Progresión armónica Suma

Dado el primer elemento de la progresión ‘a’, diferencia común entre el elemento ‘d’ y el número de términos de la progresión ‘n’, donde  n, d, a \in [1, 100000]   . La tarea es generar una progresión armónica utilizando el conjunto de información anterior.

Input : a = 12, d = 12, n = 5 
Output : Harmonic Progression :
         1/12 1/24 1/36 1/48 1/60 

         Sum of the generated harmonic 
         progression : 0.19
         Sum of the generated harmonic 
         progression using approximation :0.19    

Progresión aritmética: En una progresión aritmética (AP) o secuencia aritmética es una secuencia de números tal que la diferencia entre los términos consecutivos es constante.
Progresión armónica: Una progresión armónica (o secuencia armónica) es una progresión formada tomando los recíprocos de una progresión aritmética.
Ahora, necesitamos generar esta progresión armónica. Incluso tenemos que calcular la suma de la secuencia generada.
1. La generación de HP o 1/AP es una tarea sencilla. El N-ésimo término en un AP = a + (n-1)d. Usando esta fórmula, podemos generar fácilmente la secuencia.
2. Calcular la suma de esta progresión o secuencia puede llevar tiempo. Podemos iterar mientras generamos esta secuencia o podemos usar algunas aproximaciones y llegar a una fórmula que nos dé un valor preciso hasta algunos lugares decimales. A continuación se muestra una fórmula aproximada.

Suma = 1/d (ln(2a + (2n – 1)d) / (2a – d))

Consulte para obtener detalles de la fórmula anterior.
A continuación se muestra la implementación de la fórmula anterior.


// C++ code to generate Harmonic Progression
// and calculate the sum of the progression.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function that generates the harmonic progression
// and calculates the sum of its elements by iterating.
double generateAP(int a, int d, int n, int AP[])
    double sum = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
        // HP = 1/AP
        // In AP, ith term is calculated by a+(i-1)d;
        AP[i] = (a + (i - 1) * d);
        // Calculating the sum.
        sum += (double)1 / (double)((a + (i - 1) * d));
    return sum;
// Function that uses riemann  sum method to calculate
// the approximate sum of HP in O(1) time complexity
double sumApproximation(int a, int d, int n)
    return log((2 * a + (2 * n - 1) * d) /
                            (2 * a - d)) / d;
// Driver code
int main()
    int a = 12, d = 12, n = 5;
    int AP[n + 5] ;
    // Generating AP from the above data
    double sum = generateAP(a, d, n, AP);
    // Generating HP from the generated AP
    cout<<"Harmonic Progression :"<<endl;
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
        cout << "1/" << AP[i] << " ";
    cout << endl;
    string str = "";
    str = str + to_string(sum);
    str = str.substr(0, 4);
    cout<< "Sum of the generated"
            <<" harmonic progression : " << str << endl;
    sum = sumApproximation(a, d, n);
    str = "";
    str = str + to_string(sum);
    str = str.substr(0, 4);
    cout << "Sum of the generated "
    << "harmonic progression using approximation : "
                                        << str;
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji


// Java code to generate Harmonic Progression
// and calculate the sum of the progression.
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
class GeeksforGeeks {
    // Function that generates the harmonic progression
    // and calculates the sum of its elements by iterating.
    static double generateAP(int a, int d, int n, int AP[])
        double sum = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            // HP = 1/AP
            // In AP, ith term is calculated by a+(i-1)d;
            AP[i] = (a + (i - 1) * d);
            // Calculating the sum.
            sum += (double)1 / (double)((a + (i - 1) * d));
        return sum;
    // Function that uses riemann  sum method to calculate
    // the approximate sum of HP in O(1) time complexity
    static double sumApproximation(int a, int d, int n)
        return Math.log((2 * a + (2 * n - 1) * d) /
                                 (2 * a - d)) / d;
    public static void main(String args[])
        int a = 12, d = 12, n = 5;
        int AP[] = new int[n + 5];
        // Generating AP from the above data
        double sum = generateAP(a, d, n, AP);
        // Generating HP from the generated AP
        System.out.println("Harmonic Progression :");
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            System.out.print("1/" + AP[i] + " ");
        String str = "";
        str = str + sum;
        str = str.substring(0, 4);
        System.out.println("Sum of the generated" +
                  " harmonic progression : " + str);
        sum = sumApproximation(a, d, n);
        str = "";
        str = str + sum;
        str = str.substring(0, 4);
        System.out.println("Sum of the generated " +
           "harmonic progression using approximation : "
                                              + str);


# Python3 code to generate Harmonic Progression
# and calculate the sum of the progression.
import math
# Function that generates the harmonic
# progression and calculates the sum of
# its elements by iterating.
n = 5;
AP = [0] * (n + 5);
def generateAP(a, d, n):
    sum = 0;
    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        # HP = 1/AP
        # In AP, ith term is calculated
        # by a+(i-1)d;
        AP[i] = (a + (i - 1) * d);
        # Calculating the sum.
        sum += float(1) / float((a + (i - 1) * d));
    return sum;
# Function that uses riemann  sum method to calculate
# the approximate sum of HP in O(1) time complexity
def sumApproximation(a, d, n):
        return math.log((2 * a + (2 * n - 1) * d) /
                                 (2 * a - d)) / d;
# Driver Code
a = 12;
d = 12;
#n = 5;
# Generating AP from the above data
sum = generateAP(a, d, n);
# Generating HP from the generated AP
print("Harmonic Progression :");
for i in range(1, n + 1):
    print("1 /", AP[i], end = " ");
str1 = "";
str1 = str1 + str(sum);
str1 = str1[0:4];
print("Sum of the generated harmonic",
               "progression :", str1);
sum = sumApproximation(a, d, n);
str1 = "";
str1 = str1 + str(sum);
str1 = str1[0:4];
print("Sum of the generated harmonic",
      "progression using approximation :", str1);
# This code is contributed by mits    


// C# code to generate Harmonic
// Progression and calculate
// the sum of the progression.
using System;
class GFG
    // Function that generates
    // the harmonic progression
    // and calculates the sum of
    // its elements by iterating.
    static double generateAP(int a, int d,
                             int n, int []AP)
        double sum = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            // HP = 1/AP
            // In AP, ith term is
            // calculated by a+(i-1)d;
            AP[i] = (a + (i - 1) * d);
            // Calculating the sum.
            sum += (double)1 /
                   (double)((a + (i - 1) * d));
        return sum;
    // Function that uses riemann
    // sum method to calculate
    // the approximate sum of HP
    // in O(1) time complexity
    static double sumApproximation(int a,
                                   int d, int n)
        return Math.Log((2 * a +
                        (2 * n - 1) * d) /
                        (2 * a - d)) / d;
    // Driver code
    static void Main()
        int a = 12, d = 12, n = 5;
        int []AP = new int[n + 5];
        // Generating AP from
        // the above data
        double sum = generateAP(a, d, n, AP);
        // Generating HP from
        // the generated AP
        Console.WriteLine("Harmonic Progression :");
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            Console.Write("1/" + AP[i] + " ");
        String str = "";
        str = str + sum;
        str = str.Substring(0, 4);
        Console.WriteLine("Sum of the generated" +
                " harmonic progression : " + str);
        sum = sumApproximation(a, d, n);
        str = "";
        str = str + sum;
        str = str.Substring(0, 4);
        Console.WriteLine("Sum of the generated " +
        "harmonic progression using approximation : "
                                            + str);
// This code is contributed by
// ManishShaw(manishshaw1)


// PHP code to generate Harmonic Progression
// and calculate the sum of the progression.
    // Function that generates the harmonic progression
    // and calculates the sum of its elements by iterating.
    function generateAP($a, $d, $n, &$AP)
        $sum = 0;
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $n; $i++) {
            // HP = 1/AP
            // In AP, ith term is calculated by a+(i-1)d;
            $AP[$i] = ($a + ($i - 1) * $d);
            // Calculating the sum.
            $sum += (double)1 / (double)(($a + ($i - 1) * $d));
        return $sum;
    // Function that uses riemann  sum method to calculate
    // the approximate sum of HP in O(1) time complexity
    function sumApproximation($a, $d, $n)
        return log((2 * $a + (2 * $n - 1) * $d) /
                                (2 * $a - $d)) / $d;
// Drive main
        $a = 12;
        $d = 12;
        $n = 5;
        $AP = array_fill(0,$n + 5,0);
        // Generating AP from the above data
        $sum = generateAP($a, $d, $n, $AP);
        // Generating HP from the generated AP
        echo "Harmonic Progression :\n";
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $n; $i++)
            echo "1/".$AP[$i]." ";
        echo "\n";
        $str = "";
        $str = $str.strval($sum);
        $str = substr($str,0, 4);
        echo "Sum of the generated".
                " harmonic progression : ".$str;
        $sum = sumApproximation($a, $d, $n);
        $str = "";
        $str = $str + strval($sum);
        $str = substr($str,0, 4);
        echo "\nSum of the generated ".
        "harmonic progression using approximation : ".$str;
// this code is contributed by mits                                           


// JavaScript code to generate Harmonic Progression
// and calculate the sum of the progression.
    // Function that generates the harmonic progression
    // and calculates the sum of its elements by iterating.
    function generateAP(a, d, n, AP)
        let sum = 0;
        for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            // HP = 1/AP
            // In AP, ith term is calculated by a+(i-1)d;
            AP[i] = (a + (i - 1) * d);
            // Calculating the sum.
            sum += 1 / ((a + (i - 1) * d));
        return sum;
    // Function that uses riemann  sum method to calculate
    // the approximate sum of HP in O(1) time complexity
    function sumApproximation(a, d, n)
        return Math.log((2 * a + (2 * n - 1) * d) /
                                 (2 * a - d)) / d;
// Driver code   
        let a = 12, d = 12, n = 5;
        let AP = [];
        // Generating AP from the above data
        let sum = generateAP(a, d, n, AP);
        // Generating HP from the generated AP
        document.write("Harmonic Progression :" + "<br/>");
        for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            document.write("1/" + AP[i] + " ");
        let str = "";
        str = str + sum;
        str = str.substring(0, 4);
        document.write("Sum of the generated" +
                  " harmonic progression : " + str + "<br/>");
        sum = sumApproximation(a, d, n);
        str = "";
        str = str + sum;
        str = str.substring(0, 4);
        document.write("Sum of the generated " +
           "harmonic progression using approximation : "
                                              + str + "<br/>");


Harmonic Progression :
1/12 1/24 1/36 1/48 1/60 
Sum of the generated harmonic progression : 0.19
Sum of the generated harmonic progression using approximation :0.19

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por parthendo y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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