Transformación de ventana a ventana gráfica en gráficos por computadora con implementación

La transformación de ventana a ventana gráfica es el proceso de transformar objetos de coordenadas mundiales 2D en coordenadas de dispositivo. Los objetos dentro del mundo o la ventana de recorte se asignan a la ventana gráfica, que es el área de la pantalla donde se asignan las coordenadas del mundo para que se muestren. 

Términos generales

  • Coordenada mundial: es la coordenada cartesiana con la que definimos el diagrama, como X wmin , X wmax , Y wmin , Y wmax
  • Coordenada del dispositivo: es la coordenada de la pantalla donde se mostrarán los objetos, como X vmin , X vmax , Y vmin , Y vmax
  • Ventana: es el área en la coordenada mundial seleccionada para mostrar.
  • ViewPort: es el área en la coordenada del dispositivo donde se mostrarán los gráficos.

Cálculo matemático de ventana a ventana gráfica: 
es posible que el tamaño de la ventana gráfica sea mucho más pequeño o más grande que la ventana. En estos casos, tenemos que aumentar o disminuir el tamaño de la Ventana según el Viewport y para ello necesitamos algunos cálculos matemáticos.

(xw, yw): A point on Window
(xv, yv): Corresponding  point on Viewport
  • tenemos que calcular el punto (x v , y v )

  • Ahora la posición relativa del objeto en Window y Viewport es la misma.
For x coordinate,                        

 For y coordinate,

  • entonces, después de calcular las coordenadas x e y, obtenemos

  • donde s x es el factor de escala de la coordenada x y s y es el factor de escala de la coordenada y


  • para ventana, X wmin = 20, X wmax = 80, Y wmin = 40, Y wmax = 80 .
  • para ventana gráfica, X vmin = 30, X vmax = 60, Y vmin = 40, Y vmax = 60 .
  • Ahora un punto ( X w , Y w ) sea ( 30, 80 ) en la ventana. Tenemos que calcular ese punto en la ventana gráfica  ,
    es decir (X v , Y v ) .
  • En primer lugar, calcule el factor de escala de la coordenada x S x y el factor de escala de la coordenada y S y usando la fórmula mencionada anteriormente.
Sx = ( 60 - 30 ) / ( 80 - 20 ) = 30 / 60
Sy = ( 60 - 40 ) / ( 80 - 40 ) = 20 / 40
  • Entonces, ahora calcule el punto en la ventana gráfica ( X v , Y v ).
Xv = 30 + ( 30 - 20 ) * ( 30 / 60 ) = 35
Yv = 40 + ( 80 - 40 ) * ( 20 / 40 ) = 60
  • Entonces, el punto en la ventana ( X w , Y w ) = ( 30, 80 ) será ( X v , Y v ) = ( 35, 60 ) en la ventana gráfica.

Aquí está la implementación del enfoque anterior:


// C++ program to implement
// Window to ViewPort Transformation
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Function for window to viewport transformation
void WindowtoViewport(int x_w, int y_w, int x_wmax,
                      int y_wmax, int x_wmin, int y_wmin,
                      int x_vmax, int y_vmax, int x_vmin,
                      int y_vmin)
    // point on viewport
    int x_v, y_v;
    // scaling factors for x coordinate and y coordinate
    float sx, sy;
    // calculating Sx and Sy
    sx = (float)(x_vmax - x_vmin) / (x_wmax - x_wmin);
    sy = (float)(y_vmax - y_vmin) / (y_wmax - y_wmin);
    // calculating the point on viewport
    x_v = x_vmin + (float)((x_w - x_wmin) * sx);
    y_v = y_vmin + (float)((y_w - y_wmin) * sy);
    cout<< "The point on viewport: ("<<x_v  <<","<< y_v<<")" ;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // boundary values for window
    int x_wmax = 80, y_wmax = 80, x_wmin = 20, y_wmin = 40;
    // boundary values for viewport
    int x_vmax = 60, y_vmax = 60, x_vmin = 30, y_vmin = 40;
    // point on window
    int x_w = 30, y_w = 80;
    WindowtoViewport(30, 80, 80, 80, 20, 40, 60, 60, 30, 40);
// This code is contributed by khusboogoyal499.


// C program to implement
// Window to ViewPort Transformation
#include <stdio.h>
// Function for window to viewport transformation
void WindowtoViewport(int x_w, int y_w, int x_wmax,
                      int y_wmax, int x_wmin, int y_wmin,
                      int x_vmax, int y_vmax, int x_vmin,
                      int y_vmin)
    // point on viewport
    int x_v, y_v;
    // scaling factors for x coordinate and y coordinate
    float sx, sy;
    // calculating Sx and Sy
    sx = (float)(x_vmax - x_vmin) / (x_wmax - x_wmin);
    sy = (float)(y_vmax - y_vmin) / (y_wmax - y_wmin);
    // calculating the point on viewport
    x_v = x_vmin + (float)((x_w - x_wmin) * sx);
    y_v = y_vmin + (float)((y_w - y_wmin) * sy);
    printf("The point on viewport: (%d, %d )\n ", x_v, y_v);
// Driver Code
void main()
    // boundary values for window
    int x_wmax = 80, y_wmax = 80, x_wmin = 20, y_wmin = 40;
    // boundary values for viewport
    int x_vmax = 60, y_vmax = 60, x_vmin = 30, y_vmin = 40;
    // point on window
    int x_w = 30, y_w = 80;
    WindowtoViewport(30, 80, 80, 80, 20, 40, 60, 60, 30, 40);
//this code is added by khushboogoyal499


// Java program to implement
// Window to ViewPort Transformation
class GFG
// Function for window to viewport transformation
static void WindowtoViewport(int x_w, int y_w, int x_wmax,
                    int y_wmax, int x_wmin, int y_wmin,
                    int x_vmax, int y_vmax, int x_vmin,
                    int y_vmin)
    // point on viewport
    int x_v, y_v;
    // scaling factors for x coordinate and y coordinate
    float sx, sy;
    // calculating Sx and Sy
    sx = (float)(x_vmax - x_vmin) / (x_wmax - x_wmin);
    sy = (float)(y_vmax - y_vmin) / (y_wmax - y_wmin);
    // calculating the point on viewport
    x_v = (int) (x_vmin + (float)((x_w - x_wmin) * sx));
    y_v = (int) (y_vmin + (float)((y_w - y_wmin) * sy));
    System.out.printf("The point on viewport: (%d, %d )\n ", x_v, y_v);
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    // boundary values for window
    int x_wmax = 80, y_wmax = 80, x_wmin = 20, y_wmin = 40;
    // boundary values for viewport
    int x_vmax = 60, y_vmax = 60, x_vmin = 30, y_vmin = 40;
    // point on window
    int x_w = 30, y_w = 80;
    WindowtoViewport(30, 80, 80, 80, 20, 40, 60, 60, 30, 40);
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji


# Python3 program to implement
# Window to ViewPort Transformation
# Function for window to viewport transformation
def WindowtoViewport(x_w, y_w, x_wmax, y_wmax,
                       x_wmin, y_wmin, x_vmax,
                       y_vmax, x_vmin, y_vmin):
    # point on viewport
    # calculating Sx and Sy
    sx = (x_vmax - x_vmin) / (x_wmax - x_wmin)
    sy = (y_vmax - y_vmin) / (y_wmax - y_wmin)
    # calculating the point on viewport
    x_v = x_vmin + ((x_w - x_wmin) * sx)
    y_v = y_vmin + ((y_w - y_wmin) * sy)
    print("The point on viewport:(", int(x_v),
                                ",", int(y_v), ")")
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # boundary values for window
    x_wmax = 80
    y_wmax = 80
    x_wmin = 20
    y_wmin = 40
    # boundary values for viewport
    x_vmax = 60
    y_vmax = 60
    x_vmin = 30
    y_vmin = 40
    # point on window
    x_w = 30
    y_w = 80
    WindowtoViewport(30, 80, 80, 80, 20,
                     40, 60, 60, 30, 40)
# This code is contributed by Surendra_Gangwar


// C# program to implement
// Window to ViewPort Transformation
using System;
class GFG
// Function for window to viewport transformation
static void WindowtoViewport(int x_w, int y_w,
                             int x_wmax, int y_wmax,
                             int x_wmin, int y_wmin,
                             int x_vmax, int y_vmax,
                             int x_vmin, int y_vmin)
    // point on viewport
    int x_v, y_v;
    // scaling factors for x coordinate
    // and y coordinate
    float sx, sy;
    // calculating Sx and Sy
    sx = (float)(x_vmax - x_vmin) /
                (x_wmax - x_wmin);
    sy = (float)(y_vmax - y_vmin) /
                (y_wmax - y_wmin);
    // calculating the point on viewport
    x_v = (int) (x_vmin +
        (float)((x_w - x_wmin) * sx));
    y_v = (int) (y_vmin +
        (float)((y_w - y_wmin) * sy));
    Console.Write("The point on viewport: " +
                 "({0}, {1} )\n ", x_v, y_v);
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    // boundary values for window
    int x_wmax = 80, y_wmax = 80,
        x_wmin = 20, y_wmin = 40;
    // boundary values for viewport
    int x_vmax = 60, y_vmax = 60,
        x_vmin = 30, y_vmin = 40;
    // point on window
    int x_w = 30, y_w = 80;
    WindowtoViewport(30, 80, 80, 80, 20,
                     40, 60, 60, 30, 40);
// This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992


// Javascript program to implement
// Window to ViewPort Transformation
// Function for window to viewport transformation
function WindowtoViewport(x_w, y_w, x_wmax,y_wmax, x_wmin,
                    y_wmin,x_vmax, y_vmax, x_vmin,y_vmin)
    // point on viewport
    let x_v, y_v;
    // scaling factors for x coordinate and y coordinate
    let sx, sy;
    // calculating Sx and Sy
    sx = (x_vmax - x_vmin) / (x_wmax - x_wmin);
    sy = (y_vmax - y_vmin) / (y_wmax - y_wmin);
    // calculating the point on viewport
    x_v = x_vmin + ((x_w - x_wmin) * sx);
    y_v = y_vmin + ((y_w - y_wmin) * sy);
    document.write("The point on viewport: (" + x_v + ", "
                                + y_v + " )<br>");
// Driver Code
    // boundary values for window
    let x_wmax = 80, y_wmax = 80, x_wmin = 20, y_wmin = 40;
    // boundary values for viewport
    let x_vmax = 60, y_vmax = 60, x_vmin = 30, y_vmin = 40;
    // point on window
    let x_w = 30, y_w = 80;
    WindowtoViewport(30, 80, 80, 80, 20, 40, 60, 60, 30, 40);

The point on viewport: (35, 60 )


Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por soumya7 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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