Dado un gráfico no dirigido G(V, E) que consta de 2 N vértices y M aristas, la tarea es encontrar el vértice más pequeño en el componente conexo del vértice i para todos los valores de i en el rango [1, N] .
Entrada: N = 5, aristas[] = {{1, 2}, {2, 3}, {4, 5}}
Salida: 1 1 1 4 4
Explicación: El gráfico dado se puede dividir en un conjunto de dos componentes, es decir, {1, 2, 3} y {4, 5}.
- Para i = 1, el vértice 1 pertenece a la componente {1, 2, 3}. Por lo tanto, el vértice mínimo en el conjunto es 1.
- Para i = 2, el vértice 2 pertenece a la componente {1, 2, 3}. Por lo tanto, el vértice mínimo en el conjunto es 1.
- Para i = 3, el vértice 3 pertenece a la componente {1, 2, 3}. Por lo tanto, el vértice mínimo en el conjunto es 1.
- Para i = 4, el vértice 4 pertenece a la componente {4, 5}. Por lo tanto, el vértice mínimo en el conjunto es 4.
- Para i = 5, el vértice 5 pertenece a la componente {4, 5}. Por lo tanto, el vértice mínimo en el conjunto es 4.
Entrada: N = 6, bordes[] = {{1, 3}, {2, 4}}
Salida: 1 2 1 2 5 6
Enfoque: El problema dado se puede resolver de manera eficiente con la ayuda de Disjoint Set Union . Se puede observar que los vértices conectados por una arista se pueden unir en el mismo conjunto y se puede usar un mapa desordenado para llevar la cuenta del vértice más pequeño de cada uno de los conjuntos formados. A continuación se detallan los pasos a seguir:
- Implemente las funciones find_set y union_set de Disjoint Set Union mediante el enfoque que se describe en este artículo, donde find_set(x) devuelve el número de conjunto que contiene x y union_set(x, y) une el conjunto que contiene x con el conjunto que contiene y .
- Recorre la array dada edge [] y para cada borde (u, v) , une el conjunto que contiene u con el conjunto que contiene v .
- Cree un mapa desordenado minVal , donde minVal[x] almacena el vértice mínimo del conjunto que contiene x como elemento.
- Itere sobre todos los vértices usando una variable i y para cada vértice establezca el valor de minVal[find_set(node i)] al mínimo de minVal[find_set(i)] e i .
- Después de completar los pasos anteriores, para cada vértice, i en el rango [1, N] , imprima el valor de minVal[find_set(i)] como resultado.
A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior:
// C++ program for the above approach #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int maxn = 100; // Stores the parent and size of the // set of the ith element int parent[maxn], Size[maxn]; // Function to initialize the ith set void make_set(int v) { parent[v] = v; Size[v] = 1; } // Function to find set of ith vertex int find_set(int v) { // Base Case if (v == parent[v]) { return v; } // Recursive call to find set return parent[v] = find_set( parent[v]); } // Function to unite the set that includes // a and the set that includes b void union_sets(int a, int b) { a = find_set(a); b = find_set(b); // If a and b are not from same set if (a != b) { if (Size[a] < Size[b]) swap(a, b); parent[b] = a; Size[a] += Size[b]; } } // Function to find the smallest vertex in // the connected component of the ith // vertex for all i in range [1, N] void findMinVertex( int N, vector<pair<int, int> > edges) { // Loop to initialize the ith set for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) { make_set(i); } // Loop to unite all vertices connected // by edges into the same set for (int i = 0; i < edges.size(); i++) { union_sets(edges[i].first, edges[i].second); } // Stores the minimum vertex value // for ith set unordered_map<int, int> minVal; // Loop to iterate over all vertices for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) { // If current vertex does not exist // in minVal initialize it with i if (minVal[find_set(i)] == 0) { minVal[find_set(i)] = i; } // Update the minimum value of // the set having the ith vertex else { minVal[find_set(i)] = min(minVal[find_set(i)], i); } } // Loop to print required answer for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) { cout << minVal[find_set(i)] << " "; } } // Driver Code int main() { int N = 6; vector<pair<int, int> > edges = { { 1, 3 }, { 2, 4 } }; findMinVertex(N, edges); return 0; }
// Java program for the above approach import java.util.*; public class Main { // Stores the parent and size of the // set of the ith element static int[] parent = new int[100]; static int[] Size = new int[100]; // Function to initialize the ith set static void make_set(int v) { parent[v] = v; Size[v] = 1; } // Function to find set of ith vertex static int find_set(int v) { // Base Case if (v == parent[v]) { return v; } // Recursive call to find set return parent[v] = find_set(parent[v]); } // Function to unite the set that includes // a and the set that includes b static void union_sets(int a, int b) { a = find_set(a); b = find_set(b); // If a and b are not from same set if (a != b) { if (Size[a] < Size[b]) { int temp = a; a = b; b = temp; } parent[b] = a; Size[a] += Size[b]; } } // Function to find the smallest vertex in // the connected component of the ith // vertex for all i in range [1, N] static void findMinVertex(int N, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer> > edges) { // Loop to initialize the ith set for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) { make_set(i); } // Loop to unite all vertices connected // by edges into the same set for (int i = 0; i < edges.size(); i++) { union_sets(edges.get(i).get(0), edges.get(i).get(1)); } // Stores the minimum vertex value // for ith set Map<Integer, Integer> minVal = new HashMap<>(); // Loop to iterate over all vertices for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) { // If current vertex does not exist // in minVal initialize it with i if (!minVal.containsKey(find_set(i))) { minVal.put(find_set(i), i); } // Update the minimum value of // the set having the ith vertex else { minVal.put( find_set(i), Math.min((int)minVal.getOrDefault( (Integer)find_set(i), 0), i)); } } // Loop to print required answer for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) { System.out.print(minVal.get(find_set(i)) + " "); } } // Driver Code public static void main(String[] args) { int N = 6; ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer> > edges = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer> >(); ArrayList<Integer> a1 = new ArrayList<Integer>(); a1.add(1); a1.add(3); edges.add(a1); ArrayList<Integer> a2 = new ArrayList<Integer>(); a2.add(2); a2.add(4); edges.add(a2); findMinVertex(N, edges); } } // This code is contributed by Tapesh(tapeshdua420)
# Python 3 program for the above approach maxn = 100 # Stores the parent and size of the # set of the ith element parent = [0]*maxn Size = [0]*maxn # Function to initialize the ith set def make_set(v): parent[v] = v Size[v] = 1 # Function to find set of ith vertex def find_set(v): # Base Case if (v == parent[v]): return v # Recursive call to find set parent[v] = find_set( parent[v]) return parent[v] # Function to unite the set that includes # a and the set that includes b def union_sets(a, b): a = find_set(a) b = find_set(b) # If a and b are not from same set if (a != b): if (Size[a] < Size[b]): a, b = b, a parent[b] = a Size[a] += Size[b] # Function to find the smallest vertex in # the connected component of the ith # vertex for all i in range [1, N] def findMinVertex( N, edges): # Loop to initialize the ith set for i in range(1, N + 1): make_set(i) # Loop to unite all vertices connected # by edges into the same set for i in range(len(edges)): union_sets(edges[i][0], edges[i][1]) # Stores the minimum vertex value # for ith set minVal = {} # Loop to iterate over all vertices for i in range(1, N + 1): # If current vertex does not exist # in minVal initialize it with i if (find_set(i) not in minVal): minVal[find_set(i)] = i # Update the minimum value of # the set having the ith vertex else: minVal[find_set(i)] = min(minVal[find_set(i)], i) # Loop to print required answer for i in range(1, N + 1): print(minVal[find_set(i)], end=" ") # Driver Code if __name__ == "__main__": N = 6 edges = [[1, 3], [2, 4]] findMinVertex(N, edges) # This code is contributed by ukasp.
// C# program for the above approach using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; class Program { // Stores the parent and size of the // set of the ith element static int[] parent = new int[100]; static int[] Size = new int[100]; // Function to initialize the ith set static void make_set(int v) { parent[v] = v; Size[v] = 1; } // Function to find set of ith vertex static int find_set(int v) { // Base Case if (v == parent[v]) { return v; } // Recursive call to find set return parent[v] = find_set(parent[v]); } // Function to unite the set that includes // a and the set that includes b static void union_sets(int a, int b) { a = find_set(a); b = find_set(b); // If a and b are not from same set if (a != b) { if (Size[a] < Size[b]) { int temp = a; a = b; b = temp; } parent[b] = a; Size[a] += Size[b]; } } // Function to find the smallest vertex in // the connected component of the ith // vertex for all i in range [1, N] static void findMinVertex(int N, List<List<int> > edges) { // Loop to initialize the ith set for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) { make_set(i); } // Loop to unite all vertices connected // by edges into the same set for (int i = 0; i < edges.Count(); i++) { union_sets(edges[i][0], edges[i][1]); } // Stores the minimum vertex value // for ith set Dictionary<int, int> minVal = new Dictionary<int, int>(); // Loop to iterate over all vertices for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) { // If current vertex does not exist // in minVal initialize it with i if (!minVal.ContainsKey(find_set(i))) { minVal.Add(find_set(i), i); } // Update the minimum value of // the set having the ith vertex else { minVal[find_set(i)] = Math.Min( (int)minVal.GetValueOrDefault( (int)find_set(i), 0), i); } } // Loop to print required answer for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) { Console.Write("{0} ", minVal.GetValueOrDefault( (int)find_set(i), 0)); } } // Driver Code public static void Main() { int N = 6; List<List<int> > edges = new List<List<int> >(); List<int> a1 = new List<int>(); a1.Add(1); a1.Add(3); edges.Add(a1); List<int> a2 = new List<int>(); a2.Add(2); a2.Add(4); edges.Add(a2); findMinVertex(N, edges); } } // This code is contributed by tapeshdua420.
<script> // JavaScript program for the above approach const maxn = 100; // Stores the parent and size of the // set of the ith element let parent = new Array(maxn); let Size = new Array(maxn); // Function to initialize the ith set function make_set(v) { parent[v] = v; Size[v] = 1; } // Function to find set of ith vertex function find_set(v) { // Base Case if (v == parent[v]) { return v; } // Recursive call to find set return parent[v] = find_set(parent[v]); } // Function to unite the set that includes // a and the set that includes b function union_sets(a, b) { a = find_set(a); b = find_set(b); // If a and b are not from same set if (a != b) { if (Size[a] < Size[b]){ let temp = a; a = b; b = temp; } parent[b] = a; Size[a] += Size[b]; } } // Function to find the smallest vertex in // the connected component of the ith // vertex for all i in range [1, N] function findMinVertex(N,edges) { // Loop to initialize the ith set for (let i = 1; i <= N; i++) { make_set(i); } // Loop to unite all vertices connected // by edges into the same set for (let i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) { union_sets(edges[i][0],edges[i][1]); } // Stores the minimum vertex value // for ith set let minVal = new Map(); // Loop to iterate over all vertices for (let i = 1; i <= N; i++) { // If current vertex does not exist // in minVal initialize it with i if (minVal.has(find_set(i)) == false) { minVal.set(find_set(i),i); } // Update the minimum value of // the set having the ith vertex else { minVal.set(find_set(i), Math.min(minVal.get(find_set(i)), i)); } } // Loop to print required answer for (let i = 1; i <= N; i++) { document.write(minVal.get(find_set(i))," "); } } // Driver Code let N = 6; let edges = [ [ 1, 3 ], [ 2, 4 ] ]; findMinVertex(N, edges); // This code is contributed by shinjanpatra </script>
1 2 1 2 5 6
Complejidad temporal: O(N)
Espacio auxiliar: O(N)
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Artículo escrito por dharanendralv23 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA