of num){
        while (mystack.length>0 && k > 0 && mystack[mystack.length - 1] > c){
            k -= 1
        if (mystack.length>0 || c != '0')
    // Now remove the largest values from the top of the
    // stack
    while (mystack.length>0 && k){
        k -= 1
    if (mystack.length == 0)
        return "0"
    // Now retrieve the number from stack into a string
    // (reusing num)
    while (mystack.length>0){
        num = num.replace(num[n - 1] , mystack[mystack.length-1])
        n -= 1
    return num.substring(n,)
// driver code
let Str = "765028321"
let k = 5
document.write(removeKdigits(Str, k))
// code is contributed by shinjanpatra


Complejidad temporal: O(N)
Complejidad espacial: O(N)

Este artículo es una contribución de Pallav Gurha . Escriba comentarios si encuentra algo incorrecto o si desea compartir más información sobre el tema tratado anteriormente.

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por GeeksforGeeks-1 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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