¡Encontrar potencias de cualquier número P en N!

Requisito previo: imprimir todos los factores primos y sus potencias 
Dados los números naturales N y P , la tarea es encontrar la potencia de P en la factorización de N. .


Entrada: N = 4, P = 2 
¡Potencia de 2 en la descomposición en factores primos de 4! = 24 es 3

Entrada: N = 24, P = 4 
Salida: 11 

Enfoque ingenuo: la idea es encontrar la potencia de P para cada número del 1 al N y sumarlos, como sabemos, durante la multiplicación se suma la potencia. 

Complejidad de tiempo: O(N*P)

Enfoque eficiente: 
¡ Encontrar la potencia del número P en N! Haz lo siguiente: 

  1. Encuentre todos los factores primos del número P con su frecuencia usando el enfoque discutido en este artículo. Guarda los factores primos con su frecuencia en el mapa .
  2. ¡ Encuentra la potencia de todos los factores primos de P en la factorización de N! usando el enfoque discutido en este artículo.
  3. Divide cada potencia obtenida en los pasos anteriores por su frecuencia correspondiente en el mapa .
  4. Almacene el resultado de los pasos anteriores en una array y un mínimo de esos elementos dará la potencia de P en la factorización de N!.

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior: 


// C++ program to find the power
// of P in N!
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Map to store all the prime
// factors of P
unordered_map<int, int> Map;
// Function to find the prime
// factors of N im Map
void findPrimeFactors(int N)
    int i;
    // Clear map
    // Check for factors of 2
    while (N % 2 == 0) {
        Map[2] += 1;
        N /= 2;
    // Find all the prime factors
    for (i = 3; i <= sqrt(N); i += 2) {
        // If i is a factors
        // then increase the
        // frequency of i
        while (N % i == 0) {
            Map[i] += 1;
            N /= i;
    if (N > 2) {
        Map[N] += 1;
// Function to find the power
// of prime number P in N!
int PowInFactN(int N, int P)
    int ans = 0;
    int temp = P;
    // Loop until temp <= N
    while (temp <= N) {
        // Add the number of
        // numbers divisible
        // by N
        ans += N / temp;
        // Each time multiply
        // temp by P
        temp = temp * P;
    // Returns ans
    return ans;
// Function that find the
// powers of any P in N!
int findPowers(int N, int P)
    // Find all prime factors
    // of number P
    // To store the powers of
    // all prime factors
    vector<int> Powers;
    // Traverse the map
    for (auto& it : Map) {
        // Prime factor and
        // corres. powers
        int primeFac = it.first;
        int facPow = it.second;
        // Find power of prime
        // factor primeFac
        int p = PowInFactN(N,
        // Divide frequency by
        // facPow
        p /= facPow;
        // Store the power of
        // primeFac^facPow
    // Return the minimum
    // element in Power array
    return *min_element(Powers.begin(),
// Driver's Code
int main()
    int N = 24, P = 4;
    // Function to find power of
    // P in N!
    cout << findPowers(N, P);
    return 0;


// Java program to find the power
// of P in N!
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
// Map to store all the prime
// factors of P
static HashMap<Integer,Integer> Map = new HashMap<Integer,Integer>();
// Function to find the prime
// factors of N im Map
static void findPrimeFactors(int N)
    int i;
    // Clear map
    // Check for factors of 2
    while (N % 2 == 0) {
            Map.put(2, Map.get(2) + 1);
            Map.put(2, 1);
        N /= 2;
    // Find all the prime factors
    for (i = 3; i <= Math.sqrt(N); i += 2) {
        // If i is a factors
        // then increase the
        // frequency of i
        while (N % i == 0) {
                Map.put(i, Map.get(i) + 1);
                Map.put(i, 1);
            N /= i;
    if (N > 2) {
            Map.put(N, Map.get(N) + 1);
            Map.put(N, 1);
// Function to find the power
// of prime number P in N!
static int PowInFactN(int N, int P)
    int ans = 0;
    int temp = P;
    // Loop until temp <= N
    while (temp <= N) {
        // Add the number of
        // numbers divisible
        // by N
        ans += N / temp;
        // Each time multiply
        // temp by P
        temp = temp * P;
    // Returns ans
    return ans;
// Function that find the
// powers of any P in N!
static int findPowers(int N, int P)
    // Find all prime factors
    // of number P
    // To store the powers of
    // all prime factors
    Vector<Integer> Powers = new Vector<Integer>();
    // Traverse the map
    for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> it : Map.entrySet()) {
        // Prime factor and
        // corres. powers
        int primeFac = it.getKey();
        int facPow = it.getValue();
        // Find power of prime
        // factor primeFac
        int p = PowInFactN(N,
        // Divide frequency by
        // facPow
        p /= facPow;
        // Store the power of
        // primeFac^facPow
    // Return the minimum
    // element in Power array
    return Collections.min(Powers);
// Driver's Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int N = 24, P = 4;
    // Function to find power of
    // P in N!
    System.out.print(findPowers(N, P));
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji


# Python3 program to find the power
# of P in N!
import math
# Map to store all
# the prime factors of P
Map = {}
# Function to find the prime
# factors of N im Map
def findPrimeFactors(N):
    # Clear map
    # Check for factors of 2
    while (N % 2 == 0):
        if 2 in Map:
            Map[2] += 1
            Map[2] = 1
        N = N // 2
    # Find all the prime factors
    for i in range(3, int(math.sqrt(N)) + 1, 2):
        # If i is a factors
        # then increase the
        # frequency of i
        while (N % i == 0):
            if i in Map:
                Map[i] += 1
                Map[i] = 1
            N = N // i
    if (N > 2):
        if N in Map:
            Map[N] += 1
            Map[N] = 1
# Function to find the power
# of prime number P in N!
def PowInFactN(N, P):
    ans = 0
    temp = P
    # Loop until temp <= N
    while (temp <= N):
        # Add the number of
        # numbers divisible
        # by N
        ans = ans + (N // temp)
        # Each time multiply
        # temp by P
        temp = temp * P
    # Returns ans
    return ans
# Function that find the
# powers of any P in N!
def findPowers(N, P):
    # Find all prime factors
    # of number P
    # To store the powers of
    # all prime factors
    Powers = []
    # Traverse the map
    for it1, it2 in Map.items():
        # Prime factor and
        # corres. powers
        primeFac = it1
        facPow = it2
        # Find power of prime
        # factor primeFac
        p = PowInFactN(N, primeFac)
        # Divide frequency by
        # facPow
        p = p // facPow
        # Store the power of
        # primeFac^facPow
    # Return the minimum
    # element in Power array
    return min(Powers)
N, P = 24, 4
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
  # Function to find
  # power of P in N!
  print(findPowers(N, P))
# This code is contributed by divyeshrabadiya07


// C# program to find the power
// of P in N!
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG{
// Map to store all the prime
// factors of P
static Dictionary<int,int> Map = new Dictionary<int,int>();
// Function to find the prime
// factors of N im Map
static void findPrimeFactors(int N)
    int i;
    // Clear map
    // Check for factors of 2
    while (N % 2 == 0) {
            Map[2] = Map[2] + 1;
            Map.Add(2, 1);
        N /= 2;
    // Find all the prime factors
    for (i = 3; i <= Math.Sqrt(N); i += 2) {
        // If i is a factors
        // then increase the
        // frequency of i
        while (N % i == 0) {
                Map[i] = Map[i] + 1;
                Map.Add(i, 1);
            N /= i;
    if (N > 2) {
            Map[N] =Map[N] + 1;
            Map.Add(N, 1);
// Function to find the power
// of prime number P in N!
static int PowInFactN(int N, int P)
    int ans = 0;
    int temp = P;
    // Loop until temp <= N
    while (temp <= N) {
        // Add the number of
        // numbers divisible
        // by N
        ans += N / temp;
        // Each time multiply
        // temp by P
        temp = temp * P;
    // Returns ans
    return ans;
// Function that find the
// powers of any P in N!
static int findPowers(int N, int P)
    // Find all prime factors
    // of number P
    // To store the powers of
    // all prime factors
    List<int> Powers = new List<int>();
    // Traverse the map
    foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> it in Map) {
        // Prime factor and
        // corres. powers
        int primeFac = it.Key;
        int facPow = it.Value;
        // Find power of prime
        // factor primeFac
        int p = PowInFactN(N,
        // Divide frequency by
        // facPow
        p /= facPow;
        // Store the power of
        // primeFac^facPow
    // Return the minimum
    // element in Power array
    return Powers.Min();
// Driver's Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    int N = 24, P = 4;
    // Function to find power of
    // P in N!
    Console.Write(findPowers(N, P));
// This code is contributed by sapnasingh4991


// JavaScript program to find the power
// of P in N!
// Map to store all the prime
// factors of P
let map = new Map();
// unordered_map<int, int> Map;
// Function to find the prime
// factors of N im Map
function findPrimeFactors(N)
    let i;
    // Clear map
    // Check for factors of 2
    while (N % 2 == 0) {
            map.set(2, map.get(2) + 1);
            map.set(2, 1);
        N = Math.floor(N/2);
    // Find all the prime factors
    for (i = 3; i <= Math.sqrt(N); i += 2) {
        // If i is a factors
        // then increase the
        // frequency of i
        while (N % i == 0) {
                map.set(i, Map.get(i) + 1);
                map.set(i, 1);
            N = Math.floor(N/i); 
    if (N > 2) {
            map.set(N, map.get(N) + 1);
            map.set(N, 1);
// Function to find the power
// of prime number P in N!
function PowInFactN(N, P)
    let ans = 0;
    let temp = P;
    // Loop until temp <= N
    while (temp <= N) {
        // Add the number of
        // numbers divisible
        // by N
        ans = ans +  Math.floor(N / temp);
        // Each time multiply
        // temp by P
        temp = temp * P;
    // Returns ans
    return ans;
// Function that find the
// powers of any P in N!
function findPowers(N, P)
    // Find all prime factors
    // of number P
    // To store the powers of
    // all prime factors
    let Powers = new Array();
    // Traverse the map
    for (const [key,value] of map.entries()) {
        // Prime factor and
        // corres. powers
        let primeFac = key;
        let facPow = value;
        // Find power of prime
        // factor primeFac
        let p = PowInFactN(N, primeFac);
        // Divide frequency by
        // facPow
        p = Math.floor(p/facPow);
        // Store the power of
        // primeFac^facPow
    // Return the minimum
    // element in Power array
    return Math.min(...Powers);
// Driver's Code
let N = 24;
let P = 4;
// Function to find power of
// P in N!
console.log(findPowers(N, P));
// The code is contributed by Gautam goel (gautamgoel962)



Complejidad de tiempo: O(sqrt(P)*(log P N))

Espacio auxiliar: O(sqrt(P))

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por RishavSinghMehta y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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