Retire dos enteros consecutivos de 1 a N para que la suma sea igual a S

Dada una suma S y un entero N, la tarea es eliminar dos enteros consecutivos de 1 a N para que la suma sea igual a S.


Input: N = 4, S = 3
Output: Yes
sum(1, 2, 3, 4) = 10, 
remove 3 and 4 from 1 to N
now sum(1, 2) = 3 = S
Hence by removing 3 and 4 we got sum = S

Input: N = 5, S =3
Output: No
Its not possible to remove two elements
from 1 to N such that new sum is 3
  • Método 1:
    • Cree una array con elementos del 1 al N.
    • Cada vez que elimine dos elementos consecutivos y compruebe que la diferencia entre la suma de N números naturales y la suma de dos elementos eliminados es S.
    • la suma de N números naturales se puede calcular usando la fórmula
      sum = (n)(n + 1) / 2
    Time complexity: O(n)
    Space complexity: O(n)
  • Método 2:
    • Sabemos que la suma de N números naturales se puede calcular usando la fórmula
      sum = (n)(n + 1) / 2
    • De acuerdo con el enunciado del problema, necesitamos eliminar dos números enteros de 1 a N de modo que la suma de los números enteros restantes sea S.
    • Sean i e i + 1 los dos enteros consecutivos a eliminar .
    • Por lo tanto,
      required sum = S = (n)(n + 1) / 2 - (i) - (i + 1)
                     S = (n)(n + 1) / 2 - (2i - 1)
      i = ((n)(n + 1) / 4) - ((S + 1) / 2)
    • Por lo tanto, encuentre i usando la fórmula anterior
    • si i es un número entero, entonces la respuesta es Sí, de lo contrario, No

    A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior:


    // C++ program remove two consecutive integers
    // from 1 to N to make sum equal to S
    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
    using namespace std;
    // Function to find the numbers
    // to be removed
    float findNumber(int N, int S)
        // typecast appropriately
        // so that answer is float
        float i = (((float)(N) * (float)(N + 1)) / 4)
                  - ((float)(S + 1) / 2);
        // return the obtained result
        return i;
    void check(int N, int S)
        float i = findNumber(N, S);
        // Convert i to integer
        int integerI = (int)i;
        // If i is an integer is 0
        // then answer is Yes
        if (i - integerI == 0)
            cout << "Yes: "
                 << integerI << ", "
                 << integerI + 1
                 << endl;
            cout << "No"
                 << endl;
    // Driver code
    int main()
        int N = 4, S = 3;
        check(N, S);
        N = 5, S = 3;
        check(N, S);
        return 0;


    // Java program remove two consecutive integers 
    // from 1 to N to make sum equal to S 
    class GFG 
        // Function to find the numbers 
        // to be removed 
        static float findNumber(int N, int S) 
            // typecast appropriately 
            // so that answer is float 
            float i = (((float)(N) * (float)(N + 1)) / 4
                    - ((float)(S + 1) / 2); 
            // return the obtained result 
            return i; 
        static void check(int N, int S) 
            float i = findNumber(N, S); 
            // Convert i to integer 
            int integerI = (int)i; 
            // If i is an integer is 0 
            // then answer is Yes 
            if (i - integerI == 0
                System.out.println("Yes: " + integerI + 
                                    ", " + (integerI + 1)) ;
        // Driver code 
        public static void main (String[] args)
            int N = 4, S = 3
            check(N, S); 
            N = 5; S = 3
            check(N, S); 
    // This code is contributed by AnkitRai01


    # Python3 program remove two consecutive integers 
    # from 1 to N to make sum equal to S 
    # Function to find the numbers 
    # to be removed 
    def findNumber(N, S) :
        # typecast appropriately 
        # so that answer is float 
        i = (((N) * (N + 1)) / 4) - ((S + 1) / 2); 
        # return the obtained result 
        return i; 
    def check(N, S) :
        i = findNumber(N, S); 
        # Convert i to integer 
        integerI = int(i); 
        # If i is an integer is 0 
        # then answer is Yes 
        if (i - integerI == 0) :
            print("Yes:", integerI,
                     ",", integerI + 1); 
        else :
    # Driver code 
    if __name__ == "__main__"
        N = 4;
        S = 3
        check(N, S); 
        N = 5;
        S = 3
        check(N, S); 
    # This code is contributed by AnkitRai01


    // C# program remove two consecutive integers 
    // from 1 to N to make sum equal to S 
    using System;
    class GFG 
        // Function to find the numbers 
        // to be removed 
        static float findNumber(int N, int S) 
            // typecast appropriately 
            // so that answer is float 
            float i = (((float)(N) * (float)(N + 1)) / 4) 
                    - ((float)(S + 1) / 2); 
            // return the obtained result 
            return i; 
        static void check(int N, int S) 
            float i = findNumber(N, S); 
            // Convert i to integer 
            int integerI = (int)i; 
            // If i is an integer is 0 
            // then answer is Yes 
            if (i - integerI == 0) 
                Console.WriteLine("Yes: " + integerI + 
                                    ", " + (integerI + 1)) ; 
        // Driver code 
        public static void Main() 
            int N = 4, S = 3; 
            check(N, S); 
            N = 5; S = 3; 
            check(N, S); 
    // This code is contributed by AnkitRai01 

    Yes: 3, 4

    Complejidad temporal: O(1)
    Complejidad espacial: O(1)

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por prajmsidc y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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