Consultas de rango para el conteo de números de Armstrong en subarreglo usando el algoritmo de MO

Dado un arreglo arr[] que consta de N elementos y Q consultas representadas por L y R que denotan un rango, la tarea es imprimir la cantidad de números de Armstrong en el subarreglo [L, R] .


Entrada: arr[] = {18, 153, 8, 9, 14, 5} 
Consulta 1: consulta (L=0, R=5) 
Consulta 2: consulta (L=3, R=5) 

Explicación : 
18 => 1*1 + 8*8 != 18 
153 => 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 = 153 
8 => 8 = 8 
9 => 9 = 9 
14 = > 1*1 + 4*4 != 14 
Consulta 1: El subarreglo[0…5] tiene 4 números de Armstrong a saber. {153, 8, 9, 5} 
Consulta 2: El subarreglo [3…5] tiene 2 números de Armstrong, a saber. {9, 5} 

la idea es usar el algoritmo de MO para preprocesar todas las consultas de modo que el resultado de una consulta se pueda usar en la siguiente consulta.  

  1. Ordene todas las consultas de manera que las consultas con valores L de 0 a √n – 1 se junten, seguidas de las consultas de √n a 2 ×√n – 1 , y así sucesivamente. Todas las consultas dentro de un bloque se clasifican en orden creciente de valores R.
  2. Procese todas las consultas una por una y aumente el conteo de números de Armstrong y almacene el resultado en la estructura. 
    • Deje que ‘ count_Armstrong ‘ almacene el recuento de números de Armstrong en la consulta anterior.
    • Elimine elementos adicionales de la consulta anterior y agregue nuevos elementos para la consulta actual. Por ejemplo, si la consulta anterior fue [0, 8] y la consulta actual es [3, 9], elimine los elementos arr[0], arr[1] y arr[2] y agregue arr[9].
  3. Para mostrar los resultados, ordene las consultas en el orden en que se proporcionaron.

Agregar elementos 

  • Si el elemento actual es un número de Armstrong, incremente count_Armstrong .

Quitar elementos 

  • Si el elemento actual es un número de Armstrong, disminuya count_Armstrong .

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior:


// C++ implementation to count the
// number of Armstrong numbers
// in subarray using MO’s algorithm
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Variable to represent block size.
// This is made global so compare()
// of sort can use it.
int block;
// Structure to represent
// a query range
struct Query {
    int L, R, index;
    // Count of Armstrong
    // numbers
    int armstrong;
// To store the count of
// Armstrong numbers
int count_Armstrong;
// Function used to sort all queries so that
// all queries of the same block are arranged
// together and within a block, queries are
// sorted in increasing order of R values.
bool compare(Query x, Query y)
    // Different blocks, sort by block.
    if (x.L / block != y.L / block)
        return x.L / block < y.L / block;
    // Same block, sort by R value
    return x.R < y.R;
// Function used to sort all
// queries in order of their
// index value so that results
// of queries can be printed
// in same order as of input
bool compare1(Query x, Query y)
    return x.index < y.index;
// Function that return true
// if num is armstrong
// else return false
bool isArmstrong(int x)
    int n = to_string(x).size();
    int sum1 = 0;
    int temp = x;
    while (temp > 0) {
        int digit = temp % 10;
        sum1 += pow(digit, n);
        temp /= 10;
    if (sum1 == x)
        return true;
    return false;
// Function to Add elements
// of current range
void add(int currL, int a[])
    // If a[currL] is a Armstrong number
    // then increment count_Armstrong
    if (isArmstrong(a[currL]))
// Function to remove elements
// of previous range
void remove(int currR, int a[])
    // If a[currL] is a Armstrong number
    // then decrement count_Armstrong
    if (isArmstrong(a[currR]))
// Function to generate the result of queries
void queryResults(int a[], int n, Query q[],
                  int m)
    // Initialize count_Armstrong to 0
    count_Armstrong = 0;
    // Find block size
    block = (int)sqrt(n);
    // Sort all queries so that queries of
    // same blocks are arranged together.
    sort(q, q + m, compare);
    // Initialize current L, current R and
    // current result
    int currL = 0, currR = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
        // L and R values of current range
        int L = q[i].L, R = q[i].R;
        // Add Elements of current range
        while (currR <= R) {
            add(currR, a);
        while (currL > L) {
            add(currL - 1, a);
        // Remove element of previous range
        while (currR > R + 1)
            remove(currR - 1, a);
        while (currL < L) {
            remove(currL, a);
        q[i].armstrong = count_Armstrong;
// Function to display the results of
// queries in their initial order
void printResults(Query q[], int m)
    sort(q, q + m, compare1);
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
        cout << q[i].armstrong << endl;
// Driver Code
int main()
    int arr[] = { 18, 153, 8, 9, 14, 5 };
    int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    Query q[] = { { 0, 5, 0, 0 },
                  { 3, 5, 1, 0 } };
    int m = sizeof(q) / sizeof(q[0]);
    queryResults(arr, n, q, m);
    printResults(q, m);
    return 0;


// Java implementation to count the
// number of Armstrong numbers
// in subarray using MO’s algorithm
import java.util.*;
// Class to represent
// a query range
class Query
    int L, R, index;
    // Count of Armstrong
    // numbers
    int armstrong;
    Query(int L, int R, int index,
          int armstrong)
        this.L = L;
        this.R = R;
        this.index = index;
        this.armstrong = armstrong;
class GFG{
// Variable to represent block size.
static int block;
// To store the count of
// Armstrong numbers
static int count_Armstrong;
// Function that return true
// if num is armstrong
// else return false
static boolean isArmstrong(int x)
    int n = String.valueOf(x).length();
    int sum1 = 0;
    int temp = x;
    while (temp > 0)
        int digit = temp % 10;
        sum1 += Math.pow(digit, n);
        temp /= 10;
    if (sum1 == x)
        return true;
    return false;
// Function to Add elements
// of current range
static void add(int currL, int a[])
    // If a[currL] is a Armstrong number
    // then increment count_Armstrong
    if (isArmstrong(a[currL]))
// Function to remove elements
// of previous range
static void remove(int currR, int a[])
    // If a[currL] is a Armstrong number
    // then decrement count_Armstrong
    if (isArmstrong(a[currR]))
// Function to generate the result of queries
static void queryResults(int a[], int n, Query q[],
                         int m)
    // Initialize count_Armstrong to 0
    count_Armstrong = 0;
    // Find block size
    block = (int)(Math.sqrt(n));
    // sort all queries so that
    // all queries of the same block are arranged
    // together and within a block, queries are
    // sorted in increasing order of R values.
    Arrays.sort(q, (Query x, Query y) ->
        // Different blocks, sort by block.
        if (x.L / block != y.L / block)
            return x.L / block - y.L / block;
        // Same block, sort by R value
        return x.R - y.R;
    // Initialize current L, current R and
    // current result
    int currL = 0, currR = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < m; i++)
        // L and R values of current range
        int L = q[i].L, R = q[i].R;
        // Add Elements of current range
        while (currR <= R)
            add(currR, a);
        while (currL > L)
            add(currL - 1, a);
        // Remove element of previous range
        while (currR > R + 1)
            remove(currR - 1, a);
        while (currL < L)
            remove(currL, a);
        q[i].armstrong = count_Armstrong;
// Function to display the results of
// queries in their initial order
static void printResults(Query q[], int m)
    Arrays.sort(q, (Query x, Query y) ->
                // sort all queries
                // in order of their
                // index value so that results
                // of queries can be printed
                // in same order as of input);
                x.index - y.index);
    for(int i = 0; i < m; i++)
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int arr[] = { 18, 153, 8, 9, 14, 5 };
    int n = arr.length;
    Query q[] = new Query[2];
    q[0] = new Query(0, 5, 0, 0);
    q[1] = new Query(3, 5, 1, 0);
    int m = q.length;
    queryResults(arr, n, q, m);
    printResults(q, m);
// This code is contributed by jithin



Complejidad de tiempo: O(Q * √N)
Artículo relacionado: Consultas de rango para la cantidad de números de Armstrong en una array con actualizaciones

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por saurabhshadow y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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