Averigüe la cantidad mínima de monedas requeridas para pagar el monto total

Dada una cantidad total de N y un número ilimitado de monedas por valor  de 1 ,   10  y  25  monedas. Averigüe la cantidad mínima de monedas que necesita usar para pagar exactamente la cantidad N .

Input : N = 14
Output : 5
You will use one coin of value 10 and 
four coins of value 1.

Input :  N = 88
Output : 7

Hay tres casos diferentes: 

  1. Si el valor de N < 10, entonces las monedas que tienen el valor 1 solo se pueden usar para el pago.
  2. Cuando N > 9 y < 25, se utilizarán para el pago monedas que tengan valor 1 y 10. Aquí, para minimizar el número de monedas utilizadas, se preferirán principalmente las monedas con un valor de 10. 
  3. Cuando N > 24. Entonces todas las monedas de valor 1, 10 y 25 se utilizarán para el pago. Para minimizar el número de monedas, el objetivo principal será usar monedas con valor 25 primero tanto como sea posible, luego monedas con valor 10 y luego con valor 1.

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior:


// C++ program to find the minimum number
// of coins required
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Function to find the minimum number
// of coins required
int countCoins(int n)
    int c = 0;
    if (n < 10) {
        // counts coins which have value 1
        // we will need n coins of value 1
        return n;
    if (n > 9 && n < 25) {
        // counts coins which have value 1 and 10
        c = n / 10 + n % 10;
        return c;
    if (n > 24) {
        // counts coins which have value 25
        c = n / 25;
        if (n % 25 < 10) {
            // counts coins which have value 1 and 25
            c = c + n % 25;
            return c;
        if (n % 25 > 9) {
            // counts coins which have value 1, 10 and 25
            c = c + (n % 25) / 10 + (n % 25) % 10;
            return c;
// Driver Code
int main()
    int n = 14;
    cout << countCoins(n);
    return 0;


// Java program to find the minimum number
// of coins required
class GFG {
    // Function to find the minimum number
    // of coins required
    static int countCoins(int n)
        int c = 0;
        if (n < 10) {
            // counts coins which have value 1
            // we will need n coins of value 1
            return n;
        if (n > 9 && n < 25) {
            // counts coins which have value 1 and 10
            c = n / 10 + n % 10;
            return c;
        if (n > 24) {
            // counts coins which have value 25
            c = n / 25;
            if (n % 25 < 10) {
                // counts coins which have value 1 and 25
                c = c + n % 25;
                return c;
            if (n % 25 > 9) {
                // counts coins which have value 1, 10 and 25
                c = c + (n % 25) / 10 + (n % 25) % 10;
                return c;
        return c;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int n = 14;


# Python3 program to find the minimum number
# of coins required
# Function to find the minimum number
# of coins required
def countCoins(n):
    c = 0
    if (n < 10):
        # counts coins which have value 1
        # we will need n coins of value 1
        return n
    if (n > 9 and n < 25):
        # counts coins which have value 1 and 10
        c = n // 10 + n % 10
        return c
    if (n > 24):
        # counts coins which have value 25
        c = n // 25
        if (n % 25 < 10):
            # counts coins which have value
            # 1 and 25
            c = c + n % 25
            return c
        if (n % 25 > 9):
            # counts coins which have value
            # 1, 10 and 25
            c = (c + (n % 25) // 10 +
                     (n % 25) % 10)
            return c
# Driver Code
n = 14
# This code is contributed by mohit kumar


// C# program to find the minimum number
// of coins required
using System;
class GFG
    // Function to find the minimum number
    // of coins required
    static int countCoins(int n)
        int c = 0;
        if (n < 10)
            // counts coins which have value 1
            // we will need n coins of value 1
            return n;
        if (n > 9 && n < 25)
            // counts coins which have value 1 and 10
            c = n / 10 + n % 10;
            return c;
        if (n > 24)
            // counts coins which have value 25
            c = n / 25;
            if (n % 25 < 10)
                // counts coins which have value 1 and 25
                c = c + n % 25;
                return c;
            if (n % 25 > 9)
                // counts coins which have value 1, 10 and 25
                c = c + (n % 25) / 10 + (n % 25) % 10;
                return c;
        return c;
    // Driver Code
    public static void Main()
        int n = 14;
// This code is contributed by Ryuga


// PHP program to find the minimum number
// of coins required
// Function to find the minimum number
// of coins required
function countCoins($n)
    $c = 0;
    if ($n < 10)
        // counts coins which have value 1
        // we will need n coins of value 1
        return $n;
    if ($n > 9 && $n < 25)
        // counts coins which have value 1 and 10
        $c = (int)($n / 10 + $n % 10);
        return $c;
    if ($n > 24)
        // counts coins which have value 25
        $c = (int)($n / 25);
        if ($n % 25 < 10)
            // counts coins which have value 1 and 25
            $c = $c + $n % 25;
            return $c;
        if ($n % 25 > 9)
            // counts coins which have value 1, 10 and 25
            $c = $c + ($n % 25) / 10 + ($n % 25) % 10;
            return $c;
    return $c;
// Driver Code
$n = 14;
// This code is contributed Code_Mech


// JavaScript program to find the minimum number
// of coins required
// Function to find the minimum number
// of coins required
function countCoins( n)
    var c = 0;
    if (n < 10)
        // counts coins which have value 1
        // we will need n coins of value 1
        return n;
    if (n > 9 && n < 25)
        // counts coins which have value 1 and 10
        c = n / 10 + n % 10;
        return Math.trunc(c);
    if (n > 24)
        // counts coins which have value 25
        c = n / 25;
        if (n % 25 < 10)
            // counts coins which have value 1 and 25
            c = c + n % 25;
            return Math.trunc(c);
        if (n % 25 > 9)
            // counts coins which have value 1, 10 and 25
            c = c + (n % 25) / 10 + (n % 25) % 10;
            return Math.trunc(c);
var n = 14;
// This code is contributed by akshitsaxenaa09.



Complejidad de Tiempo : O(1)
Espacio Auxiliar : O(1)

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Artículo escrito por facebookruppal y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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