Programa para encontrar el Porcentaje de Descuento

Precio Marcado  METRO    y Precio de Venta a partir  S    de un producto. La tarea es calcular el Porcentaje de Descuento aplicado a ese producto.

Ejemplos :  

Input: M = 120, S = 100
Output: 16.66%

Input: M = 1000, S = 500
Output: 50% 

La fórmula matemática para calcular el Porcentaje de Descuento del producto es: 

Discount = Marked Price - Selling price

Discount Percentage = (Discount / Marked Price) * 100

A continuación se muestra el programa para encontrar el porcentaje de descuento para un producto:  


// CPP Program to find the Discount Percentage
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to find the Discount Percentage
float discountPercentage(float S, float M)
    // Calculating discount
    float discount = M - S;
    // Calculating discount percentage
    float disPercent = (discount / M) * 100;
    return disPercent;
// Driver code
int main()
    int M, S;
    M = 120;
    S = 100;
    // Setting the precision to 2 decimals
    cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2)
        << discountPercentage(S, M) << "%" << endl;
    M = 1000;
    S = 500;
    // Setting the precision to 2 decimals
    cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2)
        << discountPercentage(S, M) << "%" << endl;
    return 0;


// Java Program to find the Discount Percentage
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
class GFG{
// Function to find the Discount Percentage
static float discountPercentage(float S, float M)
    // Calculating discount
    float discount = M - S;
    // Calculating discount percentage
    float disPercent = (discount / M) * 100;
    return disPercent;
// Driver code
public static void main(String args[])
    int M, S;
    M = 120;
    S = 100;
    M = 1000;
    S = 500;


# Python3 Program to find the
# Discount Percentage
# Function to find the
# Discount Percentage
def discountPercentage(S, M):
    # Calculating discount
    discount = M - S
    # Calculating discount percentage
    disPercent = (discount /M) * 100
    return disPercent
# Driver code
if __name__=='__main__':
    M = 120
    S = 100
    print(discountPercentage(S, M), "%")
    M = 1000
    S = 500
    print(discountPercentage(S, M), "%")
# This code is contribute
# by ihritik


// C# Program to find the
// Discount Percentage
using System;
class GFG
// Function to find the
// Discount Percentage
static float discountPercentage(float S,
                                float M)
    // Calculating discount
    float discount = M - S;
    // Calculating discount percentage
    float disPercent = (discount / M) * 100;
    return disPercent;
// Driver code
static public void Main ()
    int M, S;
    M = 120;
    S = 100;
    Console.Write(discountPercentage(S, M));
    M = 1000;
    S = 500;
    Console.Write(discountPercentage(S, M));
// This code is contributed by Raj


// PHP Program to find the
// Discount Percentage
// Function to find the
// Discount Percentage
function discountPercentage($S, $M)
    // Calculating discount
    $discount = $M - $S;
    // Calculating discount percentage
    $disPercent = ($discount /$M) * 100;
    return $disPercent;
// Driver code
$M; $S;
$M = 120;
$S = 100;
echo discountPercentage($S, $M), "%", "\n";
$M = 1000;
$S = 500;
echo discountPercentage($S, $M), "%", "\n";
// This code is contribute
// by inder_verma


// Java Script Program to find the Discount Percentage
// Function to find the Discount Percentage
function discountPercentage( S,  M)
    // Calculating discount
    let discount = M - S;
    // Calculating discount percentage
    let disPercent = (discount / M) * 100;
    return disPercent;
// Driver code
 let M, S;
    M = 120;
    S = 100;
    M = 1000;
    S = 500;
// Contributed by sravan kumar



Tiempo Complejidad: O(1)
Espacio Auxiliar: O(1)

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por Smitha Dinesh Semwal y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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