Imprimir árbol N-ario gráficamente

Dado un árbol N-ario , la tarea es imprimir el árbol N-ario gráficamente.
Representación gráfica de árbol: una representación de árbol en la que la raíz se imprime en una línea y los Nodes secundarios se imprimen en líneas posteriores con cierta cantidad de sangría. 

                / | \
               /  |  \
              1   2   3
             / \    / | \
            4   5  6  7  8
+--- 1
|    +--- 4
|    +--- 5
+--- 2
+--- 3
    +--- 6
    +--- 7
    |    +--- 9
    +--- 8

Enfoque: la idea es atravesar el árbol N-ario utilizando DFS Traversal para recorrer los Nodes y explorar sus Nodes secundarios hasta que se visiten todos los Nodes y luego, de manera similar, atravesar los Nodes hermanos.
El algoritmo paso a paso para el enfoque anterior se describe a continuación: 

  • Inicialice una variable para almacenar la profundidad actual del Node, para el Node raíz la profundidad es 0.
  • Declare una array booleana para almacenar las profundidades de exploración actuales e inicialmente márquelas todas como Falsas.
  • Si el Node actual es un Node raíz cuya profundidad es 0, simplemente imprima los datos del Node.
  • De lo contrario, itere sobre un ciclo desde 1 hasta la profundidad actual del Node e imprima, ‘|’ y tres espacios para cada una de las profundidades de exploración y para la profundidad de no exploración imprima tres espacios solamente.
  • Imprime el valor actual del Node y mueve el puntero de salida a la siguiente línea.
  • Si el Node actual es el último Node de esa profundidad, márquela como no explorable.
  • Del mismo modo, explore todos los Nodes secundarios con la llamada recursiva.

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior:


// C++ implementation to print
// N-ary Tree graphically
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// Structure of the node
struct tnode {
    int n;
    list<tnode*> root;
    tnode(int data)
        : n(data)
// Function to print the
// N-ary tree graphically
void printNTree(tnode* x,
    vector<bool> flag,
    int depth = 0, bool isLast = false)
    // Condition when node is None
    if (x == NULL)
    // Loop to print the depths of the
    // current node
    for (int i = 1; i < depth; ++i) {
        // Condition when the depth
        // is exploring
        if (flag[i] == true) {
            cout << "| "
                << " "
                << " "
                << " ";
        // Otherwise print
        // the blank spaces
        else {
            cout << " "
                << " "
                << " "
                << " ";
    // Condition when the current
    // node is the root node
    if (depth == 0)
        cout << x->n << '\n';
    // Condition when the node is
    // the last node of
    // the exploring depth
    else if (isLast) {
        cout << "+--- " << x->n << '\n';
        // No more childrens turn it
        // to the non-exploring depth
        flag[depth] = false;
    else {
        cout << "+--- " << x->n << '\n';
    int it = 0;
    for (auto i = x->root.begin();
    i != x->root.end(); ++i, ++it)
        // Recursive call for the
        // children nodes
        printNTree(*i, flag, depth + 1,
            it == (x->root.size()) - 1);
    flag[depth] = true;
// Function to form the Tree and
// print it graphically
void formAndPrintTree(){
    int nv = 10;
    tnode r(0), n1(1), n2(2),
        n3(3), n4(4), n5(5),
    n6(6), n7(7), n8(8), n9(9);
    // Array to keep track
    // of exploring depths
    vector<bool> flag(nv, true);
    // Tree Formation
    printNTree(&r, flag);
// Driver Code
int main(int argc, char const* argv[])
    // Function Call
    return 0;


// Java implementation to print
// N-ary Tree graphically
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
// Structure of the node
static class tnode {
    int n;
    Vector<tnode> root = new Vector<>();
    tnode(int data)
        this.n = data;
// Function to print the
// N-ary tree graphically
static void printNTree(tnode x,
    boolean[] flag,
    int depth, boolean isLast )
    // Condition when node is None
    if (x == null)
    // Loop to print the depths of the
    // current node
    for (int i = 1; i < depth; ++i) {
        // Condition when the depth
        // is exploring
        if (flag[i] == true) {
            System.out.print("| "
               + " "
               + " "
               + " ");
        // Otherwise print
        // the blank spaces
        else {
            System.out.print(" "
               + " "
               + " "
               + " ");
    // Condition when the current
    // node is the root node
    if (depth == 0)
    // Condition when the node is
    // the last node of
    // the exploring depth
    else if (isLast) {
        System.out.print("+--- " +  x.n + '\n');
        // No more childrens turn it
        // to the non-exploring depth
        flag[depth] = false;
    else {
        System.out.print("+--- " +  x.n + '\n');
    int it = 0;
    for (tnode i : x.root) {
        // Recursive call for the
        // children nodes
        printNTree(i, flag, depth + 1,
            it == (x.root.size()) - 1);
    flag[depth] = true;
// Function to form the Tree and
// print it graphically
static void formAndPrintTree(){
    int nv = 10;
    tnode r = new tnode(0);
    tnode n1 = new tnode(1);
    tnode n2 = new tnode(2);
    tnode n3 = new tnode(3);
    tnode n4 = new tnode(4);
    tnode n5 = new tnode(5);
    tnode n6 = new tnode(6);
    tnode n7 = new tnode(7);
    tnode n8 = new tnode(8);
    tnode n9 = new tnode(9);
    // Array to keep track
    // of exploring depths
    boolean[] flag = new boolean[nv];
    Arrays.fill(flag, true);
    // Tree Formation
    printNTree(r, flag, 0, false);
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    // Function Call
// This code is contributed by gauravrajput1


# Python3 implementation to print N-ary Tree graphically
# Structure of the node
class tnode:
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.n = data
        self.root = []
# Function to print the
# N-ary tree graphically
def printNTree(x,flag,depth,isLast):
    # Condition when node is None
    if x == None:
    # Loop to print the depths of the
    # current node
    for i in range(1, depth):
        # Condition when the depth
        # is exploring
        if flag[i]:
            print("| ","", "", "", end = "")
        # Otherwise print
        # the blank spaces
            print(" ", "", "", "", end = "")
    # Condition when the current
    # node is the root node
    if depth == 0:
    # Condition when the node is
    # the last node of
    # the exploring depth
    elif isLast:
        print("+---", x.n)
        # No more childrens turn it
        # to the non-exploring depth
        flag[depth] = False
        print("+---", x.n)
    it = 0
    for i in x.root:
        # Recursive call for the
        # children nodes
        printNTree(i, flag, depth + 1, it == (len(x.root) - 1))
    flag[depth] = True
# Function to form the Tree and
# print it graphically
def formAndPrintTree():
    nv = 10
    r = tnode(0)
    n1 = tnode(1)
    n2 = tnode(2)
    n3 = tnode(3)
    n4 = tnode(4)
    n5 = tnode(5)
    n6 = tnode(6)
    n7 = tnode(7)
    n8 = tnode(8)
    n9 = tnode(9)
    # Array to keep track
    # of exploring depths
    flag = [True]*(nv)
    # Tree Formation
    printNTree(r, flag, 0, False)
# This code is contributed by suresh07.


// C# implementation to print
// N-ary Tree graphically
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG
// Structure of the node
public class tnode
  int n;
 List<tnode> root = new List<tnode>();
  tnode(int data)
     this.n = data;
// Function to print the
// N-ary tree graphically
static void printNTree(tnode x,
                       bool[] flag,
                       int depth, bool isLast )
    // Condition when node is None
    if (x == null)
    // Loop to print the depths of the
    // current node
    for (int i = 1; i < depth; ++i)
        // Condition when the depth
        // is exploring
        if (flag[i] == true)
            Console.Write("| "
               + " "
               + " "
               + " ");
        // Otherwise print
        // the blank spaces
            Console.Write(" "
               + " "
               + " "
               + " ");
    // Condition when the current
    // node is the root node
    if (depth == 0)
    // Condition when the node is
    // the last node of
    // the exploring depth
    else if (isLast)
        Console.Write("+--- " +  x.n + '\n');
        // No more childrens turn it
        // to the non-exploring depth
        flag[depth] = false;
        Console.Write("+--- " +  x.n + '\n');
    int it = 0;
    foreach (tnode i in x.root)
        // Recursive call for the
        // children nodes
        printNTree(i, flag, depth + 1,
            it == (x.root.Count) - 1);
    flag[depth] = true;
// Function to form the Tree and
// print it graphically
static void formAndPrintTree()
    int nv = 10;
    tnode r = new tnode(0);
    tnode n1 = new tnode(1);
    tnode n2 = new tnode(2);
    tnode n3 = new tnode(3);
    tnode n4 = new tnode(4);
    tnode n5 = new tnode(5);
    tnode n6 = new tnode(6);
    tnode n7 = new tnode(7);
    tnode n8 = new tnode(8);
    tnode n9 = new tnode(9);
    // Array to keep track
    // of exploring depths  
    bool[] flag = new bool[nv];
    for(int i = 0; i < nv; i++)
        flag[i] = true;
    // Tree Formation
    printNTree(r, flag, 0, false);
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    // Function Call
// This code is contributed by aashish1995


// JavaScript implementation to print
// N-ary Tree graphically
// Structure of the node
class tnode
        this.n = data;
// Function to print the
// N-ary tree graphically
function printNTree(x,flag,depth,isLast)
    // Condition when node is None
    if (x == null)
    // Loop to print the depths of the
    // current node
    for (let i = 1; i < depth; ++i) {
        // Condition when the depth
        // is exploring
        if (flag[i] == true) {
            document.write("| "
               + "  "
               + "  "
               + "  ");
        // Otherwise print
        // the blank spaces
        else {
            document.write("  "
               + "  "
               + "  "
               + "  ");
    // Condition when the current
    // node is the root node
    if (depth == 0)
    // Condition when the node is
    // the last node of
    // the exploring depth
    else if (isLast) {
        document.write("+--- " +  x.n + '<br>');
        // No more childrens turn it
        // to the non-exploring depth
        flag[depth] = false;
    else {
        document.write("+--- " +  x.n + '<br>');
    let it = 0;
    for (let i of x.root.values()) {
        // Recursive call for the
        // children nodes
        printNTree(i, flag, depth + 1,
            it == (x.root.length) - 1);
    flag[depth] = true;
// Function to form the Tree and
// print it graphically
function formAndPrintTree()
    nv = 10;
    let r = new tnode(0);
    let n1 = new tnode(1);
    let n2 = new tnode(2);
    let n3 = new tnode(3);
    let n4 = new tnode(4);
    let n5 = new tnode(5);
    let n6 = new tnode(6);
    let n7 = new tnode(7);
    let n8 = new tnode(8);
    let n9 = new tnode(9);
    // Array to keep track
    // of exploring depths
    let flag = new Array(nv);
    for(let i=0;i<nv;i++)
    // Tree Formation
    printNTree(r, flag, 0, false);
// Driver Code
// Function Call
// This code is contributed by unknown2108

+--- 1
|    +--- 4
|    +--- 5
+--- 2
+--- 3
    +--- 6
    +--- 7
    |    +--- 9
    +--- 8

Análisis de rendimiento: 

  • Complejidad del tiempo: en el enfoque anterior, hay una llamada recursiva para explorar todos los vértices que requieren un tiempo O(V). Por lo tanto, la complejidad temporal para este enfoque será O(V) .
  • Complejidad del espacio auxiliar: en el enfoque anterior, se utiliza espacio adicional para almacenar las profundidades de exploración. Por lo tanto, la complejidad del espacio auxiliar para el enfoque anterior será O(V)

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por subhamsaibehera y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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