Mayor y menor dígito de un número

Dado un número N. La tarea es encontrar el dígito más grande y el más pequeño del número.

Entrada: N = 2346 
Salida: 6 2 
6 es el dígito más grande y 2 es el más pequeño
Entrada: N = 5 
Salida: 5 5

Enfoque : un enfoque eficiente es encontrar todos los dígitos en el número dado y encontrar el dígito más grande y el más pequeño. 


// CPP program to largest and smallest digit of a number
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to the largest and smallest digit of a number
void Digits(int n)
    int largest = 0;
    int smallest = 9;
    while (n) {
        int r = n % 10;
        // Find the largest digit
        largest = max(r, largest);
        // Find the smallest digit
        smallest = min(r, smallest);
        n = n / 10;
    cout << largest << " " << smallest;
// Driver code
int main()
    int n = 2346;
    // Function call
    return 0;


// Java program to largest and smallest digit of a number
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
class Gfg
// Function to the largest and smallest digit of a number
static void Digits(int n)
    int largest = 0;
    int smallest = 9;
    while(n != 0)
        int r = n % 10;
        // Find the largest digit
        largest = Math.max(r, largest);
        // Find the smallest digit
        smallest = Math.min(r, smallest);
        n = n / 10;
    System.out.println(largest + " " + smallest);
// Driver code
public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
    int n = 2346;
    // Function call
// This code is contributed by nidhiva


# Python3 program to largest and smallest digit of a number
# Function to the largest and smallest digit of a number
def Digits(n):
    largest = 0
    smallest = 9
    while (n):
        r = n % 10
        # Find the largest digit
        largest = max(r, largest)
        # Find the smallest digit
        smallest = min(r, smallest)
        n = n // 10
# Driver code
n = 2346
# Function call
# This code is contributed by mohit kumar 29


// C# program to largest and
// smallest digit of a number
using System;
class GFG
// Function to the largest and
// smallest digit of a number
static void Digits(int n)
    int largest = 0;
    int smallest = 9;
    while(n != 0)
        int r = n % 10;
        // Find the largest digit
        largest = Math.Max(r, largest);
        // Find the smallest digit
        smallest = Math.Min(r, smallest);
        n = n / 10;
    Console.WriteLine(largest + " " + smallest);
// Driver code
public static void Main (String[] args)
    int n = 2346;
    // Function call
// This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992


// Javascript program to largest and
// smallest digit of a number
// Function to the largest and smallest
// digit of a number
function Digits(n)
    let largest = 0;
    let smallest = 9;
    while (n) {
        let r = n % 10;
        // Find the largest digit
        largest = Math.max(r, largest);
        // Find the smallest digit
        smallest = Math.min(r, smallest);
        n = parseInt(n / 10);
    document.write(largest + " " + smallest);
// Driver code
    let n = 2346;
    // Function call

6 2


Complejidad de tiempo : O(log(n)), donde n es el número dado
Espacio auxiliar : O(1)

Enfoque: usando str(), min(), max()


# Python3 program to largest and smallest digit of a number
# Function to the largest and smallest digit of a number
print(max(s),end=" ")

6 2

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por ritikadhamija y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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