Problema de distribución de bolígrafos

Dado un número entero N que denota el número de cajas en un corral, y dos jugadores P1 y P2 jugando un juego de distribución de N bolígrafos entre ellos según las siguientes reglas:

  • P1 hace el primer movimiento tomando 2 bolígrafos X. (Inicialmente, X = 0)
  • P2 toma 3 bolígrafos X.
  • El valor de X aumenta en 1 después de cada movimiento.
  • P1 y P2 hacen movimiento alternativamente.
  • Si el jugador actual tiene que tomar más bolígrafos que el número de bolígrafos que quedan en la caja, entonces se retira.
  • El juego terminará cuando ambos jugadores abandonen o cuando la caja se quede vacía.

La tarea de imprimir los siguientes detalles una vez que termine el juego:

  1. El número de bolígrafos que quedan en la caja.
  2. El número de bolígrafos recolectados por P1 .
  3. El número de bolígrafos recogidos por P2 .


Entrada: N = 22
Número de bolígrafos que quedan en la caja: 14
Número de bolígrafos recogidos por P1: 5
Número de bolígrafos recogidos por P2: 3

  • Movimiento 1: X = 0, P1 toma 1 bolígrafo de la caja. Por lo tanto, N = 22 – 1 = 21.
  • Movimiento 2: X = 1, P2 toma 3 bolígrafos de la caja. Por lo tanto, N = 21 – 3 = 18.
  • Movimiento 3: X = 2, P1 toma 4 bolígrafos de la caja. Por lo tanto, N = 18 – 4 = 14.
  • Movimiento 4: X = 3, P2 sale como 27 > 14.
  • Movimiento 5: X = 4, P1 sale como 16 > 14.
  • ¡Juego terminado! Ambos jugadores han renunciado.

Entrada: N = 1
Número de bolígrafos que quedan en la caja: 0
Número de bolígrafos recogidos por P1: 1
Número de bolígrafos recogidos por P2: 0

Enfoque : La idea es usar Recursión . Siga los pasos para resolver el problema: 

1. Defina una función recursiva: 

Game_Move(N, P1, P2, X, Move, QuitP1, QuitP2) 
N : Número total de bolígrafos 
P1 : Puntuación de P1 
P2 : Puntuación de P2 
X : Inicializado a cero 
Move = 0 : Turno de P1 
Move = 1 : P2’s gire 
QuitP1 : P1 ha 
salido QuitP2 : P2 ha  salido

2. Finalmente, imprime los valores finales después de que el juego haya terminado.

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque mencionado anteriormente:


// C++ implementation of the
// above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// N = Total number of Pens
// P1 : Score of P1
// P2 : Score of P2
// X : Initialized to zero
// Move = 0 : P1's turn
// Move = 1 : P2's turn
// QuitP1 : Has P1 quit
// QuitP2 : Has P2 quit
// Recursive function to play Game
void solve(int& N, int& P1, int& P2, int& X, bool Move,
           bool QuitP1, bool QuitP2)
    if (N == 0 or (QuitP1 and QuitP2)) {
        // Box is empty, Game Over! or
        // Both have quit, Game Over!
        cout << "Number of pens remaining"
             << " in the box: " << N << endl;
        cout << "Number of pens collected"
             << " by P1: " << P1 << endl;
        cout << "Number of pens collected"
             << " by P2: " << P2 << endl;
    if (Move == 0 and QuitP1 == false) {
        // P1 moves
        int req_P1 = pow(2, X);
        if (req_P1 <= N) {
            P1 += req_P1;
            N -= req_P1;
        else {
            QuitP1 = true;
    else if (Move == 1 and QuitP2 == false) {
        // P2 moves
        int req_P2 = pow(3, X);
        if (req_P2 <= N) {
            P2 += req_P2;
            N -= req_P2;
        else {
            QuitP2 = true;
    // Increment X
    // Switch moves between P1 and P2
    Move = ((Move == 1) ? 0 : 1);
    solve(N, P1, P2, X, Move, QuitP1, QuitP2);
// Function to find the number of
// pens remaining in the box and
// calculate score for each player
void PenGame(int N)
    // Score of P1
    int P1 = 0;
    // Score of P2
    int P2 = 0;
    // Initialized to zero
    int X = 0;
    // Move = 0, P1's turn
    // Move = 1, P2's turn
    bool Move = 0;
    // Has P1 quit
    bool QuitP1 = 0;
    // Has P2 quit
    bool QuitP2 = 0;
    // Recursively continue the game
    solve(N, P1, P2, X, Move,
          QuitP1, QuitP2);
// Driver Code
int main()
    int N = 22;
    return 0;


// Java implementation of the
// above approach
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
public class GFG
  // N = Total number of Pens
  // P1 : Score of P1
  // P2 : Score of P2
  // X : Initialized to zero
  // Move = 0 : P1's turn
  // Move = 1 : P2's turn
  // QuitP1 : Has P1 quit
  // QuitP2 : Has P2 quit
  // Recursive function to play Game
  static void solve(int N, int P1, int P2, int X,
                    int Move, boolean QuitP1, boolean QuitP2)
    if (N == 0 || (QuitP1 && QuitP2))
      // Box is empty, Game Over! or
      // Both have quit, Game Over!
      System.out.println("Number of pens remaining"
                         + " in the box: " + N);
      System.out.println("Number of pens collected"
                         + " by P1: " + P1);
      System.out.println("Number of pens collected"
                         + " by P2: " + P2);
    if (Move == 0 && QuitP1 == false)
      // P1 moves
      int req_P1 = (int)(Math.pow(2, X));
      if (req_P1 <= N)
        P1 += req_P1;
        N -= req_P1;
        QuitP1 = true;
    else if (Move == 1 && QuitP2 == false)
      // P2 moves
      int req_P2 = (int)(Math.pow(3, X));
      if (req_P2 <= N)
        P2 += req_P2;
        N -= req_P2;
        QuitP2 = true;
    // Increment X
    // Switch moves between P1 and P2
    Move = ((Move == 1) ? 0 : 1);
    solve(N, P1, P2, X, Move, QuitP1, QuitP2);
  // Function to find the number of
  // pens remaining in the box and
  // calculate score for each player
  static void PenGame(int N)
    // Score of P1
    int P1 = 0;
    // Score of P2
    int P2 = 0;
    // Initialized to zero
    int X = 0;
    // Move = 0, P1's turn
    // Move = 1, P2's turn
    int Move = 0;
    // Has P1 quit
    boolean QuitP1 = false;
    // Has P2 quit
    boolean QuitP2 = false;
    // Recursively continue the game
    solve(N, P1, P2, X, Move, QuitP1, QuitP2);
  // Driver Code
  public static void main (String[] args)
    int N = 22;
// This code is contributed by jana_sayantan.


# Python3 implementation of the
# above approach
# N = Total number of Pens
# P1 : Score of P1
# P2 : Score of P2
# X : Initialized to zero
# Move = 0 : P1's turn
# Move = 1 : P2's turn
# QuitP1 : Has P1 quit
# QuitP2 : Has P2 quit
# Recursive function to play Game
def solve(N, P1, P2, X, Move,
          QuitP1, QuitP2):
    if (N == 0 or (QuitP1 and QuitP2)):
        # Box is empty, Game Over! or
        # Both have quit, Game Over!
        print("Number of pens remaining in the box: ", N)
        print("Number of pens collected by P1: ", P1)
        print("Number of pens collected by P2: ", P2)
    if (Move == 0 and QuitP1 == False):
        # P1 moves
        req_P1 = int(pow(2, X))
        if (req_P1 <= N):
            P1 += req_P1
            N -= req_P1
            QuitP1 = True
    elif (Move == 1 and QuitP2 == False):
        # P2 moves
        req_P2 = int(pow(3, X))
        if (req_P2 <= N):
            P2 += req_P2
            N -= req_P2
            QuitP2 = True
    # Increment X
    X += 1
    # Switch moves between P1 and P2
    if(Move == 1):
        Move = 0
        Move = 1
    solve(N, P1, P2, X, Move, QuitP1, QuitP2)
# Function to find the number of
# pens remaining in the box and
# calculate score for each player
def PenGame(N):
    # Score of P1
    P1 = 0
    # Score of P2
    P2 = 0
    # Initialized to zero
    X = 0
    # Move = 0, P1's turn
    # Move = 1, P2's turn
    Move = False
    # Has P1 quit
    QuitP1 = False
    # Has P2 quit
    QuitP2 = False
    # Recursively continue the game
    solve(N, P1, P2, X, Move,
          QuitP1, QuitP2)
# Driver Code
N = 22
# This code is contributed by Dharanendra L V.


// C# implementation of the
// above approach
using System;
class GFG {
    // N = Total number of Pens
    // P1 : Score of P1
    // P2 : Score of P2
    // X : Initialized to zero
    // Move = 0 : P1's turn
    // Move = 1 : P2's turn
    // QuitP1 : Has P1 quit
    // QuitP2 : Has P2 quit
    // Recursive function to play Game
    static void solve(int N, int P1, int P2, int X,
                      int Move, bool QuitP1, bool QuitP2)
        if (N == 0 || (QuitP1 && QuitP2)) {
            // Box is empty, Game Over! or
            // Both have quit, Game Over!
            Console.WriteLine("Number of pens remaining"
                              + " in the box: " + N);
            Console.WriteLine("Number of pens collected"
                              + " by P1: " + P1);
            Console.WriteLine("Number of pens collected"
                              + " by P2: " + P2);
        if (Move == 0 && QuitP1 == false) {
            // P1 moves
            int req_P1 = (int)(Math.Pow(2, X));
            if (req_P1 <= N) {
                P1 += req_P1;
                N -= req_P1;
            else {
                QuitP1 = true;
        else if (Move == 1 && QuitP2 == false)
            // P2 moves
            int req_P2 = (int)(Math.Pow(3, X));
            if (req_P2 <= N)
                P2 += req_P2;
                N -= req_P2;
                QuitP2 = true;
        // Increment X
        // Switch moves between P1 and P2
        Move = ((Move == 1) ? 0 : 1);
        solve(N, P1, P2, X, Move, QuitP1, QuitP2);
    // Function to find the number of
    // pens remaining in the box and
    // calculate score for each player
    static void PenGame(int N)
        // Score of P1
        int P1 = 0;
        // Score of P2
        int P2 = 0;
        // Initialized to zero
        int X = 0;
        // Move = 0, P1's turn
        // Move = 1, P2's turn
        int Move = 0;
        // Has P1 quit
        bool QuitP1 = false;
        // Has P2 quit
        bool QuitP2 = false;
        // Recursively continue the game
        solve(N, P1, P2, X, Move, QuitP1, QuitP2);
    // Driver Code
    public static void Main()
        int N = 22;
// This code is contributed by chitranayal.


// javascript program of the above approach
  // N = Total number of Pens
  // P1 : Score of P1
  // P2 : Score of P2
  // X : Initialized to zero
  // Move = 0 : P1's turn
  // Move = 1 : P2's turn
  // QuitP1 : Has P1 quit
  // QuitP2 : Has P2 quit
  // Recursive function to play Game
  function solve(N, P1, P2, X,
                    Move, QuitP1, QuitP2)
    if (N == 0 || (QuitP1 && QuitP2))
      // Box is empty, Game Over! or
      // Both have quit, Game Over!
      document.write("Number of pens remaining"
                         + " in the box: " + N + "<br/>");
      document.write("Number of pens collected"
                         + " by P1: " + P1+ "<br/>");
      document.write("Number of pens collected"
                         + " by P2: " + P2+ "<br/>");
    if (Move == 0 && QuitP1 == false)
      // P1 moves
      let req_P1 = (Math.pow(2, X));
      if (req_P1 <= N)
        P1 += req_P1;
        N -= req_P1;
        QuitP1 = true;
    else if (Move == 1 && QuitP2 == false)
      // P2 moves
      let req_P2 = (Math.pow(3, X));
      if (req_P2 <= N)
        P2 += req_P2;
        N -= req_P2;
        QuitP2 = true;
    // Increment X
    // Switch moves between P1 and P2
    Move = ((Move == 1) ? 0 : 1);
    solve(N, P1, P2, X, Move, QuitP1, QuitP2);
  // Function to find the number of
  // pens remaining in the box and
  // calculate score for each player
  function PenGame(N)
    // Score of P1
    let P1 = 0;
    // Score of P2
    let P2 = 0;
    // Initialized to zero
    let X = 0;
    // Move = 0, P1's turn
    // Move = 1, P2's turn
    let Move = 0;
    // Has P1 quit
    let QuitP1 = false;
    // Has P2 quit
    let QuitP2 = false;
    // Recursively continue the game
    solve(N, P1, P2, X, Move, QuitP1, QuitP2);
    // Driver Code
    let N = 22;

Number of pens remaining in the box: 14
Number of pens collected by P1: 5
Number of pens collected by P2: 3


Complejidad de tiempo: O(Log(N))
Espacio auxiliar: O(1)

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por xor09 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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