Números totales sin dígitos repetidos en un rango

Dado un rango, L, Rencuentre el total de tales números en el rango dado de modo que no tengan dígitos repetidos.
Por ejemplo:
12 no tiene dígito repetido.
22 tiene dígito repetido.
102, 194 y 213 no tienen dígito repetido.
212, 171 y 4004 tienen dígitos repetidos.


Input : 10 12
Output : 2
Explanation : In the given range 
10 and 12 have no repeated digit 
where as 11 has repeated digit.

Input : 1 100
Output : 90

Fuerza bruta

Recorreremos cada elemento en el rango dado y contaremos el número de dígitos que no tienen dígitos repetidos.


// C++ implementation of brute
// force solution.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to check if the given
// number has repeated digit or not
int repeated_digit(int n)
    unordered_set<int> s;
    // Traversing through each digit
    while(n != 0)
        int d = n % 10;
        // if the digit is present
        // more than once in the
        // number
        if(s.find(d) != s.end())
            // return 0 if the number
            // has repeated digit
            return 0;
        n = n / 10;
    // return 1 if the number has 
    // no repeated digit
    return 1;
// Function to find total number
// in the given range which has
// no repeated digit
int calculate(int L,int R)
    int answer = 0;
    // Traversing through the range
    for(int i = L; i < R + 1; ++i)
        // Add 1 to the answer if i has
        // no repeated digit else 0
        answer = answer + repeated_digit(i);
    return answer ;
// Driver Code
int main()
    int L = 1, R = 100;
    // Calling the calculate
    cout << calculate(L, R);
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by
// Sanjit_Prasad


// Java implementation of brute 
// force solution. 
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
class GFG
// Function to check if the given 
// number has repeated digit or not 
static int repeated_digit(int n) 
    LinkedHashSet<Integer> s = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    // Traversing through each digit 
    while (n != 0) 
        int d = n % 10;
        // if the digit is present 
        // more than once in the 
        // number 
        if (s.contains(d))
            // return 0 if the number 
            // has repeated digit 
            return 0;
        n = n / 10;
    // return 1 if the number has 
    // no repeated digit 
    return 1;
// Function to find total number 
// in the given range which has 
// no repeated digit 
static int calculate(int L, int R) 
    int answer = 0;
    // Traversing through the range 
    for (int i = L; i < R + 1; ++i) 
        // Add 1 to the answer if i has 
        // no repeated digit else 0 
        answer = answer + repeated_digit(i);
    return answer;
// Driver Code 
public static void main(String[] args) 
    int L = 1, R = 100;
    // Calling the calculate 
    System.out.println(calculate(L, R));
// This code is contributed by RAJPUT-JI


# Python implementation of brute 
# force solution.
# Function to check if the given 
# number has repeated digit or not 
def repeated_digit(n):
    a = []
    # Traversing through each digit
    while n != 0:
        d = n%10
        # if the digit is present
        # more than once in the
        # number
        if d in a:
            # return 0 if the number
            # has repeated digit
            return 0
        n = n//10
    # return 1 if the number has no
    # repeated digit
    return 1
# Function to find total number
# in the given range which has 
# no repeated digit
def calculate(L,R):
    answer = 0
    # Traversing through the range
    for i in range(L,R+1):
        # Add 1 to the answer if i has
        # no repeated digit else 0
        answer = answer + repeated_digit(i)
    # return answer
    return answer
# Driver's Code 
# Calling the calculate
print(calculate(L, R))


// C# implementation of brute 
// force solution. 
using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
class GFG 
// Function to check if the given 
// number has repeated digit or not 
static int repeated_digit(int n)
    var s = new HashSet<int>();
    // Traversing through each digit 
    while (n != 0)
        int d = n % 10;
        // if the digit is present 
        // more than once in the 
        // number 
        if (s.Contains(d)) 
            // return 0 if the number 
            // has repeated digit 
            return 0;
        n = n / 10;
    // return 1 if the number has 
    // no repeated digit 
    return 1;
// Function to find total number 
// in the given range which has 
// no repeated digit 
static int calculate(int L, int R) 
    int answer = 0;
    // Traversing through the range 
    for (int i = L; i < R + 1; ++i) 
        // Add 1 to the answer if i has 
        // no repeated digit else 0 
        answer = answer + repeated_digit(i);
    return answer;
// Driver Code 
public static void Main(String[] args)
    int L = 1, R = 100;
    // Calling the calculate 
    Console.WriteLine(calculate(L, R));
// This code is contributed by RAJPUT-JI


// PHP implementation of 
// brute force solution.
// Function to check if 
// the given number has
// repeated digit or not 
function repeated_digit($n)
    $c = 10;
    $a = array_fill(0, $c, 0);
    // Traversing through 
    // each digit
    while($n > 0)
        $d = $n % 10;
        // if the digit is present
        // more than once in the
        // number
        if ($a[$d] > 0)
            // return 0 if the number
            // has repeated digit
            return 0;
        $n = (int)($n / 10);
    // return 1 if the number 
    // has no repeated digit
    return 1;
// Function to find total 
// number in the given range 
// which has no repeated digit
function calculate($L, $R)
    $answer = 0;
    // Traversing through
    // the range
    for($i = $L; $i <= $R; $i++)
        // Add 1 to the answer if 
        // i has no repeated digit
        // else 0
        $answer += repeated_digit($i);
    // return answer
    return $answer;
// Driver Code 
$L = 1;
$R = 100;
// Calling the calculate
echo calculate($L, $R);
// This code is contributed by mits


Este método responderá cada consulta en tiempo O(N) .

Enfoque eficiente

Calcularemos una array de prefijos de los números que no tienen dígitos repetidos.

Prefix[i] = Total number with no repeated digit less than or equal to 1.

Por lo tanto, cada consulta se puede resolver en tiempo O(1) .

 Answer = Prefix[R] - Prefix[L-1]

A continuación se muestra la implementación de la idea anterior.


// C++ implementation of above idea 
#include <bits/stdc++.h> 
using namespace std;
// Maximum 
int MAX = 1000;
// Prefix Array 
vector<int> Prefix = {0};
// Function to check if the given 
// number has repeated digit or not 
int repeated_digit(int n)
    unordered_set<int> a;
    int d;
    // Traversing through each digit 
    while (n != 0)
        d = n % 10;
        // if the digit is present 
        // more than once in the 
        // number 
        if (a.find(d) != a.end()) 
            // return 0 if the number 
            // has repeated digit 
            return 0;
        n = n / 10;
    // return 1 if the number has no 
    // repeated digit 
    return 1;
// Function to pre calculate 
// the Prefix array 
void pre_calculation(int MAX)
    // Traversing through the numbers 
    // from 2 to MAX 
    for (int i = 2; i < MAX + 1; i++) 
        // Generating the Prefix array 
        Prefix.push_back(repeated_digit(i) + Prefix[i-1]);
// Calclute Function 
int calculate(int L,int R)
    // Answer 
    return Prefix[R] - Prefix[L-1];
// Driver code
int main()
    int L = 1, R = 100;
    // Pre-calculating the Prefix array. 
    // Calling the calculate function 
    // to find the total number of number 
    // which has no repeated digit 
    cout << calculate(L, R) << endl; 
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by Rituraj Jain


// Java implementation of above idea
import java.util.*;
class GFG 
    // Maximum
    static int MAX = 100;
    // Prefix Array
    static Vector<Integer> Prefix = new Vector<>();
    // Function to check if the given
    // number has repeated digit or not
    static int repeated_digit(int n)
        HashSet<Integer> a = new HashSet<>();
        int d;
        // Traversing through each digit
        while (n != 0) 
            d = n % 10;
            // if the digit is present
            // more than once in the
            // number
            if (a.contains(d))
                // return 0 if the number
                // has repeated digit
                return 0;
            n /= 10;
        // return 1 if the number has no
        // repeated digit
        return 1;
    // Function to pre calculate
    // the Prefix array
    static void pre_calculations() 
        // Traversing through the numbers
        // from 2 to MAX
        for (int i = 2; i < MAX + 1; i++)
            // Generating the Prefix array
            Prefix.add(repeated_digit(i) + Prefix.elementAt(i - 1));
    // Calclute Function
    static int calculate(int L, int R)
        // Answer
        return Prefix.elementAt(R) - Prefix.elementAt(L - 1);
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int L = 1, R = 100;
        // Pre-calculating the Prefix array.
        // Calling the calculate function
        // to find the total number of number
        // which has no repeated digit
        System.out.println(calculate(L, R));
// This code is contributed by
// sanjeev2552


# Python implementation of 
# above idea
# Prefix Array
Prefix = [0]
# Function to check if 
# the given number has 
# repeated digit or not 
def repeated_digit(n):
    a = []
    # Traversing through each digit
    while n != 0:
        d = n%10
        # if the digit is present
        # more than once in the
        # number
        if d in a:
            # return 0 if the number
            # has repeated digit
            return 0
        n = n//10
    # return 1 if the number has no
    # repeated digit
    return 1
# Function to pre calculate
# the Prefix array
def pre_calculation(MAX):
    # To use to global Prefix array
    global Prefix
    # Traversing through the numbers
    # from 2 to MAX
    for i in range(2,MAX+1):
        # Generating the Prefix array 
        Prefix.append( repeated_digit(i) +
                       Prefix[i-1] )
# Calclute Function
def calculate(L,R):
    # Answer
    return Prefix[R]-Prefix[L-1]
# Driver Code
# Maximum 
MAX = 1000
# Pre-calculating the Prefix array.
# Range
# Calling the calculate function
# to find the total number of number
# which has no repeated digit
print(calculate(L, R))


// C# implementation of above idea
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG 
    // Maximum
    static int MAX = 100;
    // Prefix Array
    static List<int> Prefix = new List<int>();
    // Function to check if the given
    // number has repeated digit or not
    static int repeated_digit(int n)
        HashSet<int> a = new HashSet<int>();
        int d;
        // Traversing through each digit
        while (n != 0) 
            d = n % 10;
            // if the digit is present
            // more than once in the
            // number
            if (a.Contains(d))
                // return 0 if the number
                // has repeated digit
                return 0;
            n /= 10;
        // return 1 if the number has no
        // repeated digit
        return 1;
    // Function to pre calculate
    // the Prefix array
    static void pre_calculations() 
        // Traversing through the numbers
        // from 2 to MAX
        for (int i = 2; i < MAX + 1; i++)
            // Generating the Prefix array
            Prefix.Add(repeated_digit(i) + 
                           Prefix[i - 1]);
    // Calclute Function
    static int calculate(int L, int R)
        // Answer
        return Prefix[R] - Prefix[L - 1];
    // Driver Code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        int L = 1, R = 100;
        // Pre-calculating the Prefix array.
        // Calling the calculate function
        // to find the total number of number
        // which has no repeated digit
        Console.WriteLine(calculate(L, R));
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


    // JavaScript implementation of brute
// force solution.
// Function to check if the given
// number has repeated digit or not
function repeated_digit(n){
    const s = new Set();
    // Traversing through each digit
    while(n != 0){
        let d = n % 10;
        // if the digit is present
        // more than once in the
        // number
            // return 0 if the number
            // has repeated digit
            return 0;
        n = Math.floor(n / 10);
    // return 1 if the number has
    // no repeated digit
    return 1;
// Function to find total number
// in the given range which has
// no repeated digit
function calculate(L, R){
    let answer = 0;
    // Traversing through the range
    for(let i = L; i < R + 1; ++i){
        // Add 1 to the answer if i has
        // no repeated digit else 0
        answer = answer + repeated_digit(i);
    return answer ;
// Driver Code
    let L = 1, R = 100;
    // Calling the calculate
    console.log(calculate(L, R));
// This code is contributed by Gautam goel (gautamgoel962)


Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por ShivamKD y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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