Operaciones en arrays dispersas

Dadas dos arrays dispersas ( Array dispersa y sus representaciones | Conjunto 1 (Uso de arrays y listas enlazadas) ), realice operaciones como sumar, multiplicar o transponer las arrays en su forma dispersa. El resultado debe consistir en tres arrays dispersas, una obtenida al sumar las dos arrays de entrada, otra al multiplicar las dos arrays y otra obtenida al transponer la primera array. 

Ejemplo: tenga en cuenta que otras entradas de arrays serán cero ya que las arrays son escasas.

Input : 

Matrix 1: (4x4)
Row Column Value
1   2       10
1   4       12
3   3       5
4   1       15
4   2       12

Matrix 2: (4X4)
Row Column Value
1   3       8
2   4       23
3   3       9
4   1       20
4   2       25

Output :

Result of Addition: (4x4)
Row Column Value
1   2      10
1   3      8
1   4      12
2   4      23
3   3      14
4   1      35
4   2      37

Result of Multiplication: (4x4)
Row Column Value
1   1      240
1   2      300
1   4      230
3   3      45
4   3      120
4   4      276

Result of transpose on the first matrix: (4x4)
Row Column Value
1   4      15
2   1      10
2   4      12
3   3      5
4   1      12

La array dispersa utilizada en cualquier parte del programa se ordena de acuerdo con sus valores de fila. Dos elementos con los mismos valores de fila se ordenan según sus valores de columna. 

Ahora, para sumar las arrays, simplemente recorremos ambas arrays elemento por elemento e insertamos el elemento más pequeño (uno con el valor de fila y columna más pequeño) en la array resultante. Si nos encontramos con un elemento con el mismo valor de fila y columna, simplemente sumamos sus valores e insertamos los datos agregados en la array resultante. 

Para transponer una array, podemos simplemente cambiar cada valor de columna al valor de fila y viceversa, sin embargo, en este caso, la array resultante no se ordenará como necesitamos. Por lo tanto, inicialmente determinamos el número de elementos menor que la columna del elemento actual que se inserta para obtener el índice exacto de la array resultante donde se debe colocar el elemento actual. Esto se hace manteniendo una array index[] cuyo i-ésimo valor indica el número de elementos en la array menor que la columna i. 

Para multiplicar las arrays, primero calculamos la transposición de la segunda array para simplificar nuestras comparaciones y mantener el orden ordenado. Entonces, la array resultante se obtiene recorriendo toda la longitud de ambas arrays y sumando los valores multiplicados apropiados. 

Cualquier valor de fila igual a x en la primera array y valor de fila igual a y en la segunda array (transpuesto uno) contribuirá al resultado [x] [y]. Esto se obtiene multiplicando todos los elementos que tienen valor col en ambas arrays y sumando solo aquellos con la fila como x en la primera array y la fila como y en la segunda array transpuesta para obtener el resultado [x][y]. 

Por ejemplo: Considere 2 arrays:

Row Col Val      Row Col Val
1   2   10       1   1   2
1   3   12       1   2   5
2   1   1        2   2   1
2   3   2        3   1   8

La array resultante después de la multiplicación se obtendrá de la siguiente manera:

Transpose of second matrix:

Row Col Val      Row Col Val
1   2   10       1   1   2
1   3   12       1   3   8
2   1   1        2   1   5
2   3   2        2   2   1

Summation of multiplied values:

result[1][1] = A[1][3]*B[1][3] = 12*8 = 96
result[1][2] = A[1][2]*B[2][2] = 10*1 = 10
result[2][1] = A[2][1]*B[1][1] + A[2][3]*B[1][3] = 2*1 + 2*8 = 18
result[2][2] = A[2][1]*B[2][1] = 1*5 = 5

Any other element cannot be obtained 
by any combination of row in 
Matrix A and Row in Matrix B.

Hence the final resultant matrix will be:
Row Col Val 
1   1   96 
1   2   10 
2   1   18  
2   2   5  

La siguiente es la implementación del enfoque anterior: 


// C++ code to perform add, multiply
// and transpose on sparse matrices
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class sparse_matrix
    // Maximum number of elements in matrix
    const static int MAX = 100;
    // Double-pointer initialized by
    // the constructor to store
    // the triple-represented form
    int **data;
    // dimensions of matrix
    int row, col;
    // total number of elements in matrix
    int len;
    sparse_matrix(int r, int c)
        // initialize row
        row = r;
        // initialize col
        col = c;
        // initialize length to 0
        len = 0;
        //Array of Pointer to make a matrix
        data = new int *[MAX];
        // Array representation
        // of sparse matrix
        //[,0] represents row
        //[,1] represents col
        //[,2] represents value
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
            data[i] = new int[3];
    // insert elements into sparse matrix
    void insert(int r, int c, int val)
        // invalid entry
        if (r > row || c > col)
            cout << "Wrong entry";
            // insert row value
            data[len][0] = r;
            // insert col value
            data[len][1] = c;
            // insert element's value
            data[len][2] = val;
            // increment number of data in matrix
    void add(sparse_matrix b)
        // if matrices don't have same dimensions
        if (row != b.row || col != b.col)
            cout << "Matrices can't be added";
            int apos = 0, bpos = 0;
            sparse_matrix result(row, col);
            while (apos < len && bpos < b.len)
                // if b's row and col is smaller
                if (data[apos][0] > b.data[bpos][0] ||
                   (data[apos][0] == b.data[bpos][0] &&
                    data[apos][1] > b.data[bpos][1]))
                    // insert smaller value into result
                // if a's row and col is smaller
                else if (data[apos][0] < b.data[bpos][0] ||
                        (data[apos][0] == b.data[bpos][0] &&
                         data[apos][1] < b.data[bpos][1]))
                    // insert smaller value into result
                    // add the values as row and col is same
                    int addedval = data[apos][2] +
                    if (addedval != 0)
                    // then insert
            // insert remaining elements
            while (apos < len)
            while (bpos < b.len)
            // print result
    sparse_matrix transpose()
        // new matrix with inversed row X col
        sparse_matrix result(col, row);
        // same number of elements
        result.len = len;
        // to count number of elements in each column
        int *count = new int[col + 1];
        // initialize all to 0
        for (int i = 1; i <= col; i++)
            count[i] = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
        int *index = new int[col + 1];
        // to count number of elements having
        // col smaller than particular i
        // as there is no col with value < 0
        index[0] = 0;
        // initialize rest of the indices
        for (int i = 1; i <= col; i++)
            index[i] = index[i - 1] + count[i - 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
            // insert a data at rpos and
            // increment its value
            int rpos = index[data[i][1]]++;
            // transpose row=col
            result.data[rpos][0] = data[i][1];
            // transpose col=row
            result.data[rpos][1] = data[i][0];
            // same value
            result.data[rpos][2] = data[i][2];
        // the above method ensures
        // sorting of transpose matrix
        // according to row-col value
        return result;
    void multiply(sparse_matrix b)
        if (col != b.row)
            // Invalid multiplication
            cout << "Can't multiply, Invalid dimensions";
        // transpose b to compare row
        // and col values and to add them at the end
        b = b.transpose();
        int apos, bpos;
        // result matrix of dimension row X b.col
        // however b has been transposed,
        // hence row X b.row
        sparse_matrix result(row, b.row);
        // iterate over all elements of A
        for (apos = 0; apos < len;)
            // current row of result matrix
            int r = data[apos][0];
            // iterate over all elements of B
            for (bpos = 0; bpos < b.len;)
                // current column of result matrix
                // data[,0] used as b is transposed
                int c = b.data[bpos][0];
                // temporary pointers created to add all
                // multiplied values to obtain current
                // element of result matrix
                int tempa = apos;
                int tempb = bpos;
                int sum = 0;
                // iterate over all elements with
                // same row and col value
                // to calculate result[r]
                while (tempa < len && data[tempa][0] == r &&
                       tempb < b.len && b.data[tempb][0] == c)
                    if (data[tempa][1] < b.data[tempb][1])
                        // skip a
                    else if (data[tempa][1] > b.data[tempb][1])
                        // skip b
                        // same col, so multiply and increment
                        sum += data[tempa++][2] *
                // insert sum obtained in result[r]
                // if its not equal to 0
                if (sum != 0)
                    result.insert(r, c, sum);
                while (bpos < b.len &&
                       b.data[bpos][0] == c)
                    // jump to next column
            while (apos < len && data[apos][0] == r)
                // jump to next row
    // printing matrix
    void print()
        cout << "\nDimension: " << row << "x" << col;
        cout << "\nSparse Matrix: \nRow\tColumn\tValue\n";
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
            cout << data[i][0] << "\t " << data[i][1]
                 << "\t " << data[i][2] << endl;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // create two sparse matrices and insert values
    sparse_matrix a(4, 4);
    sparse_matrix b(4, 4);
    a.insert(1, 2, 10);
    a.insert(1, 4, 12);
    a.insert(3, 3, 5);
    a.insert(4, 1, 15);
    a.insert(4, 2, 12);
    b.insert(1, 3, 8);
    b.insert(2, 4, 23);
    b.insert(3, 3, 9);
    b.insert(4, 1, 20);
    b.insert(4, 2, 25);
    // Output result
    cout << "Addition: ";
    cout << "\nMultiplication: ";
    cout << "\nTranspose: ";
    sparse_matrix atranspose = a.transpose();
// This code is contributed
// by Bharath Vignesh J K


// Java code to perform add,
// multiply and transpose on sparse matrices
public class sparse_matrix {
    // Maximum number of elements in matrix
    int MAX = 100;
    // Array representation
    // of sparse matrix
    //[][0] represents row
    //[][1] represents col
    //[][2] represents value
    int data[][] = new int[MAX][3];
    // dimensions of matrix
    int row, col;
    // total number of elements in matrix
    int len;
    public sparse_matrix(int r, int c)
        // initialize row
        row = r;
        // initialize col
        col = c;
        // initialize length to 0
        len = 0;
    // insert elements into sparse matrix
    public void insert(int r, int c, int val)
        // invalid entry
        if (r > row || c > col) {
            System.out.println("Wrong entry");
        else {
            // insert row value
            data[len][0] = r;
            // insert col value
            data[len][1] = c;
            // insert element's value
            data[len][2] = val;
            // increment number of data in matrix
    public void add(sparse_matrix b)
        // if matrices don't have same dimensions
        if (row != b.row || col != b.col) {
            System.out.println("Matrices can't be added");
        else {
            int apos = 0, bpos = 0;
            sparse_matrix result = new sparse_matrix(row, col);
            while (apos < len && bpos < b.len) {
                // if b's row and col is smaller
                if (data[apos][0] > b.data[bpos][0] ||
                  (data[apos][0] == b.data[bpos][0] &&
                   data[apos][1] > b.data[bpos][1]))
                    // insert smaller value into result
                // if a's row and col is smaller
                else if (data[apos][0] < b.data[bpos][0] ||
                (data[apos][0] == b.data[bpos][0] &&
                  data[apos][1] < b.data[bpos][1]))
                    // insert smaller value into result
                else {
                    // add the values as row and col is same
                    int addedval = data[apos][2] + b.data[bpos][2];
                    if (addedval != 0)
                    // then insert
            // insert remaining elements
            while (apos < len)
            while (bpos < b.len)
            // print result
    public sparse_matrix transpose()
        // new matrix with inversed row X col
        sparse_matrix result = new sparse_matrix(col, row);
        // same number of elements
        result.len = len;
        // to count number of elements in each column
        int count[] = new int[col + 1];
        // initialize all to 0
        for (int i = 1; i <= col; i++)
            count[i] = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
        int[] index = new int[col + 1];
        // to count number of elements having col smaller
        // than particular i
        // as there is no col with value < 1
        index[1] = 0;
        // initialize rest of the indices
        for (int i = 2; i <= col; i++)
            index[i] = index[i - 1] + count[i - 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            // insert a data at rpos and increment its value
            int rpos = index[data[i][1]]++;
            // transpose row=col
            result.data[rpos][0] = data[i][1];
            // transpose col=row
            result.data[rpos][1] = data[i][0];
            // same value
            result.data[rpos][2] = data[i][2];
        // the above method ensures
        // sorting of transpose matrix
        // according to row-col value
        return result;
    public void multiply(sparse_matrix b)
        if (col != b.row) {
            // Invalid multiplication
            System.out.println("Can't multiply, "
                               + "Invalid dimensions");
        // transpose b to compare row
        // and col values and to add them at the end
        b = b.transpose();
        int apos, bpos;
        // result matrix of dimension row X b.col
        // however b has been transposed, hence row X b.row
        sparse_matrix result = new sparse_matrix(row, b.row);
        // iterate over all elements of A
        for (apos = 0; apos < len;) {
            // current row of result matrix
            int r = data[apos][0];
            // iterate over all elements of B
            for (bpos = 0; bpos < b.len;) {
                // current column of result matrix
                // data[][0] used as b is transposed
                int c = b.data[bpos][0];
                // temporary pointers created to add all
                // multiplied values to obtain current
                // element of result matrix
                int tempa = apos;
                int tempb = bpos;
                int sum = 0;
                // iterate over all elements with
                // same row and col value
                // to calculate result[r]
                while (tempa < len && data[tempa][0] == r
                       && tempb < b.len && b.data[tempb][0] == c) {
                    if (data[tempa][1] < b.data[tempb][1])
                        // skip a
                    else if (data[tempa][1] > b.data[tempb][1])
                        // skip b
                        // same col, so multiply and increment
                        sum += data[tempa++][2] * b.data[tempb++][2];
                // insert sum obtained in result[r]
                // if its not equal to 0
                if (sum != 0)
                    result.insert(r, c, sum);
                while (bpos < b.len && b.data[bpos][0] == c)
                    // jump to next column
            while (apos < len && data[apos][0] == r)
                // jump to next row
    // printing matrix
    public void print()
        System.out.println("Dimension: " + row + "x" + col);
        System.out.println("Sparse Matrix: \nRow Column Value");
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            System.out.println(data[i][0] + " "
                             + data[i][1] + " " + data[i][2]);
    public static void main(String args[])
        // create two sparse matrices and insert values
        sparse_matrix a = new sparse_matrix(4, 4);
        sparse_matrix b = new sparse_matrix(4, 4);
        a.insert(1, 2, 10);
        a.insert(1, 4, 12);
        a.insert(3, 3, 5);
        a.insert(4, 1, 15);
        a.insert(4, 2, 12);
        b.insert(1, 3, 8);
        b.insert(2, 4, 23);
        b.insert(3, 3, 9);
        b.insert(4, 1, 20);
        b.insert(4, 2, 25);
        // Output result
        System.out.println("Addition: ");
        System.out.println("\nMultiplication: ");
        System.out.println("\nTranspose: ");
        sparse_matrix atranspose = a.transpose();
// This code is contributed by Sudarshan Khasnis


// C# code to perform add,
// multiply and transpose on sparse matrices
public class sparse_matrix {
    // Maximum number of elements in matrix
    static int MAX = 100;
    // Array representation
    // of sparse matrix
    //[,0] represents row
    //[,1] represents col
    //[,2] represents value
    int[,] data = new int[MAX,3];
    // dimensions of matrix
    int row, col;
    // total number of elements in matrix
    int len;
    public sparse_matrix(int r, int c)
        // initialize row
        row = r;
        // initialize col
        col = c;
        // initialize length to 0
        len = 0;
    // insert elements into sparse matrix
    public void insert(int r, int c, int val)
        // invalid entry
        if (r > row || c > col) {
            System.Console.WriteLine("Wrong entry");
        else {
            // insert row value
            data[len,0] = r;
            // insert col value
            data[len,1] = c;
            // insert element's value
            data[len,2] = val;
            // increment number of data in matrix
    public void add(sparse_matrix b)
        // if matrices don't have same dimensions
        if (row != b.row || col != b.col) {
            System.Console.WriteLine("Matrices can't be added");
        else {
            int apos = 0, bpos = 0;
            sparse_matrix result = new sparse_matrix(row, col);
            while (apos < len && bpos < b.len) {
                // if b's row and col is smaller
                if (data[apos,0] > b.data[bpos,0] ||
                (data[apos,0] == b.data[bpos,0] &&
                data[apos,1] > b.data[bpos,1]))
                    // insert smaller value into result
                // if a's row and col is smaller
                else if (data[apos,0] < b.data[bpos,0] ||
                (data[apos,0] == b.data[bpos,0] &&
                data[apos,1] < b.data[bpos,1]))
                    // insert smaller value into result
                else {
                    // add the values as row and col is same
                    int addedval = data[apos,2] + b.data[bpos,2];
                    if (addedval != 0)
                    // then insert
            // insert remaining elements
            while (apos < len)
            while (bpos < b.len)
            // print result
    public sparse_matrix transpose()
        // new matrix with inversed row X col
        sparse_matrix result = new sparse_matrix(col, row);
        // same number of elements
        result.len = len;
        // to count number of elements in each column
        int[] count = new int[col + 1];
        // initialize all to 0
        for (int i = 1; i <= col; i++)
            count[i] = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
        int[] index = new int[col + 1];
        // to count number of elements having col smaller
        // than particular i
        // as there is no col with value < 1
        index[1] = 0;
        // initialize rest of the indices
        for (int i = 2; i <= col; i++)
            index[i] = index[i - 1] + count[i - 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            // insert a data at rpos and increment its value
            int rpos = index[data[i,1]]++;
            // transpose row=col
            result.data[rpos,0] = data[i,1];
            // transpose col=row
            result.data[rpos,1] = data[i,0];
            // same value
            result.data[rpos,2] = data[i,2];
        // the above method ensures
        // sorting of transpose matrix
        // according to row-col value
        return result;
    public void multiply(sparse_matrix b)
        if (col != b.row) {
            // Invalid multiplication
            System.Console.WriteLine("Can't multiply, "
                            + "Invalid dimensions");
        // transpose b to compare row
        // and col values and to add them at the end
        b = b.transpose();
        int apos, bpos;
        // result matrix of dimension row X b.col
        // however b has been transposed, hence row X b.row
        sparse_matrix result = new sparse_matrix(row, b.row);
        // iterate over all elements of A
        for (apos = 0; apos < len;) {
            // current row of result matrix
            int r = data[apos,0];
            // iterate over all elements of B
            for (bpos = 0; bpos < b.len;) {
                // current column of result matrix
                // data[,0] used as b is transposed
                int c = b.data[bpos,0];
                // temporary pointers created to add all
                // multiplied values to obtain current
                // element of result matrix
                int tempa = apos;
                int tempb = bpos;
                int sum = 0;
                // iterate over all elements with
                // same row and col value
                // to calculate result[r]
                while (tempa < len && data[tempa,0] == r
                    && tempb < b.len && b.data[tempb,0] == c) {
                    if (data[tempa,1] < b.data[tempb,1])
                        // skip a
                    else if (data[tempa,1] > b.data[tempb,1])
                        // skip b
                        // same col, so multiply and increment
                        sum += data[tempa++,2] * b.data[tempb++,2];
                // insert sum obtained in result[r]
                // if its not equal to 0
                if (sum != 0)
                    result.insert(r, c, sum);
                while (bpos < b.len && b.data[bpos,0] == c)
                    // jump to next column
            while (apos < len && data[apos,0] == r)
                // jump to next row
    // printing matrix
    public void print()
        System.Console.WriteLine("Dimension: " + row + "x" + col);
        System.Console.WriteLine("Sparse Matrix: \nRow Column Value");
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            System.Console.WriteLine(data[i,0] + " "
                            + data[i,1] + " " + data[i,2]);
    public static void Main()
        // create two sparse matrices and insert values
        sparse_matrix a = new sparse_matrix(4, 4);
        sparse_matrix b = new sparse_matrix(4, 4);
        a.insert(1, 2, 10);
        a.insert(1, 4, 12);
        a.insert(3, 3, 5);
        a.insert(4, 1, 15);
        a.insert(4, 2, 12);
        b.insert(1, 3, 8);
        b.insert(2, 4, 23);
        b.insert(3, 3, 9);
        b.insert(4, 1, 20);
        b.insert(4, 2, 25);
        // Output result
        System.Console.WriteLine("Addition: ");
        System.Console.WriteLine("\nMultiplication: ");
        System.Console.WriteLine("\nTranspose: ");
        sparse_matrix atranspose = a.transpose();
// This code is contributed by mits

Dimension: 4x4
Sparse Matrix: 
Row    Column    Value
1     2     10
1     3     8
1     4     12
2     4     23
3     3     14
4     1     35
4     2     37

Dimension: 4x4
Sparse Matrix: 
Row    Column    Value
1     1     240
1     2     300
1     4     230
3     3     45
4     3     120
4     4     276

Dimension: 4x4
Sparse Matrix: 
Row    Column    Value
1     4     15
2     1     10
2     4     12
3     3     5
4     1     12

Complejidad de tiempo en el peor de los casos: la operación de suma atraviesa las arrays linealmente, por lo tanto, tiene una complejidad de tiempo de O (n), donde n es el número de elementos distintos de cero en la array más grande entre los dos. La transposición tiene una complejidad temporal de O(n+m), donde n es el número de columnas y m es el número de elementos distintos de cero en la array. Sin embargo, la multiplicación tiene una complejidad temporal de O(x*n + y*m), donde (x, m) es el número de columnas y términos en la segunda array; y (y, n) es el número de filas y términos en la primera array.

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por Sudarshan Khasnis y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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