Genere una permutación aleatoria de elementos del rango [L, R] (Divide and Conquer)

Dado un rango [L, R] donde L ≤ R , la tarea es generar una permutación aleatoria de la secuencia [L, L + 1, L + 2, …, R] .

Entrada: L = 5, R = 15 
Salida: 11 9 6 5 8 7 10 12 13 15 14
Entrada: L = 10, R = 20 
Salida: 16 14 11 10 13 12 15 17 18 20 19 

Enfoque: Usaremos el algoritmo Divide and Conquer para nuestra solución. Crearemos un vector global que almacenará números aleatorios generados por nuestra función recursiva generate_random_permutation()
Pasaremos dos argumentos L (inicio) y R (final) a nuestra función recursiva. Dentro de la función llamará a otra función dar_número_aleatorio que devolverá un número entre X e Y. Llamémoslo N. _ Guardaremos este número aleatorio en nuestro vector y luego llamaremos recursivamente a la función generate_random_permutation() para el rango [L, N – 1]y luego para el rango [N + 1, R]
Si L se vuelve mayor que R , regresaremos de la función sin realizar ninguna tarea, ya que esta es nuestra condición base.
A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior: 


// C++ implementation of the approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// To store the random permutation
vector<int> permutation;
// Utility function to print
// the generated permutation
void printPermutation()
    for (auto i : permutation)
        cout << i << " ";
// Function to return a random
// number between x and y
int give_random_number(int l, int r)
    int x = rand() % (r - l + 1) + l;
    return x;
// Recursive function to generate
// the random permutation
void generate_random_permutation(int l, int r)
    // Base condition
    if (l > r)
    // Random number returned from the function
    int n = give_random_number(l, r);
    // Inserting random number in vector
    // Recursion call for [l, n - 1]
    generate_random_permutation(l, n - 1);
    // Recursion call for [n + 1, r]
    generate_random_permutation(n + 1, r);
// Driver code
int main()
    int l = 5;
    int r = 15;
    // Generate permutation
    generate_random_permutation(l, r);
    // Print the generated permutation
    return 0;


// Java implementation of the approach
import java.util.Vector;
class GFG
// To store the random permutation
static Vector<Integer> permutation = new Vector<>();
// Utility function to print
// the generated permutation
static void printPermutation()
{ ->
        System.out.print(i+" ");
// Function to return a random
// number between x and y
static int give_random_number(int l, int r)
    int x = (int) (Math.random()% (r - l + 1) + l);
    return x;
// Recursive function to generate
// the random permutation
static void generate_random_permutation(int l, int r)
    // Base condition
    if (l > r)
    // Random number returned from the function
    int n = give_random_number(l, r);
    // Inserting random number in vector
    // Recursion call for [l, n - 1]
    generate_random_permutation(l, n - 1);
    // Recursion call for [n + 1, r]
    generate_random_permutation(n + 1, r);
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int l = 5;
    int r = 15;
    // Generate permutation
    generate_random_permutation(l, r);
    // Print the generated permutation
// This code has been contributed by 29AjayKumar


# Python3 implementation of the approach
import random
# To store the random permutation
permutation = []
# Utility function to print
# the generated permutation
def printPermutation() :
    for i in permutation:
        print(i, end = " ")
# Function to return a random
# number between x and y
def give_random_number(l, r) :
    x = random.randint(l, r)
    return x
# Recursive function to generate
# the random permutation
def generate_random_permutation(l, r) :
    # Base condition
    if (l > r) :
    # Random number returned from the function
    n = give_random_number(l, r)
    # Inserting random number in vector
    # Recursion call for [l, n - 1]
    generate_random_permutation(l, n - 1)
    # Recursion call for [n + 1, r]
    generate_random_permutation(n + 1, r)
# Driver code
l = 5
r = 15
# Generate permutation
generate_random_permutation(l, r)
# Print the generated permutation
# This code is contributed by ihritik


// C# implementation of the approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG
// To store the random permutation
static List<int> permutation = new List<int>();
// Utility function to print
// the generated permutation
static void printPermutation()
    foreach(int i in permutation)
        Console.Write(i+" ");
// Function to return a random
// number between x and y
static int give_random_number(int l, int r)
    Random rnd = new Random();
    int num = rnd.Next(l, r);
    int x = (int) (num % (r - l + 1) + l);
    return x;
// Recursive function to generate
// the random permutation
static void generate_random_permutation(int l, int r)
    // Base condition
    if (l > r)
    // Random number returned from the function
    int n = give_random_number(l, r);
    // Inserting random number in vector
    // Recursion call for [l, n - 1]
    generate_random_permutation(l, n - 1);
    // Recursion call for [n + 1, r]
    generate_random_permutation(n + 1, r);
// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    int l = 5;
    int r = 15;
    // Generate permutation
    generate_random_permutation(l, r);
    // Print the generated permutation
/* This code contributed by PrinciRaj1992 */


// PHP implementation of the approach
// To store the random permutation
$permutation = array();
// Utility function to print
// the generated permutation
function printPermutation()
    global $permutation;
    foreach ($permutation as $i)
        echo $i . " ";
// Function to return a random
// number between x and y
function give_random_number($l, $r)
    $x = rand() % ($r - $l + 1) + $l;
    return $x;
// Recursive function to generate
// the random permutation
function generate_random_permutation($l, $r)
    global $permutation;
    // Base condition
    if ($l > $r)
    // Random number returned from the function
    $n = give_random_number($l, $r);
    // Inserting random number in vector
    array_push($permutation, $n);
    // Recursion call for [l, n - 1]
    generate_random_permutation($l, $n - 1);
    // Recursion call for [n + 1, r]
    generate_random_permutation($n + 1, $r);
// Driver code
$l = 5;
$r = 15;
// Generate permutation
generate_random_permutation($l, $r);
// Print the generated permutation
// This code is contributed by mits


// Javascript implementation of the approach
// To store the random permutation
var permutation = [];
// Utility function to print
// the generated permutation
function printPermutation()
    for (var i of permutation)
        document.write(i + " ");
// Function to return a random
// number between x and y
function give_random_number(l, r)
    var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * l + r) % (r - l + 1) + l;
    return x;
// Recursive function to generate
// the random permutation
function generate_random_permutation(l, r)
    // Base condition
    if (l > r)
    // Random number returned from the function
    var n = give_random_number(l, r);
    // Inserting random number in vector
    // Recursion call for [l, n - 1]
    generate_random_permutation(l, n - 1);
    // Recursion call for [n + 1, r]
    generate_random_permutation(n + 1, r);
// Driver code
var l = 5;
var r = 15;
// Generate permutation
generate_random_permutation(l, r);
// Print the generated permutation
// This code is contributed by rrrtnx.

11 9 6 5 8 7 10 12 13 15 14


Complejidad de tiempo: O(n)

Espacio Auxiliar: O(1)

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por saurabh_dtu y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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