Dados N y M, la tarea es encontrar si los números 1 a N se pueden dividir en dos conjuntos de manera que la diferencia absoluta entre la suma de dos conjuntos sea M y el gcd de la suma de dos conjuntos sea 1 (es decir, la suma de ambos conjuntos es co-prime).
Requisito previo: GCD en CPP | Ejemplos de GCD :
Entrada: N = 5 y M = 7
Salida: SI
Explicación: como los números del 1 al 5 se pueden dividir en dos conjuntos {1, 2, 3, 5} y {4} tal que la diferencia absoluta entre la suma de ambos conjuntos es 11 – 4 = 7 que es igual a M y también MCD(11, 4) = 1.
Entrada: N = 6 y M = 3
Salida: NO
Explicación: En este caso, los números del 1 al 6 se pueden dividir en dos conjuntos {1, 2, 4, 5} y {3, 6} tales que la diferencia absoluta entre su suma es 12 – 9 = 3. Pero, dado que 12 y 9 no son coprimos como MCD(12, 9) = 3, la respuesta es no’.
Enfoque: Como tenemos de 1 a N números, sabemos que la suma de todos los números es N * (N + 1) / 2. Sean S1 y S2 dos conjuntos tales que,
1) sum(S1) + sum(S2 ) = N * (N + 1) / 2
2) sum(S1) – sum(S2) = M
Resolver estas dos ecuaciones nos dará la suma de ambos conjuntos. Si sum(S1) y sum(S2) son enteros y son coprimos (su MCD es 1), entonces existe una forma de dividir los números en dos conjuntos. De lo contrario, no hay forma de dividir estos N números.
A continuación se muestra la implementación de la solución descrita anteriormente.
/* CPP code to determine whether numbers 1 to N can be divided into two sets such that absolute difference between sum of these two sets is M and these two sum are co-prime*/ #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // function that returns boolean value // on the basis of whether it is possible // to divide 1 to N numbers into two sets // that satisfy given conditions. bool isSplittable(int n, int m) { // initializing total sum of 1 // to n numbers int total_sum = (n * (n + 1)) / 2; // since (1) total_sum = sum_s1 + sum_s2 // and (2) m = sum_s1 - sum_s2 // assuming sum_s1 > sum_s2. // solving these 2 equations to get // sum_s1 and sum_s2 int sum_s1 = (total_sum + m) / 2; // total_sum = sum_s1 + sum_s2 // and therefore int sum_s2 = total_sum - sum_s1; // if total sum is less than the absolute // difference then there is no way we // can split n numbers into two sets // so return false if (total_sum < m) return false; // check if these two sums are // integers and they add up to // total sum and also if their // absolute difference is m. if (sum_s1 + sum_s2 == total_sum && sum_s1 - sum_s2 == m) // Now if two sum are co-prime // then return true, else return false. return (__gcd(sum_s1, sum_s2) == 1); // if two sums don't add up to total // sum or if their absolute difference // is not m, then there is no way to // split n numbers, hence return false return false; } // Driver code int main() { int n = 5, m = 7; // function call to determine answer if (isSplittable(n, m)) cout << "Yes"; else cout << "No"; return 0; }
/* Java code to determine whether numbers 1 to N can be divided into two sets such that absolute difference between sum of these two sets is M and these two sum are co-prime*/ class GFG { static int GCD (int a, int b) { return b == 0 ? a : GCD(b, a % b); } // function that returns boolean value // on the basis of whether it is possible // to divide 1 to N numbers into two sets // that satisfy given conditions. static boolean isSplittable(int n, int m) { // initializing total sum of 1 // to n numbers int total_sum = (n * (n + 1)) / 2; // since (1) total_sum = sum_s1 + sum_s2 // and (2) m = sum_s1 - sum_s2 // assuming sum_s1 > sum_s2. // solving these 2 equations to get // sum_s1 and sum_s2 int sum_s1 = (total_sum + m) / 2; // total_sum = sum_s1 + sum_s2 // and therefore int sum_s2 = total_sum - sum_s1; // if total sum is less than the absolute // difference then there is no way we // can split n numbers into two sets // so return false if (total_sum < m) return false; // check if these two sums are // integers and they add up to // total sum and also if their // absolute difference is m. if (sum_s1 + sum_s2 == total_sum && sum_s1 - sum_s2 == m) // Now if two sum are co-prime // then return true, else return false. return (GCD(sum_s1, sum_s2) == 1); // if two sums don't add up to total // sum or if their absolute difference // is not m, then there is no way to // split n numbers, hence return false return false; } // Driver Code public static void main(String args[]) { int n = 5, m = 7; // function call to determine answer if (isSplittable(n, m)) System.out.println("Yes"); else System.out.println("No"); } } // This code is contributed by Sam007
# Python3 code to determine whether numbers # 1 to N can be divided into two sets # such that absolute difference between # sum of these two sets is M and these # two sum are co-prime def __gcd (a, b): return a if(b == 0) else __gcd(b, a % b); # function that returns boolean value # on the basis of whether it is possible # to divide 1 to N numbers into two sets # that satisfy given conditions. def isSplittable(n, m): # initializing total sum of 1 # to n numbers total_sum = (int)((n * (n + 1)) / 2); # since (1) total_sum = sum_s1 + sum_s2 # and (2) m = sum_s1 - sum_s2 # assuming sum_s1 > sum_s2. # solving these 2 equations to get # sum_s1 and sum_s2 sum_s1 = int((total_sum + m) / 2); # total_sum = sum_s1 + sum_s2 # and therefore sum_s2 = total_sum - sum_s1; # if total sum is less than the absolute # difference then there is no way we # can split n numbers into two sets # so return false if (total_sum < m): return False; # check if these two sums are # integers and they add up to # total sum and also if their # absolute difference is m. if (sum_s1 + sum_s2 == total_sum and sum_s1 - sum_s2 == m): # Now if two sum are co-prime # then return true, else return false. return (__gcd(sum_s1, sum_s2) == 1); # if two sums don't add up to total # sum or if their absolute difference # is not m, then there is no way to # split n numbers, hence return false return False; # Driver code n = 5; m = 7; # function call to determine answer if (isSplittable(n, m)): print("Yes"); else: print("No"); # This code is contributed by mits
/* C# code to determine whether numbers 1 to N can be divided into two sets such that absolute difference between sum of these two sets is M and these two sum are co-prime*/ using System; class GFG { static int GCD (int a, int b) { return b == 0 ? a : GCD(b, a % b); } // function that returns boolean value // on the basis of whether it is possible // to divide 1 to N numbers into two sets // that satisfy given conditions. static bool isSplittable(int n, int m) { // initializing total sum of 1 // to n numbers int total_sum = (n * (n + 1)) / 2; // since (1) total_sum = sum_s1 + sum_s2 // and (2) m = sum_s1 - sum_s2 // assuming sum_s1 > sum_s2. // solving these 2 equations to get // sum_s1 and sum_s2 int sum_s1 = (total_sum + m) / 2; // total_sum = sum_s1 + sum_s2 // and therefore int sum_s2 = total_sum - sum_s1; // if total sum is less than the absolute // difference then there is no way we // can split n numbers into two sets // so return false if (total_sum < m) return false; // check if these two sums are // integers and they add up to // total sum and also if their // absolute difference is m. if (sum_s1 + sum_s2 == total_sum && sum_s1 - sum_s2 == m) // Now if two sum are co-prime // then return true, else return false. return (GCD(sum_s1, sum_s2) == 1); // if two sums don't add up to total // sum or if their absolute difference // is not m, then there is no way to // split n numbers, hence return false return false; } // Driver code public static void Main() { int n = 5, m = 7; // function call to determine answer if (isSplittable(n, m)) Console.Write("Yes"); else Console.Write("No"); } } // This code is contributed by Sam007.
<?php /* PHP code to determine whether numbers 1 to N can be divided into two sets such that absolute difference between sum of these two sets is M and these two sum are co-prime*/ function __gcd ($a, $b) { return $b == 0 ? $a : __gcd($b, $a % $b); } // function that returns boolean value // on the basis of whether it is possible // to divide 1 to N numbers into two sets // that satisfy given conditions. function isSplittable($n, $m) { // initializing total sum of 1 // to n numbers $total_sum = (int)(($n * ($n + 1)) / 2); // since (1) total_sum = sum_s1 + sum_s2 // and (2) m = sum_s1 - sum_s2 // assuming sum_s1 > sum_s2. // solving these 2 equations to get // sum_s1 and sum_s2 $sum_s1 = (int)(($total_sum + $m) / 2); // total_sum = sum_s1 + sum_s2 // and therefore $sum_s2 = $total_sum - $sum_s1; // if total sum is less than the absolute // difference then there is no way we // can split n numbers into two sets // so return false if ($total_sum < $m) return false; // check if these two sums are // integers and they add up to // total sum and also if their // absolute difference is m. if ($sum_s1 + $sum_s2 == $total_sum && $sum_s1 - $sum_s2 == $m) // Now if two sum are co-prime // then return true, else return false. return (__gcd($sum_s1, $sum_s2) == 1); // if two sums don't add up to total // sum or if their absolute difference // is not m, then there is no way to // split n numbers, hence return false return false; } // Driver code $n = 5; $m = 7; // function call to determine answer if (isSplittable($n, $m)) echo "Yes"; else echo "No"; // This Code is Contributed by mits ?>
<script> /* Javascript code to determine whether numbers 1 to N can be divided into two sets such that absolute difference between sum of these two sets is M and these two sum are co-prime*/ function __gcd (a, b) { return b == 0 ? a : __gcd(b, a % b); } // function that returns boolean value // on the basis of whether it is possible // to divide 1 to N numbers into two sets // that satisfy given conditions. function isSplittable(n, m) { // initializing total sum of 1 // to n numbers let total_sum = parseInt((n * (n + 1)) / 2); // since (1) total_sum = sum_s1 + sum_s2 // and (2) m = sum_s1 - sum_s2 // assuming sum_s1 > sum_s2. // solving these 2 equations to get // sum_s1 and sum_s2 let sum_s1 = parseInt((total_sum + m) / 2); // total_sum = sum_s1 + sum_s2 // and therefore let sum_s2 = total_sum - sum_s1; // if total sum is less than the absolute // difference then there is no way we // can split n numbers into two sets // so return false if (total_sum < m) return false; // check if these two sums are // integers and they add up to // total sum and also if their // absolute difference is m. if (sum_s1 + sum_s2 == total_sum && sum_s1 - sum_s2 == m) // Now if two sum are co-prime // then return true, else return false. return (__gcd(sum_s1, sum_s2) == 1); // if two sums don't add up to total // sum or if their absolute difference // is not m, then there is no way to // split n numbers, hence return false return false; } // Driver code let n = 5; let m = 7; // function call to determine answer if (isSplittable(n, m)) document.write("Yes"); else document.write("No"); // This Code is Contributed by _saurabh_jaiswal </script>
Complejidad de tiempo: O(log(n))
Espacio auxiliar: O(1)
Sugiera si alguien tiene una mejor solución que sea más eficiente en términos de espacio y tiempo.
Este artículo es una contribución de Aarti_Rathi . Escriba comentarios si encuentra algo incorrecto o si desea compartir más información sobre el tema tratado anteriormente.
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Artículo escrito por meet97_patel y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA