Genere todas las strings binarias de longitud n con la substring «01» que aparece exactamente dos veces

Dado un número entero N , la tarea es generar todas las strings binarias posibles de longitud N que contengan «01» como substring exactamente dos veces.


Entrada: N = 4 
“0101” es la única string binaria de longitud 4 
que contiene “01” exactamente el doble que la substring.

Entrada: N = 5 

Enfoque: Este problema se puede resolver usando backtracking . Para generar una string binaria, implementamos una función que genera cada bit a la vez, actualiza el estado de la string binaria (longitud actual, número de ocurrencias del patrón). Luego llame a la función de forma recursiva y, de acuerdo con el estado actual de la string binaria, la función decidirá cómo generar el siguiente bit o imprimir la string binaria (si se cumple el requisito del problema).

Para este problema, la estrategia de retroceso parece que generamos un árbol binario con cada Node que puede tener el valor 0 o 1
Por ejemplo, con N = 4 , el árbol se verá así: 

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior:


// C++ implementation of the approach
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
// Utility function to print the given binary string
void printBinStr(int* str, int len)
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        cout << str[i];
    cout << endl;
// This function will be called recursively
// to generate the next bit for given
// binary string according to its current state
void generateBinStr(int* str, int len, int currlen,
                    int occur, int nextbit)
    // Base-case: if the generated binary string
    // meets the required length and the pattern "01"
    // appears twice
    if (currlen == len) {
        // nextbit needs to be  0 because each time
        // we call the function recursively,
        // we call 2 times for 2 cases:
        // next bit is 0 or 1
        // The is to assure that the binary
        // string is printed one time only
        if (occur == 2 && nextbit == 0)
            printBinStr(str, len);
    // Generate the next bit for str
    // and call recursive
    if (currlen == 0) {
        // Assign first bit
        str[0] = nextbit;
        // The next generated bit will wither be 0 or 1
        generateBinStr(str, len, currlen + 1, occur, 0);
        generateBinStr(str, len, currlen + 1, occur, 1);
    else {
        // If pattern "01" occurrence is < 2
        if (occur < 2) {
            // Set next bit
            str[currlen] = nextbit;
            // If pattern "01" appears then
            // increase the occurrence of pattern
            if (str[currlen - 1] == 0 && nextbit == 1) {
                occur += 1;
            generateBinStr(str, len, currlen + 1, occur, 0);
            generateBinStr(str, len, currlen + 1, occur, 1);
            // Else pattern "01" occurrence equals 2
        else {
            // If previous bit is 0 then next bit cannot be 1
            if (str[currlen - 1] == 0 && nextbit == 1) {
                // Otherwise
            else {
                str[currlen] = nextbit;
                generateBinStr(str, len, currlen + 1, occur, 0);
                generateBinStr(str, len, currlen + 1, occur, 1);
// Driver code
int main()
    int n = 5;
    // Length of the resulting strings
    // must be at least 4
    if (n < 4)
        cout << -1;
    else {
        int* str = new int[n];
        // Generate all binary strings of length n
        // with sub-string "01" appearing twice
        generateBinStr(str, n, 0, 0, 0);
        generateBinStr(str, n, 0, 0, 1);
    return 0;


// Java implementation of the above approach
class GFG
    // Utility function to print the given binary string
    static void printBinStr(int[] str, int len)
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
    // This function will be called recursively
    // to generate the next bit for given
    // binary string according to its current state
    static void generateBinStr(int[] str, int len, int currlen,
                                    int occur, int nextbit)
        // Base-case: if the generated binary string
        // meets the required length and the pattern "01"
        // appears twice
        if (currlen == len)
            // nextbit needs to be 0 because each time
            // we call the function recursively,
            // we call 2 times for 2 cases:
            // next bit is 0 or 1
            // The is to assure that the binary
            // string is printed one time only
            if (occur == 2 && nextbit == 0)
                printBinStr(str, len);
        // Generate the next bit for str
        // and call recursive
        if (currlen == 0)
            // Assign first bit
            str[0] = nextbit;
            // The next generated bit will wither be 0 or 1
            generateBinStr(str, len, currlen + 1, occur, 0);
            generateBinStr(str, len, currlen + 1, occur, 1);
        } else // If pattern "01" occurrence is < 2
        if (occur < 2)
            // Set next bit
            str[currlen] = nextbit;
            // If pattern "01" appears then
            // increase the occurrence of pattern
            if (str[currlen - 1] == 0 && nextbit == 1)
                occur += 1;
            generateBinStr(str, len, currlen + 1, occur, 0);
            generateBinStr(str, len, currlen + 1, occur, 1);
            // Else pattern "01" occurrence equals 2
        } else // If previous bit is 0 then next bit cannot be 1
        if (str[currlen - 1] == 0 && nextbit == 1)
            // Otherwise
            str[currlen] = nextbit;
            generateBinStr(str, len, currlen + 1, occur, 0);
            generateBinStr(str, len, currlen + 1, occur, 1);
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int n = 5;
        // Length of the resulting strings
        // must be at least 4
        if (n < 4)
            int[] str = new int[n];
            // Generate all binary strings of length n
            // with sub-string "01" appearing twice
            generateBinStr(str, n, 0, 0, 0);
            generateBinStr(str, n, 0, 0, 1);
// This code has been contributed by 29AjayKumar


# Python3 implementation of the approach
# Utility function to print the
# given binary string
def printBinStr(string, length):
    for i in range(0, length):
        print(string[i], end = "")
# This function will be called recursively
# to generate the next bit for given
# binary string according to its current state
def generateBinStr(string, length, currlen,
                            occur, nextbit):
    # Base-case: if the generated binary
    # string meets the required length and
    # the pattern "01" appears twice
    if currlen == length:
        # nextbit needs to be 0 because each
        # time we call the function recursively,
        # we call 2 times for 2 cases:
        # next bit is 0 or 1
        # The is to assure that the binary
        # string is printed one time only
        if occur == 2 and nextbit == 0:
            printBinStr(string, length)
    # Generate the next bit for
    # str and call recursive
    if currlen == 0:
        # Assign first bit
        string[0] = nextbit
        # The next generated bit will
        # either be 0 or 1
        generateBinStr(string, length,
                       currlen + 1, occur, 0)
        generateBinStr(string, length,
                       currlen + 1, occur, 1)
        # If pattern "01" occurrence is < 2
        if occur < 2:
            # Set next bit
            string[currlen] = nextbit
            # If pattern "01" appears then
            # increase the occurrence of pattern
            if string[currlen - 1] == 0 and nextbit == 1:
                occur += 1
            generateBinStr(string, length,
                           currlen + 1, occur, 0)
            generateBinStr(string, length,
                           currlen + 1, occur, 1)
            # Else pattern "01" occurrence equals 2
            # If previous bit is 0 then next bit cannot be 1
            if string[currlen - 1] == 0 and nextbit == 1:
                # Otherwise
                string[currlen] = nextbit
                generateBinStr(string, length,
                               currlen + 1, occur, 0)
                generateBinStr(string, length,
                               currlen + 1, occur, 1)
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    n = 5
    # Length of the resulting strings
    # must be at least 4
    if n < 4:
        string = [None] * n
        # Generate all binary strings of length n
        # with sub-string "01" appearing twice
        generateBinStr(string, n, 0, 0, 0)
        generateBinStr(string, n, 0, 0, 1)
# This code is contributed by Rituraj Jain


// C# implementation of the above approach
using System;
class GFG
// Utility function to print the given binary string
static void printBinStr(int[] str, int len)
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
// This function will be called recursively
// to generate the next bit for given
// binary string according to its current state
static void generateBinStr(int[] str, int len, int currlen,
                                    int occur, int nextbit)
    // Base-case: if the generated binary string
    // meets the required length and the pattern "01"
    // appears twice
    if (currlen == len)
        // nextbit needs to be 0 because each time
        // we call the function recursively,
        // we call 2 times for 2 cases:
        // next bit is 0 or 1
        // The is to assure that the binary
        // string is printed one time only
        if (occur == 2 && nextbit == 0)
            printBinStr(str, len);
    // Generate the next bit for str
    // and call recursive
    if (currlen == 0)
        // Assign first bit
        str[0] = nextbit;
        // The next generated bit will wither be 0 or 1
        generateBinStr(str, len, currlen + 1, occur, 0);
        generateBinStr(str, len, currlen + 1, occur, 1);
    } else // If pattern "01" occurrence is < 2
    if (occur < 2)
        // Set next bit
        str[currlen] = nextbit;
        // If pattern "01" appears then
        // increase the occurrence of pattern
        if (str[currlen - 1] == 0 && nextbit == 1)
            occur += 1;
        generateBinStr(str, len, currlen + 1, occur, 0);
        generateBinStr(str, len, currlen + 1, occur, 1);
        // Else pattern "01" occurrence equals 2
    } else // If previous bit is 0 then next bit cannot be 1
    if (str[currlen - 1] == 0 && nextbit == 1)
        // Otherwise
        str[currlen] = nextbit;
        generateBinStr(str, len, currlen + 1, occur, 0);
        generateBinStr(str, len, currlen + 1, occur, 1);
// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    int n = 5;
    // Length of the resulting strings
    // must be at least 4
    if (n < 4)
        int[] str = new int[n];
        // Generate all binary strings of length n
        // with sub-string "01" appearing twice
        generateBinStr(str, n, 0, 0, 0);
        generateBinStr(str, n, 0, 0, 1);
// This code is contributed by Princi Singh


// Javascript implementation of the approach
// Utility function to print the given binary string
function printBinStr(str, len)
    for(var i = 0; i < len; i++)
// This function will be called recursively
// to generate the next bit for given
// binary string according to its current state
function generateBinStr(str, len, currlen, occur, nextbit)
    // Base-case: if the generated binary string
    // meets the required length and the pattern "01"
    // appears twice
    if (currlen == len)
        // nextbit needs to be  0 because each time
        // we call the function recursively,
        // we call 2 times for 2 cases:
        // next bit is 0 or 1
        // The is to assure that the binary
        // string is printed one time only
        if (occur == 2 && nextbit == 0)
            printBinStr(str, len);
    // Generate the next bit for str
    // and call recursive
    if (currlen == 0)
        // Assign first bit
        str[0] = nextbit;
        // The next generated bit will wither be 0 or 1
        generateBinStr(str, len, currlen + 1, occur, 0);
        generateBinStr(str, len, currlen + 1, occur, 1);
        // If pattern "01" occurrence is < 2
        if (occur < 2)
            // Set next bit
            str[currlen] = nextbit;
            // If pattern "01" appears then
            // increase the occurrence of pattern
            if (str[currlen - 1] == 0 && nextbit == 1)
                occur += 1;
            generateBinStr(str, len,
                   currlen + 1, occur, 0);
            generateBinStr(str, len,
                   currlen + 1, occur, 1);
        // Else pattern "01" occurrence equals 2
            // If previous bit is 0 then next
            // bit cannot be 1
            if (str[currlen - 1] == 0 && nextbit == 1)
            // Otherwise
                str[currlen] = nextbit;
                generateBinStr(str, len,
                       currlen + 1, occur, 0);
                generateBinStr(str, len,
                       currlen + 1, occur, 1);
// Driver code
var n = 5;
// Length of the resulting strings
// must be at least 4
if (n < 4)
    var str = Array(n);
    // Generate all binary strings of length n
    // with sub-string "01" appearing twice
    generateBinStr(str, n, 0, 0, 0);
    generateBinStr(str, n, 0, 0, 1);
// This code is contributed by importantly



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Artículo escrito por GiaKhangLam y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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