Compruebe si un número dado es un cuadrado perfecto usando la búsqueda binaria

Comprueba si un número dado N es un cuadrado perfecto o no. En caso afirmativo, devuelva el número del cual es un cuadrado perfecto, de lo contrario, imprima -1.


Entrada: N = 4900 
Salida 70 
4900 es un número cuadrado perfecto de 70 porque 70 * 70 = 4900

Entrada: N = 81 
81 es un número cuadrado perfecto de 9 porque 9 * 9 = 81 

Enfoque: Para resolver el problema mencionado anteriormente, utilizaremos el algoritmo de búsqueda binaria.  

  • Encuentre el elemento medio desde el inicio y el último valor y compare el valor del cuadrado de medio (medio * medio) con N.
  • Si es igual, devuelva el valor medio; de lo contrario, verifique si el cuadrado (medio * medio) es mayor que N , luego llame recursivamente con el mismo valor inicial pero cambió al último valor medio-1 y si el cuadrado (medio * medio) es menor que la N luego llama recursiva con el mismo último valor pero cambió el valor de inicio.
  • Si N no es una raíz cuadrada, devuelva -1.

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior: 


// C++ program to check if a
// given number is Perfect
// square using Binary Search
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// function to check for
// perfect square number
int checkPerfectSquare(
    long int N,
    long int start,
    long int last)
    // Find the mid value
    // from start and last
    long int mid = (start + last) / 2;
    if (start > last) {
        return -1;
    // check if we got the number which
    // is square root of the perfect
    // square number N
    if (mid * mid == N) {
        return mid;
    // if the square(mid) is greater than N
    // it means only lower values then mid
    // will be possibly the square root of N
    else if (mid * mid > N) {
        return checkPerfectSquare(
            N, start, mid - 1);
    // if the square(mid) is less than N
    // it means only higher values then mid
    // will be possibly the square root of N
    else {
        return checkPerfectSquare(
            N, mid + 1, last);
// Driver code
int main()
    long int N = 65;
    cout << checkPerfectSquare(N, 1, N);
    return 0;


// Java program to check if a
// given number is Perfect
// square using Binary Search
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
// Function to check for
// perfect square number
static int checkPerfectSquare(long N,
                              long start,
                              long last)
    // Find the mid value
    // from start and last
    long mid = (start + last) / 2;
    if (start > last)
        return -1;
    // Check if we got the number which
    // is square root of the perfect
    // square number N
    if (mid * mid == N)
        return (int)mid;
    // If the square(mid) is greater than N
    // it means only lower values then mid
    // will be possibly the square root of N
    else if (mid * mid > N)
        return checkPerfectSquare(N, start,
                                  mid - 1);
    // If the square(mid) is less than N
    // it means only higher values then mid
    // will be possibly the square root of N
        return checkPerfectSquare(N, mid + 1,
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    long N = 65;
    System.out.println(checkPerfectSquare(N, 1, N));
// This code is contributed by offbeat


# Python3 program to check if a
# given number is perfect
# square using Binary Search
# Function to check for
# perfect square number
def checkPerfectSquare(N, start, last):
    # Find the mid value
    # from start and last
    mid = int((start + last) / 2)
    if (start > last):
        return -1
    # Check if we got the number which
    # is square root of the perfect
    # square number N
    if (mid * mid == N):
        return mid
    # If the square(mid) is greater than N
    # it means only lower values then mid
    # will be possibly the square root of N
    elif (mid * mid > N):
        return checkPerfectSquare(N, start,
                                  mid - 1)
    # If the square(mid) is less than N
    # it means only higher values then mid
    # will be possibly the square root of N
        return checkPerfectSquare(N, mid + 1,
# Driver code
N = 65
print (checkPerfectSquare(N, 1, N))
# This code is contributed by PratikBasu


// C# program to check if a
// given number is Perfect
// square using Binary Search
using System;
class GFG{
// Function to check for
// perfect square number
public static int checkPerfectSquare(int N,
                                     int start,
                                     int last)
    // Find the mid value
    // from start and last
    int mid = (start + last) / 2;
    if (start > last)
        return -1;
    // Check if we got the number which
    // is square root of the perfect
    // square number N
    if (mid * mid == N)
        return mid;
    // If the square(mid) is greater than N
    // it means only lower values then mid
    // will be possibly the square root of N
    else if (mid * mid > N)
        return checkPerfectSquare(N, start,
                                  mid - 1);
    // If the square(mid) is less than N
    // it means only higher values then mid
    // will be possibly the square root of N
        return checkPerfectSquare(N, mid + 1,
// Driver code
public static int Main()
    int N = 65;
    Console.Write(checkPerfectSquare(N, 1, N));
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by sayesha


// Javascript program to check if a
// given number is Perfect
// square using Binary Search
// Function to check for
// perfect square number
function checkPerfectSquare(N, start, last)
    // Find the mid value
    // from start and last
    let mid = parseInt((start + last) / 2);
    if (start > last)
        return -1;
    // Check if we got the number which
    // is square root of the perfect
    // square number N
    if (mid * mid == N)
        return mid;
    // If the square(mid) is greater than N
    // it means only lower values then mid
    // will be possibly the square root of N
    else if (mid * mid > N)
        return checkPerfectSquare(
            N, start, mid - 1);
    // If the square(mid) is less than N
    // it means only higher values then mid
    // will be possibly the square root of N
        return checkPerfectSquare(
            N, mid + 1, last);
// Driver code
let N = 65;
document.write(checkPerfectSquare(N, 1, N));
// This code is contributed by rishavmahato348



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Artículo escrito por Eternity_vaibhav y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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