Suma de todos los Nodes con valores más pequeños a una distancia K de un Node dado en un BST

Dado un árbol de búsqueda binario , un Node objetivo en el BST y un valor entero K , la tarea es encontrar la suma de todos los Nodes que están a una distancia K del Node objetivo cuyo valor es menor que el Node objetivo.


Entrada: objetivo = 7, K = 2

Salida: 11
Los Nodes a una distancia K(= 2) del Node 7 son 1, 4 y 6. Por lo tanto, la suma de los Nodes es 11.

Entrada: objetivo = 5, K = 1

Salida: 4

Enfoque: El problema dado se puede resolver realizando DFS Traversal para K distancia por debajo del Node objetivo y realizar DFS Traversal hacia arriba K distancia desde el Node objetivo. Siga los pasos a continuación para resolver el problema:

  • Defina una función kDistanceDownSum(root, k, &sum) y realice los siguientes pasos:
    • Para el caso base , verifique si la raíz es nullptr y k es menor que 0 , luego regrese de la función .
    • Si el valor de k es igual a 0 , agregue root->val a la variable sum y regrese.
    • Llame a la misma función kDistanceDownSum(root->left, k-1, sum) y kDistanceDownSum(root->right, k – 1, sum) para los subárboles izquierdo y derecho.
  • Para el caso base, verifique si la raíz es nullptr , luego devuelva -1 .
  • Si la raíz es la misma que el objetivo , llame a la función kDistanceDownSum(root->left, k – 1, sum) para calcular la suma del primer tipo de Nodes y devuelva 0 (no es posible un segundo tipo de Nodes).
  • Inicialice la variable dl como -1 y, si el objetivo es menor que root, establezca el valor de dl como el valor devuelto por la función kDistanceSum(root->left, target k, sum) .
  • Si el valor de dl no es igual a -1 , entonces si la suma es igual a (dl + 1) , agregue el valor de root->data a la suma y luego devuelva -1 .
  • De manera similar, inicialice la variable dr como -1 y si el destino es mayor que la raíz , actualice el valor de dr al valor devuelto por kDistanceSum(root->right, target k, sum) .
  • Si el valor de dr no es igual a -1 , entonces si el valor de sum es igual a (dr + 1) , agregue el valor de root->data a sum . De lo contrario, llame a la función kDistanceDownSum(root->left, k – dr – 2, sum) y devuelva (1 + dr) .
  • Después de realizar los pasos anteriores, imprima el valor de ans como la suma resultante.

La siguiente es la implementación del enfoque anterior:


// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Structure of Tree
struct TreeNode {
    int data;
    TreeNode* left;
    TreeNode* right;
    // Constructor
    TreeNode(int data)
        this->data = data;
        this->left = NULL;
        this->right = NULL;
// Function to add the node to the sum
// below the target node
void kDistanceDownSum(TreeNode* root,
                      int k, int& sum)
    // Base Case
    if (root == NULL || k < 0)
    // If Kth distant node is reached
    if (k == 0) {
        sum += root->data;
    // Recur for the left and the
    // right subtrees
                     k - 1, sum);
                     k - 1, sum);
// Function to find the K distant nodes
// from target node, it returns -1 if
// target node is not present in tree
int kDistanceSum(TreeNode* root,
                 int target,
                 int k, int& sum)
    // Base Case 1
    if (root == NULL)
        return -1;
    // If target is same as root.
    if (root->data == target) {
                         k - 1, sum);
        return 0;
    // Recurr for the left subtree
    int dl = -1;
    // Tree is BST so reduce the
    // search space
    if (target < root->data) {
        dl = kDistanceSum(root->left,
                          target, k, sum);
    // Check if target node was found
    // in left subtree
    if (dl != -1) {
        // If root is at distance k from
        // the target
        if (dl + 1 == k)
            sum += root->data;
        // Node less than target will be
        // present in left
        return -1;
    // When node is not present in the
    // left subtree
    int dr = -1;
    if (target > root->data) {
        dr = kDistanceSum(root->right,
                          target, k, sum);
    if (dr != -1) {
        // If Kth distant node is reached
        if (dr + 1 == k)
            sum += root->data;
        // Node less than target at k
        // distance maybe present in the
        // left tree
                             k - dr - 2, sum);
        return 1 + dr;
    // If target was not present in the
    // left nor in right subtree
    return -1;
// Function to insert a node in BST
TreeNode* insertNode(int data,
                     TreeNode* root)
    // If root is NULL
    if (root == NULL) {
        TreeNode* node = new TreeNode(data);
        return node;
    // Insert the data in right half
    else if (data > root->data) {
        root->right = insertNode(
            data, root->right);
    // Insert the data in left half
    else if (data <= root->data) {
        root->left = insertNode(
            data, root->left);
    // Return the root node
    return root;
// Function to find the sum of K distant
// nodes from the target node having
// value less than target node
void findSum(TreeNode* root, int target,
             int K)
    // Stores the sum of nodes having
    // values < target at K distance
    int sum = 0;
    kDistanceSum(root, target, K, sum);
    // Print the resultant sum
    cout << sum;
// Driver Code
int main()
    TreeNode* root = NULL;
    int N = 11;
    int tree[] = { 3, 1, 7, 0, 2, 5,
                   10, 4, 6, 9, 8 };
    // Create the Tree
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        root = insertNode(tree[i], root);
    int target = 7;
    int K = 2;
    findSum(root, target, K);
    return 0;


// Java program for the above approach
import java.util.*;
public class GFG{
    static int sum;
// Structure of Tree
static class TreeNode {
    int data;
    TreeNode left;
    TreeNode right;
    // Constructor
    TreeNode(int data)
    { = data;
        this.left = null;
        this.right = null;
// Function to add the node to the sum
// below the target node
static void kDistanceDownSum(TreeNode root,
                      int k)
    // Base Case
    if (root == null || k < 0)
    // If Kth distant node is reached
    if (k == 0) {
        sum +=;
    // Recur for the left and the
    // right subtrees
                     k - 1);
                     k - 1);
// Function to find the K distant nodes
// from target node, it returns -1 if
// target node is not present in tree
static int kDistanceSum(TreeNode root,
                 int target,
                 int k)
    // Base Case 1
    if (root == null)
        return -1;
    // If target is same as root.
    if ( == target) {
                         k - 1);
    return 0;
    // Recurr for the left subtree
    int dl = -1;
    // Tree is BST so reduce the
    // search space
    if (target < {
        dl = kDistanceSum(root.left,
                          target, k);
    // Check if target node was found
    // in left subtree
    if (dl != -1) {
        // If root is at distance k from
        // the target
        if (dl + 1 == k)
            sum +=;
        // Node less than target will be
        // present in left
        return -1;
    // When node is not present in the
    // left subtree
    int dr = -1;
    if (target > {
        dr = kDistanceSum(root.right,
                          target, k);
    if (dr != -1) {
        // If Kth distant node is reached
        if (dr + 1 == k)
            sum +=;
        // Node less than target at k
        // distance maybe present in the
        // left tree
                             k - dr - 2);
        return 1 + dr;
    // If target was not present in the
    // left nor in right subtree
    return -1;
// Function to insert a node in BST
static TreeNode insertNode(int data,
                     TreeNode root)
    // If root is null
    if (root == null) {
        TreeNode node = new TreeNode(data);
        return node;
    // Insert the data in right half
    else if (data > {
        root.right = insertNode(
            data, root.right);
    // Insert the data in left half
    else if (data <= {
        root.left = insertNode(
            data, root.left);
    // Return the root node
    return root;
// Function to find the sum of K distant
// nodes from the target node having
// value less than target node
static void findSum(TreeNode root, int target,
             int K)
    // Stores the sum of nodes having
    // values < target at K distance
    sum = 0;
    kDistanceSum(root, target, K);
    // Print the resultant sum
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    TreeNode root = null;
    int N = 11;
    int tree[] = { 3, 1, 7, 0, 2, 5,
                   10, 4, 6, 9, 8 };
    // Create the Tree
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        root = insertNode(tree[i], root);
    int target = 7;
    int K = 2;
    findSum(root, target, K);
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


# python 3 program for the above approach
# Structure of Tree
sum = 0
class Node:
    # A constructor to create a new node
    def __init__(self, data): = data
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
# Function to add the node to the sum
# below the target node
def kDistanceDownSum(root, k):
    global sum
    # Base Case
    if (root == None or k < 0):
    # If Kth distant node is reached
    if (k == 0):
        sum +=
    # Recur for the left and the
    # right subtrees
    kDistanceDownSum(root.left,k - 1)
    kDistanceDownSum(root.right,k - 1)
# Function to find the K distant nodes
# from target node, it returns -1 if
# target node is not present in tree
def kDistanceSum(root, target, k):
    global sum
    # Base Case 1
    if (root == None):
        return -1
    # If target is same as root.
    if ( == target):
        kDistanceDownSum(root.left,k - 1)
        return 0
    # Recurr for the left subtree
    dl = -1
    # Tree is BST so reduce the
    # search space
    if (target <
        dl = kDistanceSum(root.left, target, k)
    # Check if target node was found
    # in left subtree
    if (dl != -1):
        # If root is at distance k from
        # the target
        if (dl + 1 == k):
            sum +=
        # Node less than target will be
        # present in left
        return -1
    # When node is not present in the
    # left subtree
    dr = -1
    if (target >
        dr = kDistanceSum(root.right, target, k)
    if (dr != -1):
        # If Kth distant node is reached
        if (dr + 1 == k):
            sum +=
        # Node less than target at k
        # distance maybe present in the
        # left tree
            kDistanceDownSum(root.left, k - dr - 2)
        return 1 + dr
    # If target was not present in the
    # left nor in right subtree
    return -1
# Function to insert a node in BST
def insertNode(data, root):
    # If root is NULL
    if (root == None):
        node = Node(data)
        return node
    # Insert the data in right half
    elif (data >
        root.right = insertNode(data, root.right)
    # Insert the data in left half
    elif(data <=
        root.left = insertNode(data, root.left)
    # Return the root node
    return root
# Function to find the sum of K distant
# nodes from the target node having
# value less than target node
def findSum(root, target, K):
    # Stores the sum of nodes having
    # values < target at K distance
    kDistanceSum(root, target, K)
    # Print the resultant sum
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = None
    N = 11
    tree = [3, 1, 7, 0, 2, 5,10, 4, 6, 9, 8]
    # Create the Tree
    for i in range(N):
        root = insertNode(tree[i], root)
    target = 7
    K = 2
    findSum(root, target, K)
    # This code is contributed by SURENDRA_GANGWAR.


// C# program for the above approach
using System;
public class GFG{
    static int sum;
// Structure of Tree
 class TreeNode {
 int data;
 TreeNode left;
 TreeNode right;
    // Constructor
    public TreeNode(int data)
    { = data;
        this.left = null;
        this.right = null;
// Function to add the node to the sum
// below the target node
static void kDistanceDownSum(TreeNode root,
                      int k)
    // Base Case
    if (root == null || k < 0)
    // If Kth distant node is reached
    if (k == 0) {
        sum +=;
    // Recur for the left and the
    // right subtrees
                     k - 1);
                     k - 1);
// Function to find the K distant nodes
// from target node, it returns -1 if
// target node is not present in tree
static int kDistanceSum(TreeNode root,
                 int target,
                 int k)
    // Base Case 1
    if (root == null)
        return -1;
    // If target is same as root.
    if ( == target) {
                         k - 1);
    return 0;
    // Recurr for the left subtree
    int dl = -1;
    // Tree is BST so reduce the
    // search space
    if (target < {
        dl = kDistanceSum(root.left,
                          target, k);
    // Check if target node was found
    // in left subtree
    if (dl != -1) {
        // If root is at distance k from
        // the target
        if (dl + 1 == k)
            sum +=;
        // Node less than target will be
        // present in left
        return -1;
    // When node is not present in the
    // left subtree
    int dr = -1;
    if (target > {
        dr = kDistanceSum(root.right,
                          target, k);
    if (dr != -1) {
        // If Kth distant node is reached
        if (dr + 1 == k)
            sum +=;
        // Node less than target at k
        // distance maybe present in the
        // left tree
                             k - dr - 2);
        return 1 + dr;
    // If target was not present in the
    // left nor in right subtree
    return -1;
// Function to insert a node in BST
static TreeNode insertNode(int data,
                     TreeNode root)
    // If root is null
    if (root == null) {
        TreeNode node = new TreeNode(data);
        return node;
    // Insert the data in right half
    else if (data > {
        root.right = insertNode(
            data, root.right);
    // Insert the data in left half
    else if (data <= {
        root.left = insertNode(
            data, root.left);
    // Return the root node
    return root;
// Function to find the sum of K distant
// nodes from the target node having
// value less than target node
static void findSum(TreeNode root, int target,
             int K)
    // Stores the sum of nodes having
    // values < target at K distance
    sum = 0;
    kDistanceSum(root, target, K);
    // Print the resultant sum
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    TreeNode root = null;
    int N = 11;
    int []tree = { 3, 1, 7, 0, 2, 5,
                   10, 4, 6, 9, 8 };
    // Create the Tree
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        root = insertNode(tree[i], root);
    int target = 7;
    int K = 2;
    findSum(root, target, K);
// This code is contributed by gauravrajput1


// Javascript program for the above approach
// Structure of Tree
let sum = 0;
class TreeNode {
  // Constructor
  constructor(data = "", left = null, right = null) { = data;
    this.left = left;
    this.right = right;
// Function to add the node to the sum
// below the target node
function kDistanceDownSum(root, k)
  // Base Case
  if (root == null || k < 0) {
  // If Kth distant node is reached
  if (k == 0) {
    sum +=;
  // Recur for the left and the
  // right subtrees
  kDistanceDownSum(root.left, k - 1);
  kDistanceDownSum(root.right, k - 1);
// Function to find the K distant nodes
// from target node, it returns -1 if
// target node is not present in tree
function kDistanceSum(root, target, k) {
  // Base Case 1
  if (root == null) return -1;
  // If target is same as root.
  if ( == target) {
    kDistanceDownSum(root.left, k - 1);
    return 0;
  // Recurr for the left subtree
  let dl = -1;
  // Tree is BST so reduce the
  // search space
  if (target < {
    dl = kDistanceSum(root.left, target, k);
  // Check if target node was found
  // in left subtree
  if (dl != -1) {
    // If root is at distance k from
    // the target
    if (dl + 1 == k) sum +=;
    // Node less than target will be
    // present in left
    return -1;
  // When node is not present in the
  // left subtree
  let dr = -1;
  if (target > {
    dr = kDistanceSum(root.right, target, k);
  if (dr != -1) {
    // If Kth distant node is reached
    if (dr + 1 == k) sum +=;
    // Node less than target at k
    // distance maybe present in the
    // left tree
    else kDistanceDownSum(root.left, k - dr - 2);
    return 1 + dr;
  // If target was not present in the
  // left nor in right subtree
  return -1;
// Function to insert a node in BST
function insertNode(data, root) {
  // If root is null
  if (root == null) {
    let node = new TreeNode(data);
    return node;
  // Insert the data in right half
  else if (data > {
    root.right = insertNode(data, root.right);
  // Insert the data in left half
  else if (data <= {
    root.left = insertNode(data, root.left);
  // Return the root node
  return root;
// Function to find the sum of K distant
// nodes from the target node having
// value less than target node
function findSum(root, target, K) {
  // Stores the sum of nodes having
  // values < target at K distance
  kDistanceSum(root, target, K, sum);
  // Print the resultant sum
// Driver Code
let root = null;
let N = 11;
let tree = [3, 1, 7, 0, 2, 5, 10, 4, 6, 9, 8];
// Create the Tree
for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) {
  root = insertNode(tree[i], root);
let target = 7;
let K = 2;
findSum(root, target, K);



Complejidad Temporal:
Espacio Auxiliar: O(1)

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Artículo escrito por vibhor11 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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